Return Of The War God - Chapter 803

Chapter 803


Right now Ye Wuque felt infinite worry in his heart, but he had already experienced many battles and knew what to do at the moment.


The holy way's fighting spirit was surging, and it gathered to Ye Wuque's right hand at the fastest speed!


Taking a step forward, Ye Wuque slapped the door with a palm, and immediately the dust flew. The door of Yu Jiaoxue's lounge was slapped open, and Ye Wuque stepped in.

The huge roar also alarmed many disciples around him. When many disciples saw that the door of Yu Jiaoxue's lounge was cut open, they immediately came to see what happened.

But when it was discovered that the Son was here, people immediately went from where to go.

As soon as Ye Wuque entered Yu Jiaoxue's lounge, he immediately saw Yu Jiaoxue who had fallen on the couch!

"Jiao Xue! Jiao Xue!"

An anxious and worried voice sounded from Ye Wuque's mouth, and he strode several feet to Yu Jiaoxue's side and gently lifted him up, calling Yu Jiaoxue's name.

"Hi! It's hot! What's the matter?"

But as soon as Ye Wuque touched Yu Jiaoxue's body, he felt an unimaginable hotness from Yu Jiaoxue's body, and even made him subconsciously let go!

You know that Ye Wuque's physical strength has long reached the level of a three-pole star body, it can be described as extremely powerful!

But even so, the high temperature from Yu Jiaoxue's body burned her hands at this moment, which is enough to show how amazing the temperature of Yu Jiaoxue's body is at this moment!

Ye Wuque would naturally not let go, still holding Yu Jiaoxue.

At this moment, Yu Jiaoxue's eyes were closed tightly, her crystal-like beautiful face was full of sweat, and her body was constantly trembling!

The sweat left behind wetted her blue silk, and an incomparably astonishing fluctuation was surging from Yu Jiaoxue's body!

"Blood! Jiao Xue's blood is... boiling!"

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and after feeling it carefully, he immediately found that the blood in Yu Jiaoxue's body was like the magma in an active volcano, boiling in the gurgling sounds!

"What's the matter? How can the blood in Hao Duan Duan's body boil inexplicably?"

Ye Wuque felt unbelievable, but his heart was extremely nervous. He was already in a daze and understood that everything that happened to Yu Jiaoxue was definitely not caused by the so-called injury.

Suddenly, Ye Wuque felt the hot body in his arms trembled inexplicably and violently, and then he heard the extremely painful murmur from Yu Jiaoxue's mouth, and the white and delicate skin was changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Red!

However, within just a few breaths, Yu Jiaoxue's whole body turned out a dark red color, her skin seemed to be completely cracked, and the veins hidden under the skin saw it with her own eyes!

Gurulu's voice became louder, and the blood in Yu Jiaoxue's body became more boiling!

"No! If this goes on, you will probably burst into death! Empty!"

Ye Wuque was very anxious at once, but was helpless and could only call out the name of Kong.

"It turned out to be the awakening of the bloodline... At this moment, her blood is churning because the power hidden in the bloodline may have been awakened for the first time by some kind of stimulation, but her cultivation level is not enough, and her own vitality and strength can't suppress and face each other. For this kind of situation, it will be so. Give her your blood to drink."

Sora seemed to sigh with emotion, and immediately said the method.

When Ye Wuque heard it, he hurriedly held Yu Jiaoxue with one hand, and then directly bit his right arm elbow in one bite, blood dripping immediately!

But he didn't change his face and his heart was not beating. He quickly put the wound on his right hand to Yu Jiaoxue's mouth, letting his blood drip into Yu Jiaoxue's mouth.

Yu Jiaoxue, who was trembling violently and painfully, seemed to feel the liquid dripping from her lips, even if she was in a coma at the moment, Fang Fangfang still had an instinct to rush away from the depths of her soul!

As long as you drink this, you can be free from pain!

Therefore, in the next moment, Yu Jiaoxue opened her mouth slightly and drank all Ye Wuque's blood. In the end, Yu Jiaoxue even bit the wound on Ye Wuque's right hand and kept sucking.

Ye Wuque didn't resist the slightest bit of Yu Jiaoxue's behavior, and the blood in his body was continuously swallowed by Yu Jiaoxue.

He had just developed a six-fold blood vortex before, and the blood in his body had undergone a transformation and was full of vitality.

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque's face suddenly showed a hint of joy!

Because he found that after Yu Jiaoxue began to drink his blood, the terrifying hot temperature all over her body seemed to slowly decrease!

And Yu Jiaoxue's frowning brows because of pain seemed to loosen.

"Great! Just effective!"

This situation made Ye Wuque understand that his blood seemed to be really effective, which could free Yu Jiaoxue from the pain, and also slightly loosened a string that had been tight in Ye Wuque's heart.

It was at this time that Ye Wuque had time to ask Kong.

"Kong, what the **** is going on? Why did Jiaoxue suddenly be like this? Just now you said she was awakening from the bloodline?"

Ye Wuque was both worried and curious about what happened to Yu Jiaoxue.

"Remember when you were at Murong's house before, you merged the true spirit of the Fengluan goddess named Xian'er?"

Ye Wuque was stunned for a moment when he was empty, and he remembered immediately.

Naturally he will not forget this.

"Fengluan Heavenly Girl and Yujiang Girl War God are named, and the little girl named Xian'er experienced the fusion of true spirit, is the state very similar to Yu Jiaoxue?"

Ye Wuque nodded immediately. Indeed, Xian'er's state was not much different from Jiao Xue at the moment.

"Fengluan goddess has a true spirit, and the female war **** of Yujiang naturally has blood awakening. Yu Jiaoxue is the descendant of the female war **** of Yujiang, this so-called heir is naturally more than just talk, she inherited power She is a peerless female emperor who is one of the ancestor incarnations of the line of female war gods in Yujiang."

"Her body naturally has the blood of a peerless female emperor, and she is extremely pure, otherwise she would not have awakened for the first time at the age of fifteen. I think that their family was also the most orthodox lineage in the line of the Yujiang female war god."

"Don't worry, if it weren't for you, she would probably be in a catastrophe this time, but because of your existence, she not only survived the catastrophe perfectly, but also got a blessing in disguise. Not only can she better integrate with the female emperor's battle armor, she can also cultivate There will be a qualitative leap."

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, and all the big rocks in his heart finally fell. Since Kong said that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was a blessing in disguise, then Yu Jiaoxue would be fine.

Soon, Ye Wuque realized that Yu Jiaoxue was no longer with his blood, and her own state seemed to be completely stabilized.

"By the way, you put her down first, and then leave the house."

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Kong spoke again, making Ye Wuqian stunned for a moment, but still did.

After Ye Wuque put Yujiao Xueping on the couch, and then quickly left the lounge, but after three to five breaths, Ye Wuque suddenly felt an indescribable horrible wave suddenly rise from the lounge!

In the next moment, an indescribable bright light suddenly rose into the sky, as if infinite light, infinitely bright, together with the past and the future, straight through the nine heavens!

"The female emperor is awakened from the bloodline, and there is a skyward vision."

Kong's voice slowly sounded in Ye Wuque's mind, shaking his heart.

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