Return Of The War God - Chapter 7001

Chapter 7001


"Extreme state, cannot be copied!"

"Every extreme state is unique and unique in all ages!"

"And I, what I like and study, has always been the attribute of Shenquan!"

"Why don't you stick with it?"

"The Human King Realm that belongs to me is the change of the attributes of the Shenquan!"

"I want to walk out of my personal king realm in the direction of the Shenquan attribute, which seems easy to think of!"

"From that moment on, I rekindled hope and walked on firmly!"

"Finally, I succeeded!"

"Eternal Nether Spring!"

"Belongs to my Human King Realm, born!"

"It proves that all my efforts and direction are correct!"

The Ziyang God's eyes seemed to reflect endless sharpness, surging up to heaven and earth!


"Unfortunately, I'm still too weak!"

"The five-step saint king can't bear the extreme situation. At the moment of success, death also comes!"

"In my eyes, this is tantamount to...failure!"

At this moment, Ziyang God's voice became icy cold.

There is an extra ruthlessness!

It's dissatisfaction with yourself, and disappointment with yourself.

"I knew the extremes too late."

"I didn't share it with anyone, I researched it all by myself."

"I have never had an existence with unfathomable strength check in on me, pointing out the pros and cons."

"All of this is an objective existence, an undeniable helplessness."

"But, failure is failure!"

"Achieved the extreme state, but did not survive, did not develop the 'Eternal Nether Spring' to the extreme, and take a look at the true potential and power of the extreme state, this is the greatest shame!"

"This is the biggest failure!"

"I...don't regret dying!"

Ziyang God's cold voice revealed a kind of cruelty towards himself that seemed incomprehensible.

Hearing Ye Wuque, I also felt that I didn't know what to say.

Understand that the Ziyang God in front of him is obviously an extremely paranoid person!

Relying on myself, I forcibly researched an extreme state!

Such talent and talent!

Enough to shake the past and shine the present!

But he is still very disappointed in himself!

How paranoid is this?


People must be persistent in order to achieve something!

If it weren't for such an almost crazy paranoid, I'm afraid Ziyang God wouldn't be Ziyang God!

Ye Wuque was amazed and couldn't calm down.

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, Ziyang God's whole body suddenly rippled with blazing brilliance...

Extreme glory!

He seems to be gathering strength at this time!

Next moment!

A kind of radiance as black as ink emanated from the fragmented body of Ziyang God!

Ziyang God, staring at Ye Wuque, his eyes were burning, showing his sharpness!

"Ye Wuque!"

"You are much stronger than me!"

"So, you must be able to withstand all my attacks!"

"One of my regrets is that I have never personally experienced the specific power of the 'Eternal Nether Spring'!"

"Today, there is such an opportunity to reverse and return, how can I miss it?"

"I... ask you!"

"Fulfill me once!"


A pitch-black radiance shone from Ziyang God's body, illuminating the ten directions!

I saw vaguely ninety-four divine springs flying out, circling around ten directions like ninety-four small pitch-black suns, and coming behind Ziyang God!


The world is dark!

The entire thirty-third floor seems to be trapped in a real eternal night!


Not Evernight, but...


Under the Nine Serenities, lies a more profound, inconceivable, and elusive place!

The storm rages, and the void surges.

Ye Wuque stood there, dancing wildly at this moment, looking at Ziyang God opposite, with a solemn expression, and also full of anticipation.

"bring it on!"


Ziyang God strikes!

The ninety-four Eternal Nether Springs behind him immediately followed like a shadow, and unexpectedly began... to disperse into the void!

Disappeared in an instant!

Only Ziyang God who killed all the way was left!

The power of Ye Wuque's False God shines everywhere!

Immediately felt an incredible change!

And Ziyang God's face also flashed an inconceivable excitement and excitement!

Because all the Eternal Nether Springs belonging to the Ziyang God can... get out of the physical body!

Align with the void!

"Each Eternal Nether Spring can assimilate an entire Great Realm!"

"Extract all the power of heaven and earth and turn it into your own use!"

"Assimilate it into... Netherworld!"

"Ninety-four eternal nether springs are ninety-four great realms! They are ninety-four nether worlds!"

"If it ends up being one!"

"All the heavens and the earth, all the universe, will be accommodated in my body! Provide me with endless power!"

"It can also feed back to heaven and earth, let me give orders with the meaning of ghosts!"

"During the battle, the sky and the earth will become my home field! I will assimilate the boundless heaven and earth into a ghost spring!"

"Is this one of the powers of the Eternal Nether Spring??"

At this time, Ziyang God's voice was trembling!

Ye Wuque's eyelids were also jumping wildly!

I felt the horror and inconceivability of the "Eternal Nether Spring"!

The Nether Divine Spring broke away from the body and scattered into the void!

Assimilate the void of heaven and earth into the netherworld!

It's like turning the world into your own divine spring!

Feed back yourself!

Suppress everything!

Once it bursts out to fight with others, to what extent will Ziyang God's combat power increase in an instant? ?

Is this the road to the extreme realm of the king of the gods with the attribute of Shenquan?

Simply, simply...


"The Eternal Nether Spring should have other powers!"

Ziyang God was extremely excited, he wanted to continue to study and continue to discover the rest of the mysteries of the Eternal Nether Spring.

But suddenly...

Click, click!

Zi Yangshen's body froze, and his already fragmented body began to emit scorched gray smoke.

This caused a trace of helplessness to flash across Ziyang God's face.

"Is it unable to bear the power released by the extreme realm?"


Ziyang God finally showed a sneer, which seemed to be mocking himself.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

"That's what happens to losers."

"It's great to be able to do this."

I saw Ziyang God raised his eyes again and looked at Ye Wuque, his eyes became more intense, revealing a touch of longing and endless paranoid to almost morbid expectation and excitement, but he still tried his best to suppress his emotions but finally spoke extremely fast .

"I'm running out of time."

"Ye Wuque!"

"Could you please tell me... which realm are you the most accomplished?"

"Is it also in the Human King Realm?"

"Before you die, if you can see with your own eyes another unique and unique extreme state in ancient and modern times, even if you will be reduced to livestock for generations from now on, it doesn't matter if you never rebirth!"


"If you don't want to, I won't force it."

"After all, that in itself is an impudent request."

"As for the existence of the Extreme Realm, there is no room for any leaks! Even close relatives may not be able to do it, and I am a living example! There is no peace after death!"

"And it might as well be..."

"It's my life!"

"Anyway, it is enough to confirm that you are also an extreme creature!"

"I have... no regrets!"