Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 716

Chapter 716

He looked up at the sun that had just climbed up in the sky, and changed his direction again.

After locking in the location of the tent that was photographed on the first flight of the drone last night, Lin Yi directly took out a mountain bike in the system space.

He directly straddled it, started the engine, and drove towards the tent.

After all, at this moment, his location is in a jungle, and it is obviously unrealistic to drive in it.

And if he walks on two legs, this is something Lin Yi would never do.

After all, the distance from here to that camp is at least a few dozen miles.

For such a distance, if he were to walk on two legs, then Lin Yi was sure that by the time he found it, it would probably already be dark.

Not only that, but his physical strength will be almost exhausted by then.

But he couldn't drive or walk. Lin Yi immediately thought that there were several mountain motorcycles in his system space.

This time it is more appropriate to take it out.

Sure enough, after riding this kind of mountain bike, although it is very bumpy, it is not much stronger than walking.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Yi the most was that he had been driving for nearly half an hour since he got on the motorcycle, but he never encountered the pack of wolves again.

This made Lin Yi very surprised. Could it be that the pack of wolves really receded?

Or were the wolves startled by the beeping sound of the motorcycle under their ass?

Of course, no matter what the reason was, in a word, the pack of wolves was not following him, which also made Lin Yi heave a sigh of relief.

Time passed by and Lin Yi finally walked out of the woods when Lin Yi felt that his **** and hands were numb from the bumps.

However, just when Lin Yi thought about finally getting out of the woods, he could take out the off-road vehicle in his system space and drive.

But after he was stunned to discover the woods, although the road was said to have no trees, it was not much better than the woods.

In desperation, he had to continue riding his motorcycle towards the camp.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't ride his bike vigorously either.

When he felt a little numb in his hands, he would stop the car and rest for a while.

At the same time, it will also turn on its own drone, let it lift off, check its orientation, and identify whether it is going the wrong way.

Just stop and go like this, and finally, after nearly two and a half hours, Lin Yi was only two miles away from the small village made up of tents.

Even on a hilltop, Lin Yi could vaguely see the tent.

This made Lin Yi overjoyed, subconsciously wanting to turn the accelerator and rush over there.

But suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind, that is, whether the people here have ever seen a motorcycle.

As for why he had such an idea, it was entirely because he couldn't see the shadow of the locomotive in the tent area where he saw it.

Not only that, he didn't even see the shadow of modern technology, and vaguely, Lin Yi had heard the sound of horses roaring.

This also indirectly shows that humans here may still use horses as a means of transportation.

And if you go there rashly on a motorcycle, will it cause unnecessary trouble?

After thinking of this, Lin Yi simply rolled over and got out of the car, and immediately put the motorcycle into the system space.

For unnecessary trouble, I'd better walk there.

Of course, Lin Yi did not put away the camouflage training uniform on his body and the equipment on his body.

In fact, he also had an idea in his mind.

That is, if these people are human beings on the same plane as themselves, then when they see the clothes on themselves, they will believe in themselves even more.

Don't ask why, after all, the bright red square flag on your arm can give people a sense of security.

When thinking about it like this, Lin Yi had already stepped forward and walked over there.

After all, at this moment, Lin Yi's physical fitness is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people, so he only took five minutes to trot the two-mile distance.

It's just that when he came to the outside of the camp, he was surprised to find a point that made him very confused.

That is, at the center of the tent at this moment, there is a big flag stuck on it.

Not only that, but there is also a big "You" embroidered on the flag!

Combined with this somewhat desolate tent and the antique banner, Lin Yi already had a faint bad feeling in his heart at this moment.

Everything here doesn't look like the 21st century on the same plane as myself!

However, just as he was standing in a daze in front of this large camp of Suddenly, two men in leather armor with spears in their hands walked out towards him quickly. .

Just when he looked at the two of them in a daze, their voices also entered Lin Yi's ears at the same time:

"Who is coming? Quickly report the name!

You dare to trespass on my frontier army camp, do you know that this is a big crime to lose your head? "

The voices of the two were so loud and resonant that Lin Yi's ears were buzzing.

It is precisely because of these two thunder-like voices that Lin Yi regained his senses, and his thoughts returned to reality. Looking at these two guys in ancient soldier costumes, he blurted out for a while:

"Uh, the two little brothers ask, are you filming?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the two people on the opposite side were stunned, including Lin Yi himself.

He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I already knew that the system had transported me to a different plane, but to have such doubts is simply the embodiment of an idiot.

In this big forest where birds don't shit, how could they be filming?

What's more, let alone photographic equipment, there is not even anything related to modern technology.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Yi's question, the two people on the opposite side looked at each other, and then glared at Lin Yi again. One of the bearded guys asked loudly:

"Who the **** are you? Why didn't you answer my question quickly, why did you break into my frontier army camp? Let me ask you, are you from my Dayou country?"

To be continued. . . .