Return Of The War God - Chapter 7285

Chapter 7285


The sound of piercing the sky exploded in the void like a stormy sea.

I saw one after another silhouettes running extremely fast, rushing towards different garbage dumps.

There are men and women, old and young, everyone is expressionless, but they all look at each other with vigilance, coldness, and longing!

Looking around, these figures seem to be like locusts passing through the territory. The number is astonishing. They seem to come from one direction and continue to diverge in different directions.

At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of creatures!

But compared to the endless piles of rubbish, these hundreds of thousands of creatures look incomparably small!

"This time, we must find the treasure!"

"It has been fifteen years since I was sent to the 'Starry Sky Junkyard'! There are still five years left before I can be free again, and the good days are coming soon!"

"Damn it, last time I was in the 'Five Twelve' area, I passed by that level one treasure, and was taken advantage of by that **** blind tiger, don't let me meet it again!"

"Recently, there are many chances of residual raw materials appearing in the 'Bing 54' and 'Ding 68' areas. Although I was assigned to the 'Ding 65' area, I should still be able to touch the 'Ding 6' area if I think about it. Eighteen' area! Must slip past!"

"Twenty years of treasure hunting, I escaped death and found two first-level treasures. As long as I find another first-level treasure, not only can I apply to leave this ghost place immediately, but after returning to the plane, I can eat delicious food! Fight hard! It's gone! Those who stand in my way will die!"

Whispering voices sounded from the mouths of almost every creature rushing towards different garbage areas, all of them gearing up, their eyes cold and firm.

In just half a quarter of an hour, these hundreds of thousands of creatures were completely scattered in different garbage areas, and it seemed that... a treasure hunt? ?

In front of a garbage dump.

A strong bald man stopped his figure, and saw that there seemed to be a circle of light on his right wrist. He activated the light circle familiarly, and suddenly a light curtain shone from the circle of light, shining in a fan shape towards the person in front of him. This **** piled up and started scanning.


The next moment, the light circle on the wrist of the bald man suddenly made a rushing sound!

The bald man was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic, his face flushed red!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This kind of reaction is the raw material of the residual product, and there are at least three of them!"

"I, Hank, have finally changed my luck!"

The bald-headed man immediately took out a long knife and slashed towards the garbage pile in front of him!

The garbage pile exploded immediately. After searching carefully, the bald-headed man first found a broken black axe, then a cracked shield beside it, and finally half a piece of gleaming metal.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

The bald man was so excited that he rushed over immediately.

And as he approached, he saw a bright red aura gushing out from the chopped-up garbage dump, instantly enveloping the bald man, but he didn't take it seriously.

Even at the moment of contamination, the eyes of the bald man turned red, and the whole person became a little manic, but he was more excited!

"Three leftover raw materials! It's enough for me to live comfortably for the next half a year! Maybe I can still have the balance to exchange for some supernatural powers and secrets! Hahahaha!"

The bald-headed man picked up the three scrap raw materials in his hand, and his blood-red eyes were turned inside out with a hint of extreme greed.



A ray of cold light came shot out, it was a jet-black arrow light, extremely fast and accurate, the wind howled, and its power was astonishing!

The bald and strong man slashed out without looking back!


The jet-black arrow light was blocked!

A figure emerged, it was a tall and thin man, holding a big bow, staring at the three scrap raw materials in the hands of the bald man, full of excitement!

"It's easy to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes! Hank, have you made a fortune? There are three scrap raw materials, and those who see them will have a share. It's not much. It's okay to give one to me, right?"

The tall and thin man with a bow sneered and said.

"Who am I? It turns out it's you, a miscellaneous bird! Hey! You alone dare to shoot the scrap materials I found? I beat you up last time, and even your female slave was killed by me." Can't remember the lesson?" The bald man sneered, full of ambition.

"And us?"

Only to hear two more sinister voices!

I saw another figure appeared in the left and right directions respectively. The strange thing is that these two figures are almost exactly the same, they are twins!

"Brother Red Demon!"

"The three of you actually cooperated?"

The bald man's complexion became a little ugly!

The tall and thin man with a bow gave a **** smile: "Now, we want the three scrap raw materials, your life...I want it too!"


The two sides fought instantly, and the momentum was vast, stirring up endless dust.

After half a quarter of an hour.

With an unwilling howl, the battle ended.

Only half of the bald man's body fell to the ground, dripping with blood, he died with regret!

The pair of twins, and the tall, thin man holding the bow walked away as victors with three scrap raw materials.

But whether it was the three of them or the dead bald man, they were never seen from the beginning to the end. Just on top of the garbage dump closest to them, there was a tall and slender figure standing at some time, silently. I watched the whole process of killing and seizing treasure.

"The starry sky garbage dump...a large number of creatures...different areas...treasure hunting...killing and die and live..."

After whispering, the tall and slender figure glanced at the direction of the twin brothers who had just snatched the treasure, and the tall and thin man with the bow.

"Ah! You, you two brothers...why??"

"Why? You exchanged the treasure hunt value for our two brothers just to besiege and kill that bald Hank, not including the spoils of these three residual raw materials!"

"You don't speak your word..."

"go to hell!"

After a loud noise, the tall and thin man with the bow was drowned by hundreds of scarlet kills, and died of incomparable hatred, less than half an hour behind the bald man.

"Hahahaha! Three defective raw materials! Get rich! Brother, this time is so cool!"


This time, it was finally completely quiet.

The tall and slender figure withdrew his gaze and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"The weak prey on the strong, turn your face and deny people..."

"Interesting place..."

In the next moment, the tall and slender figure disappeared inexplicably.

B ninety area.

Near a sufficiently concealed garbage dump, a young figure appeared at this time!

This seems to be a rather young figure, but it looks like it is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But although he is young, his eyes are sharp and cautious, constantly scanning in all directions.

On his wrist, there was also an aperture, but he didn't activate it.

After making sure that there were no other living beings in all directions, the young man finally approached an inconspicuous garbage dump cautiously. After taking a closer look, there was a hint of joy in his eyes!

"Very good!"

"The mark I left has not changed!"

At this moment, the young man touched his neck, where he seemed to be wearing an ancient necklace.

"Last time, there was not enough time, and I might have been targeted!"

"So, if you seize the opportunity, you can only leave a mark!"

"I know I shouldn't come again this time, I should keep a low profile, otherwise it will be easy to expose!"

"But my sister's illness can't be waited for that long, at most it can last half a year!"

"Within half a year, I must leave the 'Starry Sky Junkyard' with enough resources and treasure hunting points. Only in this way can I save my sister!"

"Fortunately, I have you!"

Years ago, the man's eyes became firmer, he touched his necklace and muttered to himself.

"This 'Level 2 Treasure' is enough for me to overfulfill the task!"

"However, it might cause an uproar!"

"The seven lofty gods in charge of guarding the 'Starry Sky Garbage Dump' may all be alarmed!"

"But... for my sister! I can't take care of that much anymore!"