Return Of The War God - Chapter 805

Chapter 805


The open-ended woman wore a purple dress, very exquisite and luxurious. The martial arts skirt was embroidered with intricate and beautiful patterns, which looked like a rose but also like a peony. The neck was in the shape of an everted flower. This woman had white and round shoulders. Exposed.

She has a concave and convex figure, her black hair is tied with a ribbon that looks as gorgeous as a cloud of clouds, she looks glamorous, only those eyes seem to look at everyone with a kind of scrutiny, making this woman look like a very arrogant woman Purple peacock.

This girl was named Qin Hongmian, and she was the eldest lady of the Xia family, one of the large sectarian families under the vassal of the Heavenly Sage Dao.

This Qin Hongmian has a good background. Both his looks and body are considered first-class. In addition, he has an extremely rare talent for battle formation. Although he is only twenty years old, he is already a powerful junior warrior. The formation division, even the intermediate battle formation division is only one step away.

Such extraordinary advantages also make this woman quite arrogant, and the temperament of the daughter is not bad.

"Haha, Ye Wuque, I've heard this name before. It is said that the experience is very glorious. Yesterday, he was canonized as the saint son of the heavenly saints by the master of Tianya, but the fifteen-year-old saint... Is it reliable?"

"I also have this feeling, as if it was to fight against the **** son Jun Shanlie of the Qingming Shrine to deliberately create a saint son, but he, as the younger brother of Van Ge, should also be a battlefield master. "

Two men among the four battlefield divisions spoke one after another. These two men were both in their early twenties and were not much different from Qin Hongmian's status. They were both young masters of large sectarian families under the vassal of the Saints of Heaven, and their status was also the same. Quite good.

"Cut! A fifteen-year-old battle formation division? Have you seen it? It is probably the same as the title of Shengzi, a deliberate gimmick, I don't believe how powerful Ye Wuque is anyway!

Qin Hongmian curled his lips, looking at Ye Wuque with beautiful eyes, and the disapproval in his eyes became richer.

"During this period of time, under the leadership of Brother Fan, coupled with the guidance of the elders of the sky battle and the in-depth research of the three battle formation masters, we have exhausted our endless efforts, and the tens of thousands of world Doutian battle formations have finally been successfully researched. !"

The last battle formation division spoke, the topic changed, and there was a touch of joy in his tone, as if he had shifted to a special battle formation, and stopped talking about Ye Wuque.

When it comes to the battle formation, these four are all battle formation masters, and their eyes are full of fanaticism, even Qin Hongmian is no exception.

Not far away, Ye Wuque looked at the handsome man in front of him, with a stable temperament exuding from his body.

Ye Wuque's first feeling was that the man in front of him and the fourth senior brother Zhai Qing seemed extremely alike. It was not the similarity in appearance, but the feeling and temperament he gave.

But immediately Ye Wuque felt that it was not that this person looked like the fourth brother, but that the fourth brother was like this person.

In an instant, the five words "Big Brother Gu Fan" appeared in Ye Wuque's mind.

Except for the accident of Gu Fan, the big brother who had never met, no one would call him that way, and it gave Ye Wuque a sense of affinity.

"Big brother?"

Ye Wuque said with a tentative tone, immediately making the smile on the man's face in front of him become rich.

"Haha! As expected, I recognized me at a glance. I heard the master say that his old man had accepted a talented and peerless little junior. I always wanted to meet, but I was alone. I never had the fate, but now I finally see. Arrived."

Gu Fan was very happy at the moment, looking at Ye Wuque with his warm eyes like the ocean, with a smile on his mouth, very masculine.

Ye Wuque nodded secretly, his senior brother, the first disciple accepted by the master, a young man of twenty-five and sixteen years old, is indeed an outstanding genius!

"The big brother is serious. Although I have never met with you, but I often hear your name from Master and Fourth Senior Brothers. When it comes to you, whether it is Senior Brother or Fourth Senior Brother, it is a look of admiration and miss."

Ye Wuque didn't talk nonsense on this point. As far as he knew, the master was also extremely satisfied with the disciple of Senior Brother, and he devoted all his efforts to nurturing him. For the Fourth Senior Brother, Senior Brother is even more like a father and brother.

Moreover, the genius of the big brother himself in the battlefield is also extremely high, and he can also be regarded as an unborn wizard.

It's just that the big brothers have not been in the sacred path of the heavens in the past few years, but have traveled around the entire northern heaven, because he feels that the battle formation has entered a bottleneck with his cultivation base, and he has no way to advance in the hard practice, and he needs to travel around. To make a breakthrough.

Now it seems that the master's efforts in the past few years have not been wasted. With the mysterious feeling of the heart of the battle formation, Ye Wuque can feel that the big brother is only the last layer of window paper from the master of the battle formation.

The twenty-something-year-old master of the battle formation, even if it is only the next master, is amazing!

"Right, big brother..."

Immediately, Ye Wuque's heart moved, and he thought of his previous trip with the fourth brother in the chaos. At that time, the battlefield master Qin Tianfang in Qingming Temple was to intercept and kill the fourth brother, and he and the fourth brother had also calculated that Qing Underworld Palace is a battle formation against the holy ways of the heavens.

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Right now, Ye Wuque told the big brother the doubt in his heart.

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, the big brother who had originally had a warm smile on his face was cold, and he nodded slowly.

"Qingming Shrine has long been wolf ambitions, trying to launch a war and dominate the northern sky. They also sent people to intercept and kill me, but those three-legged cat battle formations are too far away."

Ancient Fanyan talks about this, although the tone is still gentle, but it is invisibly exuding a kind of majestic aura. Obviously, he is not just a gentleman of modesty, but also a formidable battle formation division, treating the enemy like a thunderbolt with no mercy.

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, everything now has results.

As the senior brother said, the Qingming Temple has long wanted to start a war, and if the battle formation master of the holy way of the heavens is not destroyed as soon as possible, it will become a huge obstacle in the battle.

"Qingming Shrine wants to destroy us because we are afraid that our battle formation masters will invent some kind of incomparably powerful joint battle formation, so that all the brothers and sisters in the sect can practice, so that the combat power will be greatly increased. Can you disappoint them?"

The big brother said here, a compelling brilliance and a trace of enthusiasm faintly radiated from the warm eyes!

"Could it be..."

Seeing this, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately understood something, and immediately there was a trace of expectation and enthusiasm in his eyes!

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