Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Not only that, under the noise of this high-intensity friction after more than ten seconds, the entire ship did not move forward at all.

In other words, after such a long period of friction, the thing that was blocking the advance of the drill was not broken.

This made Lin Yi a little uncertain for a while, what kind of situation happened.

I don't know what was blocking it.

Is it really just ore?

But what kind of ore has such strength?

Or is there a special metal mineral in the moon's interior?

Although very puzzled, Lin Yi also felt that this was a relatively normal thing.

After all, the moon is the first time humans have set foot on the moon.

Humans do not know what kind of minerals are on this mysterious planet.

Because of this, Lin Yi decisively ordered the ship to retreat after a period of time without the slightest advance.

However, he did not go back, but wanted to control the ship to go around what was in front of him.

In this way, the ship that was going straight forward, after retreating for a distance, turned a corner directly and drilled towards the other side.

In order to successfully avoid this area, Lin Yi even controlled the ship to drill horizontally for nearly 50 meters before continuing to move forward.

According to his guess, even if the mining area is relatively dense, 50 meters is enough.

In fact, to be honest, Lin Yi still has another guess in his heart.

That is the thing that I just drilled into, and it is likely to be the culprit that caused this crater, that is, the meteorite that once hit the moon, or a small comet.

And what kind of material is this extraterrestrial meteorite iron? Why is it so hard?

Haven't you heard of such a saying in ancient times? Meteorite falling from the sky. Build a supreme warrior.

Because of this, it is normal for that thing to be hard.

I have to say that Lin Yi's imagination is really rich enough.

If this guy were to write novels, he wouldn't be able to write a great author.

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yi to write novels at this moment, and it is impossible for him to write novels in this life.

After all, the way of life of an online author who is tired of being a dog every day is not what he likes.

Ahem, a little off topic, let's go back to the book and continue talking.

Lin Yi chose to retreat strategically and bypass this place.

But what made him helpless was that even if he had crossed a distance of 50 meters, when he conducted a special survey, the situation just now still occurred.

For a while, Lin Yi was very helpless. Could it be that the volume of the meteorite or comet inside has exceeded 100 meters?

When he thought of this, Lin Yi simply turned around again and continued to hit horizontally for 100 meters.

At the same time, I was still thinking in my heart, this time I should pass you around, right?

However, the next scene left him completely speechless.

After a distance of 100 meters, he continued to be blocked by that unknown thing.

It was followed by 150 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, and until the ship's maximum excavation depth, it still failed to break through that obstacle.

For a while, Lin Yi felt so depressed.

"Damn it, what exactly is this thing?

Even in a mining area, it is impossible to have such a high density!

There is always a gap for me to go through!

Is this thing really watch out for comets?

But it shouldn't be!

This has already passed at least 600 meters. If there is such a big comet, it will not collide with the moon all at once? "

This is not an exaggeration by Lin Yi. A comet with a diameter of 600 meters hitting the surface of the moon will definitely cause considerable fluctuations.

And the small crater outside is definitely not at such a level.

However, Lin Yi did not give up, but chose to return the same way, came to the original position, and continued to dig in the opposite direction.

However, in a blink of an eye, it was another 600 meters.

In this direction, Lin Yi still failed to conduct a special exploration, and was still blocked by that unknown object.

This time, Lin Yi was completely stunned.

I just drilled out 600 meters horizontally, and this time I drilled out 600 meters in the reverse direction, adding up to a full 1200 meters!

And this is also because the ship he is riding on is restricted by the itinerary and cannot continue to explore forward, that is to say, he still does not know how many meters ahead of it.

And it is precisely because of this that Lin Yi directly gave up the previous idea. It is very likely that this is not an alien celestial body, not a so-called satellite or meteorite.

In all likelihood, this is the structure of the Moon's interior.

What made him a little confused was that he drilled directly into the ground for about 100 meters, which was still 108,000 kilometers away from the core of the moon.

If this is placed on the earth, a deeper well will be more than this depth.

How is it possible that the interior of the moon has such a high density?

Under the influence of Lin Yi didn't plan to move forward at all, but manipulated the excavation ship to start digging around the point where he first drilled in.

Soon, under his operation, a space the size of a football field appeared in this area 100 meters below the moon's surface.

After doing all this, Lin Yi could also vaguely see what was blocking him in front of him.

As for why it can be vaguely seen, it is entirely because it is really dark inside.

Only relying on the light he carried on his side and through the glass of the ship, it was difficult to successfully see the true face of the wall still clinging to the earth in front of him.

However, it was not difficult for Lin Yi. Since he couldn't see clearly when he was sitting here, he simply kept doing it and started to control the ship to continue to expand.

Not only that, but this time Lin Yi did even better, simply digging a big hole.

According to his idea, I directly dig a pothole the size of a football field at the depth of more than 100 meters. Can I directly drive the flying saucer outside?

When the flying saucer flew in, not only would there be a more intense light source, but he could even put on his space suit and go down there to see for himself what was blocking his way.

Just do what you say, Lin Yi's unyielding character, coupled with the powerful digging speed of this first ship, after an hour of hard work, finally a deep pit with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in this way. Lin Yi's feet.

[To be continued. . . .