Return Of The War God - Chapter 7286

Chapter 7286

As soon as the young man gritted his teeth, the caution and hesitation in his eyes were replaced by a touch of determination!

He rushed to this **** dump, stretched out his palm along one spot, and rubbed it slowly, that spot was split open suddenly, dust flying and fluttering, along with the rippling came the bright red The colored mist surged and filled towards him!

"Blood evil spirit!"

The young man looked solemn, but he let the bright red mist envelope him.

In an instant, the young man's eyes turned red, and he seemed to be a lot more violent!

But he didn't change his mind, but closed his eyes.

On the necklace he was wearing, there was an inexplicable brilliance flashing away at this moment.

When the young man opened his eyes again, the tyranny and scarletness in his eyes had disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

But the young man blinked, and with his own strength, the bloodshot eyes gushed out again, and the whole person seemed to become tyrannical again.


After slowly letting out a mouthful of turbid air, the young man carefully opened the crack, and then turned inside.

"found it!"

Immediately, from the crack in the garbage pile, an...ancient weapon appeared!

It seems to be a pair of scimitars, although they are full of dilapidated and mottled air, they are intact!

On top of it, there was even a gloomy cold light, and the aura that emanated from it was enough to make one's scalp tingle!

This is the case for the young man. The moment he saw this pair of scimitars, his body trembled instinctively, but his eyes were full of surprise.

But he was very calm, and immediately checked all directions carefully, and after confirming that there were no other living beings, he was about to start taking out the pair of scimitars.

Right now...

"So, this is the 'secondary treasure'?"

A faint voice suddenly sounded!

But when it fell on the young man's ears, it sounded like thunder!

In an instant, the young man's face became extremely ugly, and he raised his head suddenly!

Just above his head, at the top of this **** dump, at some point, a tall and slender figure appeared.

Standing there quietly, with hands behind their backs, slightly lowered head, a pair of eyes looked down, and just landed on the pair of scimitars.

At this moment, the young man's scalp was numb and his whole body was tense, as if he had been struck by lightning!

Who is this person?

When did it appear? ?

Obviously he has checked countless times!

Even, I checked it just now and found nothing at all?

Buzz buzz!

The young man's expression suddenly changed again, and his pupils shrank violently!

Because his necklace, his treasure, unexpectedly emitted an unprecedented...


The warnings at any time in the past are not as good as this one in case!

You know, this necklace is the greatest blessing in his life!

It was his golden finger that he couldn't show to others, which helped him so much, almost everywhere!

The reason why he was able to rise up in this "starry sky garbage dump" in a short period of time, and even many powerful experts made friends with him, and even won the title of "Prince of Treasure Hunting", was due to the power of this necklace.

Similarly, he has analyzed and checked the necklace countless times, only to find it mysterious and indestructible, completely beyond imagination.

But at this moment, the warning from the necklace and the instinctive trembling made his soul tremble uncontrollably!

But even so, under such circumstances, the young man still forced himself to calm down!

Only by calming down can there be a chance of escape.

Gathering up his courage, he looked at the tall and slender figure again, but found that the other person had disappeared!

The young man turned cold all over, and hurriedly turned around, only to find that the tall and slender figure had already come behind him.

He didn't even have the qualifications to perceive the whole process, let alone see it clearly!

For a moment, endless despair and fear exploded in my heart!


He doesn't even have the qualifications to escape!

When did such an incredible existence appear in the starry sky garbage dump? ?

The exposure of the second-level treasure, and the other party can be said to have seen the whole process.

You will definitely wonder why you can find it so accurately? ?

I'm about to lose my biggest secret!

The young man was dripping with cold sweat and clenched his teeth, but he didn't dare to move, but at a close distance, he could clearly see this tall and slender mysterious figure.

very young!

She looks like she's only in her twenties!

He looks fair and handsome.

A pair of eyes, bright and deep, seem to contain an endless black hole starry sky, making people feel small and humble at a glance.

This feeling, this feeling...

Could it be...

Suddenly, the man a few years ago seemed to think of something, his body trembled violently, and his whole body instantly relaxed from the incomparable tension, subconsciously limp and relaxed.

But at this moment, this mysterious tall and slender figure is naturally... Ye Wuque!

Since he just sensed the presence of creatures in the starry sky garbage dump, he immediately started to investigate.

As a result, it was immediately discovered that the creatures that appeared one by one were still in the stage of refining gods.

Most of them are intermediate-level gods, and a small number of elementary-level gods.

After observing for a while, Ye Wuque probably figured out what kind of place it was.

Star Junkyard!

It seems to be a... treasure hunting place?

But immediately, Ye Wuque sensed a faint and strange aura that flickered nearby.

After following quietly, he saw what this young man was doing.

Even Ye Wuque felt a little surprised.

This young man actually made a mark a long time ago, and what he marked was a "secondary treasure"!

Although Ye Wuque still doesn't know what level the "secondary treasure" is in this starry sky garbage dump.

But the bunch of twins before, the tall and thin man with the bow and the bald man with the bald head, just because of the three defective raw materials, they directly fought and killed bloody.

One can imagine the preciousness and value of this "secondary treasure"!

When Ye Wuque saw the true face of this "secondary treasure" with his own eyes, he instantly understood the last question about the two holy places.

Where did the powerful ancient weapons in the hands of the false gods of the two holy lands come from?

It just floated over from this starry sky garbage dump!

He clearly remembered that after the flame rift opened, there was garbage flying in, and even during the whole process of his leaving the Eight Desolation, countless garbage floated into the mysterious continent.

Over the long years, there have always been a few priceless ancient weapons that floated to the mysterious continent, and finally fulfilled the two holy places.

No wonder, when the upper false gods of the two holy lands took out the ancient weapons, they were so dilapidated, and even had a sense of vicissitudes, as if they were dug out from somewhere.

Now, it all makes sense!

"This pair of scimitars..."

Ye Wuque made a move with his right hand, and the pair of scimitars flew out immediately, and flew into Ye Wuque's hands.

"An ancient weapon of this quality is comparable to the black sledgehammer used by the Great Elder Taixuan of the Two Great Sacred Grounds."


However, at this moment, the young man on the side suddenly knelt down on one knee, and directly saluted Ye Wuque deeply, with a trembling, but awe-filled voice immediately sounded!

"Kid 'Yuan Shi', see... my lord!"

Ye Wuque seemed to be playing with the pair of scimitars, and then suddenly said: "Why didn't you escape?"

"Don't dare, kid! In front of you, my lord, I don't even have the right to run away!" The young man, that is, Yuan Yishi, replied in awe again.

"Not necessarily, you are unusual. There is a wonderful thing on your body. If you activate it, you may really be able to escape."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Yuan felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

The half-kneeling body almost collapsed!

His face became pale!


His own treasure "necklace" was actually discovered!

Thinking of the inference and possibility in his heart, Yuan Yi has always stabilized his mind, even though his voice has become extremely trembling, even if it is about to split, but he replied with more awe and fear.

"My lord, you know everything!"

"Sure enough, it should be a powerful existence that accidentally fell from the 'plane battlefield' above the nine heavens!"

Ye Wuque paused slightly for the hand playing with the scimitar, as if he had a little interest.

Above nine days?

Plane battlefield?