Return Of The War God - Chapter 7287

Chapter 7287

"Tell me about this plane battlefield."

Ye Wuque spoke like this.

Yuan was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Ye Wuque to ask such a question.

But then Yuan realized something...

Experts have weird and special tempers. I don't allow myself to think too much about my current situation. Survival is the most important thing!

Yuan Shi took a deep breath and honestly said in awe: "My lord, in fact, a little person like me doesn't know much about the 'Plane Battlefield'."

"But as the name suggests, the 'Plane Battlefield' is a special place where different planes fight each other. As far as I know, it is an extremely cruel, **** place, and it is unimaginable that it is similar to a meat grinding hole!"

"The creatures that fell there are countless, too many!"

"There are only two things I can be sure of..."

"The plane battlefield is not killing for no reason, it seems to have some strategic significance, and a consensus has been reached in countless planes! It has become an ancient rule and law that has been passed down for a long time."

"Those who are eligible to enter the plane battlefield, except for extremely rare cases, are only the high-ranking 'gods'!"

"In other words, the 'Plane Battlefield' is also called... God's Battlefield!"

"This is everything I know about the 'Plane Battlefield'. There are more secrets and information that a small character like me can't know!"

Yuan Yuan finished everything in one breath, his tone full of slow reverence.

Rubbing the pair of scimitars in his hands, Ye Wuque was thoughtful.

This "plane battlefield" should represent some kind of great significance!

Being recognized by countless planes is not killing for no reason.

At the same time, Ye Wuque also noticed two words...


Could this be the division of the new world he was in now? ?

More curiosity surged in Ye Wuque's heart.

After all, he has just arrived and knows nothing about this place, so he needs to know more.

This is also one of the reasons why he appeared in front of Yuan Yiyuan.

"Why do you think I fell from the "Plane Battlefield"?" Ye Wuque said again.

Yuan Shi's body trembled slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes!

Asking such a question, could it be that the adult in front of him is angry with himself for exposing him, and wants to kill him to silence him? ?

But even more fear made Yuan dare not hesitate at all and tremblingly said: "Respond to the adults! Because the 'Starry Sky Junkyard' here is extremely special!"

"Belongs to the 'Starry Sky Special Domain' of the 'Bryan Plane'!"

"But because of the special nature of the starry sky garbage dump, it has a good reputation in many surrounding planes, so it has been blocked by the major forces of the 'Bryn Plane' for a long time!"

"The only way in and out is the 'Star Corridor' outside the Starry Sky Junkyard!"

"That is to say, all creatures who want to enter and leave the starry sky garbage dump can only pass through the star corridor, and the star corridor is jointly guarded by the five major forces. Only those who become 'treasure hunters' are eligible to enter. Identity will be recorded and compared.

"No creature can hide from the five major forces and sneak into the starry sky garbage dump!"

"But there are exceptions to everything!"

"Because the place where the 'Plane Battlefield' is located is above all the planes! That is, the position above the nine heavens!" During the words, Yuan Shi stretched out a finger and pointed to the vast starry sky above his head.

"Although the 'Plane Battlefield' has its complete rules, how fierce is the battle of gods?"

"Exploding the void and tearing up the realm often happens. Naturally, some gods accidentally fall from the battlefield of the plane because of this, and even fall into a different plane below!"

"Alive, dead, seriously injured, all of them."

"This is a real thing that happened, and far more than once!"

"It's just like your appearance, my lord. According to my inference, it can only be like this. I can't think of other possibilities. It can't be said that your lord appeared for no reason, right?"

After listening, Ye Wuque was noncommittal, and continued: "You mentioned 'treasure hunter' just now, is it a treasure hunt like this?"

Raising a pair of scimitars in his hands, Ye Wuque continued.

"Yes my lord!"

"The starry sky garbage dump, no one knows how it was formed, belongs to the 'starry sky special domain', which can be understood as a special and unique special area under the starry sky!"

"I only know that garbage from countless planes and even higher starry spaces has gathered here. Over the years, this endless garbage dump has gradually formed."

"But because of this, there may be a lot of missing raw materials and priceless 'treasures' in the Starry Garbage."

"This is one of the reasons why Starry Sky Junkyard is famous in many surrounding planes!"

"It's like a 'gold panning'. Countless creatures want to enter the starry sky garbage dump to hunt for treasure."

"But because the location of the starry sky garbage dump belongs to the 'Bryan Plane', according to the ancient rules, it also becomes the property of the 'Bryan Plane'."

"So, the Bailan plane naturally controls the starry sky garbage dump."

"If you want to enter the starry sky garbage dump, you can only enter if you have the approval of many forces in the Bailan plane and pay a certain price."

"But there are mainly two types of people who come in..."

"One is that creatures who have offended the forces of the Bailan Plane, or who have committed crimes themselves, are forcibly sent in. All of them are given a 'twenty-year sentence'. value, to be free again.

"There is another kind, like me, who is a native creature of the Bailan plane, who voluntarily comes in to hunt for treasures. As long as he can find enough treasures and get enough treasure hunting points, he can accumulate merits, and finally leave Being able to turn the treasure hunting value into any resource, and even being able to make requests to the five major forces, can be regarded as a way to change fate against the sky and win a future!"

The original voice was a little more subdued.

But Ye Wuque said: "Sounds good, treasure hunting and adventure, but it's not that simple, right?"

Yuan Shi nodded immediately, and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency sees it clearly! Anyone who enters the starry sky garbage dump, one counts as one, no matter what the reason is, it is not a good thing!"

"Let's not talk about treasures, even if it's a scrap raw material, you can fight for it!"

"In the starry sky garbage dump, there are no rules, only the law of the **** jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, killing people and seizing treasures, plotting behind the scenes, aggressive interception, stabbing... There are too many!"

"I don't know how many creatures have come in to hunt for treasure, but at least 80 to 90% of them stay here forever and become part of the garbage."

"Do the so-called five major forces guarding here ignore this behavior?"

"No matter, even on purpose!"

"The five major forces only look at the result, not the process, but who handed over the scrap raw materials or treasures to the Star Corridor in the end. As for how they came here, they don't care about it."

"In the starry sky garbage dump, as long as you don't violate the five major forces, as long as you can find treasures, you can do nothing!"

"Treasure hunting value can be exchanged for supernatural powers and secrets, good wine and delicacies, and even various slaves. You can live and die, and do whatever you want!" Yuan's original voice became deeper and deeper, and there was a hint of unconcealable disgust in his tone. !

Ye Wuque was not surprised.

This starry sky garbage dump is really a lawless place!