Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Returning to the interior of the flying saucer, he directly controlled the flying saucer to fly down toward the bottom of the pit.

This time, with the addition of the flying saucer, the bottom was quickly illuminated, and it can be said that it is almost as bright as day.

What is even more commendable is that the size of this pit is almost the same as the size of a flying saucer.

And with the control of the elves, the flying saucer went straight down to the bottom with ease.

This time, because of the existence of the flying saucer, Lin Yi put on a space suit and jumped directly under the light of the searchlight on the flying saucer.

With the previous activities on the surface of the moon, Lin Yi had already adapted to the gravity of the moon at this time.

Because of this, he soon came to the barrier below that blocked his progress.

When he approached, he was stunned to find that it turned out to be a whole wall.

Its neatness is almost like a knife cut with an axe, and there is not even the slightest bulge.

At this moment, although it is covered by the soil on the lunar surface, some places have been marked by Lin Yi's controller, the Unicorn.

Because of this, when Lin Yi looked at those marks, he was stunned to find that there was a metallic luster underneath these marks.

This aroused Lin Yi's curiosity even more. At the same time, he directly stretched out his hand and stroked the soil wall in front of him.

Then gently wave, the soil above slides off.

Soon, a smooth surface of one square meter appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes:

"Fuck, this is not right! This is definitely not the original internal structure of the moon. It is definitely not any minerals or comets.

This **** looks like man-made steel. "

That's right, just as Lin Yi said, the place in front of him that was wiped out by himself is like a neat steel plate.

Not only that, when Lin Yi reached out and tapped it, the sound was like metal.

"What the **** is going on here? What the **** is this? Could it be that there is an underground fortress buried in this crater?"

For a while, Lin Yi's mind quickly turned, and he was even thinking, could it be that someone has already logged on to the moon and established an underground base under the ground?

Could it be that this is something done by people in beautiful countries?

But who knows that he has overturned this idea again. If this base is really done by humans on earth, then when he announces the moon landing, someone will definitely jump out to stop him.

And he would never build such a large base on the moon so smoothly.

But if this is not what humans do, what is it?

Obviously, this piece of metal wall in front of me is definitely not naturally formed.

For a while, Lin Yi thought quickly in his mind, not knowing what was going on.

But soon he found a way.

No matter what this thing is, whether it is an underground fort or not, Lin Yi intends to dig it out and take a look.

To say that this guy is really brave enough to dare to choose to do this when he has not figured out what the other party is, this is simply too risky.

If this is really an underground base, or if there are aliens living in it, then his behavior is tantamount to bringing him great danger.

Not only himself, if this is really the product of alien civilization, then maybe it will bring a lot of trouble to the moon base he just established.

It is not certain that it will be destroyed by the other party.

Not only that, if you speculate too much, if Lin Yi's rash action this time angered the other party, it is not impossible that the entire human beings on earth will be affected.

Of course, at this moment, Lin Yi didn't think about it so much, but was thinking about what this thing was, and just wanted to get this thing out and figure it out.

So, Lin Yi jumped on the spaceship directly here, drove the Unicorn, and continued to dig along the huge cave at the bottom.

This time, he chose a longer working method.

That is to use the unicorn to open up a channel for the flying saucer, so that the unicorn can continue to dig forward.

In this way, Lin Yi has been busy for nearly a whole day and has dug a distance of dozens of kilometers.

But what made him helpless was that he still failed to dig to the end of the metal wall.

This time, Lin Yi was even more confused, and after such a whole day of digging, Lin Yi also discovered that this wall

It is completely at a position about 400 meters below the surface of the moon.

The reason why I only dug a distance of 100 meters before I dug this metal wall is because I had already excavated at the bottom of the crater.

After coming to this conclusion, Lin Yi did not continue, but a bold guess appeared in his mind.

Could it be that the entire lunar surface is covered by this layer of metal shell?

Thinking about it this Lin Yi changed his strategy again, directly controlling the spaceship, landing every ten kilometers, and digging a deep hole.

In this way, it can be said that the work efficiency is greatly increased, so that it can better confirm the bold guess in my heart.

After a series of operation experiments, Lin Yi finally came to a conclusion that his bold guess might be real.

About 400 meters below the moon's surface, the whole is covered by an unknown metal plate.

However, under a huge crater, just as Lin Yi was digging, suddenly, a system alert sounded in his mind.

And when he heard this system prompt tone, Lin Yi was stunned:

[Ding, it is detected that the tenth system task of the master has been completed.

Mission completion is 100%.

Accumulated mission completion degree 10/10

As a special reminder, the master has now completed ten tasks in the second level of the system.

After completing the ten system tasks, the system can be upgraded. Now that the system upgrade conditions have been met, the system will now be upgraded and improved. May I ask you, master, whether to upgrade?


Hearing the prompt that suddenly appeared in his mind, Lin Yi froze in place. For a while, he couldn't understand, is the tenth system mission completed like this?

Could it be that this has found the secret of the moon?

[To be continued. . . .