Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 715

Chapter 715

It can also be seen that although those wolves are afraid of these lights, they have no intention of leaving.

It is very likely that these wolves have been hungry for a long time, and finally saw a strange thing, or they have smelled humans.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them to retreat so easily.

That's what wolves are, that's their nature.

This is also why in the 21st century, many companies pay attention to a wolf culture.

But since the searchlights were turned on around the flying saucer at this moment, and the doors of each entrance were closed tightly, then Lin Yi no longer worried about these wolves.

He lay back on the bed again, but perhaps it was because of the existence of these wolves. Although Lin Yi was 100% sure that he was safe at this moment, he was not in the mood to continue sleeping.

He raised his wrist and looked at the time, it was now four o'clock in the morning.

Judging from how I felt outside yesterday, the weather at this moment should be summer.

Then it should be more than an hour before the sun rises.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi simply woke up and stopped sleeping. Instead, he took out some meals in the space and started to eat breakfast.

After the water was full and the food was full, sure enough, in the eastern sky, there was a faint hint of fish belly white.

After simply packing the leftover tableware into the system space, Lin Yi looked out the window again.

Although he didn't see any trace of those wolves at this moment, Lin Yi knew that those things probably didn't leave.

For safety's sake, Lin Yi sat directly on the chair and began to search in the system space.

And this is also the benefit of this system upgrade, that is, Lin Yi can browse everything in this system space in his mind like browsing a warehouse.

As long as Lin Yi's thoughts arrive, the system space will be clearly presented in front of Lin Yi's eyes, including what is in it, he can see clearly.

In this way, it can be said that it has brought great convenience to Lin Yi.

After all, before this system upgrade, what was put into Lin Yi's system space completely needed her to remember with her mind.

If you don't use it for a long time, it is likely to be forgotten, so you don't even know that there is such a thing in the system space.

But now with this skill, there will be no such thing again.

After a while of rummaging, there were a few more things on the table in front of Lin Yi.

If there are modern people here at this moment, they will recognize what these things are at a glance.

Not only that, but when you see these things, you will definitely take a deep breath.

As for the reason, of course, these things are not allowed to be owned by individuals in modern society.

These items are a loaded pistol, a D-80 tiger tooth saber, a bottle of tear gas, and a nano bulletproof vest, plus a tactical camouflage training uniform. (ps: This is no longer a modern society, and the God of Crabs is very careful!)

Fortunately, this plane is not the world it used to be.

Otherwise, with these things, Lin Yi would have to be invited in to squat for a few days.

Of course, this does not mean that the things Lin Yi took out were not legal.

Instead, these are genuine military items.

As for why he had it, of course, it was brought to him by Ouyang Lei.

Not only that, but through formal channels.

You know, at this moment, Lin Yi is no longer as simple as an ordinary person.

On the small red book, Lin Yi is also a big man with two bars of Samsung.

Even if it's just two-bar Samsung in name, it's the real deal.

Don't look at how scary these things are at this moment, but in Lin Yi's system space, there is something even more heaven-defying, and that is the standard nine-five assault rifle.

But thinking about that thing is useless now, and on the contrary, it is quite heavy, it will only increase his own weight, so Lin Yi directly threw him in the system space.

As for why Lin Yi would take out these things at this moment, it was entirely because his own life was at stake.

Didn't you see that a pack of wolves had already appeared outside?

In such an unknown plane, it is impossible to say what kind of danger will appear in the next moment.

It is better to arm yourself first and let yourself have the ability to protect yourself.

Of course, these are not all Lin Yi's insurance.

Don't forget, in his space, there is still a set of Iron Man's armor.

If it weren't for the fact that the thing was so cool that it would be regarded as a monster after going out, he would have already taken it out and put it on at this moment.

After putting this set of training clothes on the body, I put the pistol that went to court in the As for the calf, I also tied the one Military dagger.

After equipping all of this, Lin Yi took out another mirror from the space and looked up and down at himself. Not to mention this outfit, this thing is indeed handsome enough to wear.

Nodding with satisfaction, then flipping his palm, he took out two dark grenades in the system space and hung them in the special pocket on his chest.

At this moment, Lin Yi seemed to be dressed like a special forces soldier.

If there were a few camouflages on his face at this moment, he would just throw it in the jungle to fight.

After making all the preparations, Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Put mirrors and other objects back into the system space.

He stood up and glanced around the jungle outside the spaceship.

After finding nothing unusual, he opened the hatch and walked down.

Not only that, but when he went down, he directly retracted the spaceship back into the system space.

To say that with this system space is convenient.

This huge flying saucer can be thrown directly into it, and even the space occupied after entering it is not a drop in the bucket.

Just like a flying saucer of this size, Lin Yi can be 100% sure that even if he throws in a dozen or so, it won't take up much space.

In this way, it is enough to show how huge the system space is.

After putting away the flying saucer, Lin Yi directly held the dark pistol in his hand.

After all, there are wolves around, and it is impossible to say that a vicious wolf will rush towards him in the next moment. Only with a gun in his hand can he feel a sense of security.

[To be continued. . . .