Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 706

Chapter 706

After all, the space after the magnification of ten times can only seat one person, and if it is not enlarged, can it only seat 0.3 people?

How can this be done?

Or is it that at the beginning of the design, this thing was not intended for human beings to actually do it, but was controlled by a system or a robot?

But this is not realistic. The size of the robots that I designed is set according to the weight and height of human beings, and even their standard body height is 1.8 meters.

In this case, how does this allow the robot to sit in this excavation ship?

However, this doubt was quickly answered when Lin Yi sat in the boat.

It turned out that when he sat inside, he was stunned to find that when he sat in it, it was like lying inside.

While his upper body is exposed, the lower body cannot be seen at all, just like a sleeping bag. The whole person lay flat inside.

That is to say, the part he saw outside just now was completely the space for the entire upper body to move.

In this way, the space is enlarged a lot. In addition, the standard at the beginning of the design of this thing did not give the driver too much room for movement. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is close to both sides. of.

Because of this, even if it has not been enlarged by itself, it is no problem for this thing to sit alone.

This little episode was quickly forgotten, but the next question followed, which also made him a little confused.

That is, although he has already sat in the cockpit at this moment, he is surprised to find that he will not be driving this unicorn ship.

Looking at the dense operation control buttons, buttons, etc. in front of him, Lin Yi was a little dumbfounded for a while, what should he do?

But I have to say that this guy is really brave enough, even if he doesn't know how to control it, he still presses the red power switch.

According to Lin Yi's own thoughts, this thing will not be a problem, it can be explored completely.

The main point is that there is no worry about the existence of other airships or flying saucers here.

It's a big deal to rampage on the surface of the moon a few times, what's the point?

Don't old drivers have to go through a lot of hard work before they can be trained?

Who can come up and find the way back to kindergarten?

How can you know so many teachers without your own efforts?

Including the teacher Bodo on his flying saucer. If it weren't for the long-term self-study of those textbooks, how could it be possible to know her?

However, it was precisely because of Lin Yi's idea that when he pressed the switch on this thing, a familiar character appeared on the virtual screen in front of him.

That's right, this guy turned out to be the elf on the flying saucer, and it was the Bodo form he set up.

"So you can still connect to this. Isn't that just a coincidence?"

Seeing the appearance of this little elf, Lin Yi suddenly felt a long sigh of relief. It seemed that he thought too much. This thing is still relatively intelligent and can be connected with the main flying saucer.

And sure enough, when he heard his words, the elf in front of him also gave the same answer.

Tell Lin Yi that the ship and the flying saucer have an intercommunication relationship, and both use the same intelligent control system.

In this way, with the help of the elf, Lin Yi is no longer worried.

Want to do something, want to control the spaceship to do, just need to say a word to the elf. This feeling made Lin Yi seem to have found the taste of salted fish again.

I have to say, this is exactly what Lin Yi likes.

Whether it's on the Earth's nuclear group, or here, as long as you can't do something, then you won't reach out at all.

Finally able to successfully control the Unicorn, Lin Yi immediately gave the order to get in.

What I have to say is that this Unicorn's excavation speed is really fast enough.

When his pointed spiral point was aimed at the ground, it began to turn rapidly.

As it turned, Lin Yi didn't feel much frustration, and could dig down at a speed of almost one meter per second.

This speed may seem very slow, but don't forget, one meter per second is 60 meters per minute.

Not to mention on the moon, how many devices can reach such a speed on the earth?

Soon, in a few breaths, Lin Yi said that the excavation ship he was riding on had plunged deeply into the ground of the moon.

And his vision began to dim.

There was only one thing that made him worry, but it didn't happen.

At first, when he drove this thing toward the ground to dig, he was still worried that the excess soil produced by the digging would bury them all underground.

However, it was obvious that he had considered too much.

This unicorn ship is not only equipped with the kind of spiral sharp angle specially used for excavation in the front, but also has a hose with a thickness of half a meter in the back that leads to the outside of this deep pit~www The soil extracted earlier will be discharged to the outside of the pit in an instant.

This also allows them to move forward smoothly.

However, such good times did not last long.

Just when Lin Yi sighed about the usefulness of this thing, the whole Unicorn suddenly stopped, and then, there was a harsh rubbing sound in front.

Normally, there is no air on the surface of the moon, so there is no medium for sound transmission, and sound should not be heard.

However, after all, at this moment, Lin Yi was sitting in the Unicorn.

And this sound is the sound produced by the sharp spiral horn in front of it through friction, which is transmitted to Lin Yi's ears through the hull and then through the air inside the hull.

The sound is like the screeching sound of high-strength metals rubbing against each other.

Hearing it in Lin Yi's ears, it was extremely harsh, and even Lin Yi couldn't help covering his ears subconsciously.

At the same time, a thought also occurred in Lin Yi's mind:

"Damn, did you find metal ore?"

However, Lin Yi knew that the spiral sharp corners in front of this ship were made of special materials, and even the hardest ore on earth could not stop it from advancing.

When he thought about it, he should be able to break through here soon and move on.

But what he never expected was that after more than ten seconds of this continuous friction sound, it still did not stop.

Not only that, the entire

[To be continued. . . .