Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 717

Chapter 717

With the words of the two people speaking, Lin Yi's mind quickly thought about the content of the words they said.

Listening to the tone and words used by the two of them, Lin Yi can be sure that these are definitely not words that modern people can say.

If they are really modern people, then these two guys are definitely two patients with advanced secondary disease.

Because of this, Lin Yi even vaguely felt something.

Not only that, but in the words of the two men, the two names 'Bianjun Camp' and 'Dayu Kingdom' were mentioned.

As the name suggests, the word frontier army has been the name of the army guarding the frontier since ancient times.

This further confirmed what he had guessed in his heart.

If it is not unexpected, his plane this time did not move forward, but pulled back into history.

It's just that in his mind, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember which dynasty this Dayu Kingdom was.

Although Lin Yi's historical achievements are not very ideal, he can still distinguish the most basic dynasty information.

Beginning with the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Yao, Shun, and Yu were handed down; Xia, Shang and Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou were divided into two sections; Spring and Autumn and Warring States, unified Qin and Han;

Three points of Wei, Shu and Wu, the front and back of the Second Jin Dynasty; the Northern and Southern Dynasties were established side by side, and passed down to the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties; Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, the imperial dynasty ended here.

However, no matter how he changed the number of representatives of the dynasties, he still failed to find out which dynasties had the existence of Dayu Kingdom.

For a while, Lin Yi's mind was spinning wildly. Could it be that this is a plane parallel to his own era?

Or, is this just an illusory plane?

"Why are you in a daze? I'm asking you something! Are you a big temptress? Take out your ID and I'll take a look."

Seeing Lin Yi in a daze, one of the two shouted loudly at Lin Yi again.

And this sentence also brought Lin Yi back to reality from his thoughts.

Looking at the vicious two people in front of him, Lin Yi smiled helplessly, then clasped his fists and prepared to ask what dynasty this place was.

However, before he could speak, the big bearded man said to his companion next to him:

"I don't think he looks like our Dayou people, you look at his outfit, it's obvious that this is the work of an enemy country.

I think it's better to arrest him directly and leave it to the general to decide. "

Who would have thought that after hearing this sentence, his companion immediately nodded in agreement. The two looked at each other and pointed their spears at Lin Yi. At the same time, they shouted loudly. Take it easy.

This made Lin Yi also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly pulled back subconsciously, and at the same time waved his hands to explain that he was not the meticulous work they said.

However, at this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance.

Not only that, Lin Yi only felt a shaking sensation under his feet.

This made Lin Yi's heart startled, could it be an earthquake?

Just when he was stunned, just when he thought it was an earthquake, the two people on the opposite side suddenly looked shocked, and then looked at Lin Yi, their faces became extremely ugly, and the beard was even more vicious. 's mouth said:

"You really are a spy! Sixth, go and inform the generals, I'll kill this kid first!"

After saying this, the strong man waved the spear in his hand and stabbed Lin Yi's chest directly.

After seeing such a situation, Lin Yi raised the pistol in his hand without saying a word.

No matter who the other party is, but since his life is threatened at this moment, he will never keep him.

As for showing mercy, Lin Yi had never considered such a thing at all.

Not to mention whether it was in ancient times at this moment, even in the real world, Lin Yi did not show any mercy when facing those beautiful people on the high seas.

In this case, mercy towards the enemy is cruelty towards oneself.

Lin Yi knew this very well.

However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, suddenly there was a loud shout from behind the man:


With this loud shout of sonar, the man who was already rushing towards Lin Yi suddenly grabbed his hand, and his entire body stopped in place, and then hurriedly turned around to look at the person who came.

Not only that, after seeing the person coming, the big man with a beard on his face respectfully clasped his fist at the person who came, and at the same time called out:

"I've seen the general!"

I saw that in the tent, a general wearing a silver chain mail walked over quickly.

Behind him, followed by a group of soldiers holding long knives, spears and other weapons.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yi's finger that originally wanted to pull the trigger loosened slightly, and at the same time lowered the pistol.

Then he raised his eyelids and looked at the person in front of But at this sight, Lin Yi couldn't help but be taken aback.

The man in front of him was wearing a silver chain mail, and he wore a silver tiger head on his chest.

He wears a bright silver tiger helmet with a handful of red feathers floating on it.

He stepped on a pair of leather boots and hung a three-foot long sword around his waist.

Looking at this sword, a red gemstone the size of a pigeon egg is set on the hilt.

Just in this outfit, it's just so cool.

Even Lin Yi was thinking in his heart that when he went back, he would definitely build himself such an armor.

Let's not talk about what to wear or not, mainly because it is handsome enough to be there.

Of course, if such an idea wants to be realized, then the first thing he has to consider is how to go back.

Look at the silver-armored general in front of him.

Although his face was full of serious looks, this face was handsome enough.

That's right, it's so beautiful!

This is very different from the ancient generals that Lin Yi saw in movies or TV series.

This is nothing, when Lin Yi saw that the other party looked very handsome, he subconsciously moved his gaze downward.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, Lin Yi wasn't looking at her chest, Lin Yi was looking at his neck.

When he saw that there were no protrusions on the smooth neck, Lin Yi couldn't hold back and said directly:

"Uh, there is no Adam's apple, it's actually a woman?"

However, when Lin Yi said these words, the general who was walking towards him was obviously stunned.

Afterwards, her brows furrowed tightly, and she looked coldly at Lin Yi, a guy dressed in strange clothes.

To be continued. . . .