Return Of The War God - Chapter 7000

Chapter 7000

"I found a lot of broken ancient books in an ancient and broken secret territory, and read some fragments from them, and these fragments mentioned..."

"Existence of the Extreme Realm!"

"From that day, I know the extreme state!"

"I'll never forget that day!"

"Excited, Thrilled, Incredible, Unbelievable, Eager, Crazy!"

"I started to keep all the clues about the 'Extreme Realm' crazy, and even used my family's power."

"Finally, after spending too much effort and collecting an unknown number of ancient books, the hard work paid off, and I finally found clues about the extreme realm again."

"After careful research and deduction, what followed me was endless annoyance, unwillingness, and helplessness!"

"I have determined the meaning of the extreme realm, but at that time, I had already stepped into the realm of the king!"

"From that moment on, I realized that it was too late for me to know 'Extreme Realm'!"

"If we knew earlier, would we be able to attack the Extreme Realm in the Dragon Gate Realm? Lichen Realm? Cleansing Mortal Realm?

"However, I didn't admit defeat at the time."

"It's too late!"

"The tone is regretful, it is better to seize all the opportunities at present and launch an impact on the extreme realm of the king!"

"After that, I will continue to grow, continue to grow stronger, and my realm will continue to improve."

"The Overlord King, the Peerless King, and even...the Saint King!"

"The moment I set foot on the Saint King, I believed that I would succeed!"

"I believe in myself, and I am full of expectations for myself!"

"On my own, coupled with the endless ancient books and secret books, and the help of my family, I can definitely succeed!"

"I put all my energy on the 'Human King Ultimate Realm'."

"Research, deduce, deduce, and analyze the training process of countless personal Wang Shengling."

Mentioning this, at this moment, the Ziyang God had endless brilliance in his eyes!

The whole person seemed to become radiant, full of an indomitable motivation and aftertaste.

There were waves in Ye Wuque's heart!

He is sure!

Although he has the help of the family power to help him, but his ultimate human king is completely based on his own research!

This made Ye Wuque's eyes flash with an infinite light!

The words that Senior Chu said to him in the past, once again surged like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning!

The extreme realm is also created by creatures!

Others can, why can't I?

The Ziyang God in front of him is a living example!

Ziyang God is still talking.

His own temperament is domineering and wild, full of a kind of publicity that cannot be seen directly!

But who would have imagined that such a Ziyang God is a scholar full of knowledge?

"I have gradually determined the general direction of my ultimate king, and that is..."

"Shenquan attributes!"

"Throughout the ages, countless living beings have opened up the same divine spring in the Human King Realm, and used the water from the divine spring to nourish the desert within their bodies. Finally, the divine springs have been connected together to step into the Heavenly Realm, forming... the Heavenly Ring!"

"But I, Ziyang God, am not willing to be like others!"

"Even for tens of millions of years, for endless years, others have been doing this, but I just don't!"

"Can't be unique!"

"I can't be the only one in ancient and modern times!"

"What else are you talking about?"

"With more and more in-depth research, I gradually found a more detailed and specific direction."

"During this period, I have not given up on the collection of various ancient books and secrets, as well as every blessed place and secret ruins related to the extreme realm that may have clues, and I will go there!"

"I suspect that the ominousness in your mouth is precisely targeting me at this time, and even helping you secretly, otherwise, I may have died a few times, and it will not be so smooth."

"As for the attribute of Shenquan, it is indeed a good general direction, and I gradually became excited. This kind of groping forward, gradually seeing the feeling of hope, and even finally determining the attribute of Shenquan, will it mean that everyone escapes the king's extreme state?" A prerequisite for not opening?"

"Because the Human King Realm is to open up a divine spring, which cannot be bypassed."

"In terms of quantity, there are existences at the level of 'Saint King', which are equally earth-shattering. They have been pushed to the extreme, and there is no further research."

"Then only the quality of the divine spring attribute can be discovered!"

"But, I found out that I was wrong!"

"In a shattered Paradise of Paradise, after a narrow escape, I once again found a clue about the extreme state!"

"It is an extremely ancient jade slip. I don't know how many years it has been in existence. It is so old that it is almost unrecognizable."

"But I tried my best and succeeded in interpreting it!"

"In that jade slip, there is recorded an incomparably ancient, incomparable creature who was amazingly talented and brilliant in an unknown age..."

"Extreme creatures!"

Ziyang God's eyes became brighter and sharper.

Ye Wuque is also paying attention!

"This creature has also achieved... the extreme realm of the king!"

"And he is not taking the path of Shenquan attributes!"

Speaking of this, Ziyang God looked at Ye Wuque with scorching eyes, and there was a kind of words in his tone that seemed to be unbelievable every time he recalled it!

"Can you believe it? When this guy was in the Human King Realm, under the premise of opening up the divine spring, he forcibly forcibly forcibly forged a piece of incomparable divine... sky in the desert of his body!"

"Infinite vastness!"

"Infinite heights!"

"Endless tolerance!"

"At that moment, I was stunned into an endless trance, and received an unimaginable impact!"

"And what I can't forget is that this creature succeeded in the end, and the name of its King Jijing is..."

"Instant sky!"

"After I escaped, I was in a trance for several days."

"I just realized that there are sages who have walked through a unique road to the extreme realm of the king."

"Also, it's not the path of "Shenquan attribute"."

"It's a new transformation that has never been imagined!"

"Extreme King Realm!"

"Shenquan attribute has never been the so-called prerequisite."

"If you think this way, it means your own limitations! I even had doubts about myself for a while, doubting my human king's extreme state."

"Later, reading saved me, and I gradually calmed down, slowly calmed down."

"On a night..."

"I have completely realized it!"

"Why do you doubt yourself?"

"Others go to the road, it is the road of others. Others can cultivate a piece of divine majesty in the desert of the body, and achieve the unique ultimate realm of the king. There is no way to follow the attribute of the divine spring!"

"It must be a wrong way to represent the attributes of Shenquan, isn't it bad?"