Return Of The War God - Chapter 804

Chapter 804

hof knows the unblockers

This burst of bright light suddenly alarmed countless people on the entire war fortress!

Because this fluctuating atmosphere is really amazing!

Ye Wuque's heart trembled extremely, even with his current cultivation base, he felt extremely heart palpitations at the aura contained in this fluctuation, and he couldn't stand it even for one more breath, and he immediately retreated quickly.

At the same time, Ye Wuque also saw the countless figures of the disciples of the holy ways of the heavens and was shocked. He even wanted to step forward to take a look. He immediately said loudly, "Everyone, all back!"

Although I don't know why the saint son spoke like this, all the disciples of the holy roads of the heavens who heard it immediately did so, and their bodies burst back!

When everyone withdrew to tens of thousands of feet, I saw that the lounge where Yu Jiaoxue was in was shrouded in radiant light within a radius of nearly tens of thousands of feet, spewing terrifying power!

This force, let alone the cultivator of the mortal-washing realm, even the cultivator of the early stage of the soul-destined realm will have very heart palpitations, and even be seriously injured in an instant!

All the disciples immediately felt that they were extremely scared and sweaty. If it were not for the reminder of the son, I am afraid that at this moment they have been completely reduced to ashes by this power because of their curiosity!

Ye Wuque stood up long, standing in front of all the disciples, his black hair surging, his bright eyes staring at the soaring light, his expression changed slightly!

Because he saw the soaring light slowly changing, it seemed to form a huge figure tens of thousands of feet tall!

At the same time, Ye Wuque also felt a familiar fluctuation!

"This is... the incarnation of a peerless empress?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, as if thinking of this fluctuation.


In the next instant, there was a sudden roar between the heaven and the earth, and the sky seemed to be completely covered by this figure!

The moment this figure appeared, a holy breath spread like an ocean, echoing over the entire war fortress!

This is a slender figure. She has a figure of perfect proportions like gold. Her skin is as clear as jade, and glaze is like crystal. She exudes a mysterious, ancient and magnificent breath. It is a pity that her face is fuzzy. , Not really.

The perfect figure is draped in a jade-colored battle armor, foot combat boots, a crotch skirt is surrounded, two arms are covered by battle armor, a long jade-colored hair is wrapped around the divine glory, with a certain battle helmet, on the chest, The jade-colored heart mirror shines with inexplicable light!

She stands on the sky of nine heavens, without a trace of fireworks, but invisibly exudes a breath of palpitation!

Incomparably holy, noble and unparalleled!

It seems that she is a peerless female emperor standing in the long river of time, and she is also a female tyrant who has fought for nine days and ten places in endless years!

She has an unparalleled glorious past, even if time rots and years wither, she can live forever in this body without any problems!

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A breath called "Invincible" suddenly circulates in nine heavens and ten places, six in harmony with eight wastes!

At this moment, four streams of light suddenly burst out from the black iron fortress of the war fortress. After standing above the void, four figures appeared. It was the Heavenly Lord, the Tianzheng Lord, the Linglong Lord and the Black and White Lord. Four people!

"What's going on? The vision of such a degree that even the sky, sun and moon are completely submerged, is too amazing!"

The thunderous gaze of the Holy Master of Tianzheng stared at the unparalleled figure above the void, and there was an infinite surprise in his eyes!

"This wave of fluctuation, the breath is so vast, as if it can penetrate the past, the present, and the future! Could it be..."

The Lord Linglong moved in her heart and looked at the Lord of the End of the World.

"It should be right, this breath belongs to her."

Sage Master Tianya slowly nodded, and his wise eyes swept slightly towards the source of the vision below, as if he could see Yu Jiaoxue lying in the lounge.

"The origins of her line are mysterious and unpredictable. I am not a person from the Northern Horizons. Perhaps the appearance of this vision means something. We don't want to interfere, just keep it quiet."

Sage Master Tianya waved his sleeve and made such a decision.

Above the sky, the incarnation of the peerless female emperor stood proudly for nine days, her body invincible like a wave, but she was motionless, her face could not be seen clearly, but she seemed to lower her eyes slowly, looking at Yu Jiaoxue below, and then her whole body. The light blooms, lasing towards the bottom!

After the completion of this move, the incarnation of this peerless female emperor suddenly became extremely brilliant, and suddenly turned into a stream of light and went away!

In the sky, everything calmed down again, the skyrocketing vision seemed to end there, and the blue sky and white clouds appeared.

Seeing the skyrocketing vision disappear, the terrifying power fluctuations in front of him also completely disappeared, Ye Wuque's figure flashed suddenly, rushing towards Yu Jiaoxue's lounge.

When Ye Wuque saw Yu Jiaoxue again, she suddenly found that her whole body was wrapped in a radiant light, as if she had become a huge cocoon!

"Her bloodline awakened for the first time, and now it has passed smoothly. After this vision, she gave her strength feedback. When she wakes up, her cultivation level will advance by leaps and bounds, wait and see."

The empty words made Ye Wuque completely relieved. After taking another deep look at Yu Jiaoxue, he slowly walked out of the lounge, closed the door again, and left alone.

Along the way, Ye Wuque heard countless sacred disciples of the heavens discussing the matter, but it seemed that the sect had no explanation, everything just let the flow take its course, and regarded it as a dream.

Ye Wuque was walking on the fortress of war, breeze blowing his face, black hair fluttering, only then realized that he was already sweating behind his back.

Immediately, Ye Wuque shook his head and smiled, knowing that he was worried about Yu Jiaoxue.

Stopping, Ye Wuque stood there looking at the magnificent beauty between the distant sky and the earth, and for a while, his whole person became a little ethereal.

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes moved, because he heard that not far behind him suddenly became noisy, and there were five powerful cultivation bases fluctuating, and it was not these five cultivation bases that made Ye Wuque most strange. Fluctuations, but the fluctuations of the battle formation that overflowed with them!

These five people are all battle formation divisions!

Especially the fluctuation of one of the battle formations shocked Ye Wuque's heart!

Because this battle formation is so powerful that it surpasses itself a lot, it is completely a genuine senior battle formation division!

Even among senior battle formation divisions, they are extremely powerful!

This surprised Ye Wuque's heart, but at the same time he felt curiosity, Xuan Shi turned around and followed the fluctuations to look over.

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's bright eyes intersected in the void with a warm and moist gaze that was like the vast ocean, and Ye Wuque's heart burst into a strange feeling instantly!

Because he felt that this gaze seemed close.

"Haha! Little Junior Brother! It really is you!"

Before Ye Wuque could react, the master with warm eyes suddenly smiled, and a tall figure quickly rushed towards Ye Wuque.

The action of this tall figure obviously surprised the remaining four battle formation divisions. After hearing the word "little brother", the only beautiful-looking woman among the four battle formation divisions was There was a smile of disapproval.

"Brother Fan's little brother? That's the holy son of the holy way of the heavens... such a respectable status, but it doesn't seem to be that great!"

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