Return Of The War God - Chapter 7002

Chapter 7002

Ziyang God's words are very straightforward!

He wanted to see Ye Wuque's extreme state!

In fact, this is the greatest desire from the heart of every extreme creature, no matter the enemy or us, when they meet each other!

Ziyang God, pure and paranoid character.

But the talent is amazing, but whether it is wisdom and determination, they are all top-notch!

Therefore, after confirming that Ye Wuque had no malice or killing intent, and the cause and effect with himself, he confessed all his past without hesitation.

nothing left!

He even showed Ye Wuque his appearance as a king in the extreme realm, with great sincerity.

Because Ziyang God knows that sincerity is the greatest nirvana without concealing one's purpose!

Ziyang God tried his best to impress Ye Wuque.

Of course, he was also prepared to fail.

after all.

Being able to wake up for a short time and experience the power of the Eternal Nether Spring for himself is almost the greatest satisfaction for Ziyang God!

Seeing the extreme state of others with your own eyes?

too difficult!


Ziyang God doesn't understand the character of the man standing in front of him at this moment!

Buzz buzz!

The gray smoke from Ziyang God's body began to rise, becoming more and more intense, and there was a harbinger of complete withering.

Feeling the longing gaze cast by Ziyang God, Ye Wuque smiled slightly.

There was a hint of strangeness in his smile.


In the next moment, Ziyang God flashed a look of excitement and excitement in his eyes!

He saw a ray of brilliance jump out from the man in front of him, as if it could illuminate the glory of the past and the present...

Extreme glory!

Compared with the trace of extreme brilliance left in Ziyang God's body, the extreme brilliance belonging to Ye Wuque was naturally blazing and shining, so dazzling that it directly illuminated the entire thirty-third floor!


Ziyang God laughed out loud excitedly, not caring about his impending destruction.

And Ye Wuque's place here is full of extreme brilliance, looking at Ziyang God, his eyes are magical, it seems that he has...

A decision has been made!


The roar like a stormy sea exploded, the terrifying high temperature flowed from Ye Wuque's body, and the golden blood flowed out of his body like the Yangtze River, galloping in all directions.

Ziyang God's eyes froze for an instant!

"What a terrifying power of blood!"

"It's incredible!"

"I have fought against the parents and children of some ancient invincible and fierce spirits. Even those parents and children of the terrifying race who are born with vast blood, their blood can't be so strong and fierce!"



At this moment, the golden blood energy surging out of Ye Wuque suddenly seemed to be coated with a layer of perfect brilliance!

Splendid and eternal.

Pure as one!

Live forever!

That fiery, exuberant, magnificent, and pure blood radiance seems to be able to illuminate the past and present!

"What kind of blood is this??"

"It made me feel a kind of trembling that my own blood seems to worship!"

"Even if it's the dragon clan! Even if it's the Qilin clan! It can't be compared!"

"Unheard of!"


Ziyang God couldn't help but growl and opened his mouth!

At this time, Ye Wuque stood in the void, surging with endless blood energy, looked at Ziyang God, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Extreme Body Forging..."

"Pure Yang!"

As soon as this word comes out!

Zi Yangshen's face turned red immediately, obviously he was about to be destroyed, but that kind of excitement and excitement seemed to explode, but what followed was his pupils constricted violently!

"Body forging...Extreme Realm??"

"Body-forging state! You have achieved the extreme state??"

"This this"

"How can it be???"

Ziyang God's fragmented body seemed to tremble at this moment.

His voice became difficult, and seemed to tremble like a dream.

"The road to the extreme is the road to invincible glory that has been transcended through the ages!"

"But I guess!"

"As the first big realm of training, the 'body forging realm', seems to be too fragile to bear the extreme realm!"

"The state of body training is the only state of practice that cannot forge the ultimate state!"

"Throughout the ages, it has been impossible for any creature in the extreme realm to do it! This is an irreversible taboo law in the extreme realm!"

"you you"

"It actually broke the eternal taboo??"

Ziyang God seemed to be caught in an unimaginable shock for an instant, but what followed was extreme joy and excitement!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ye Wuque!"

"No matter how you do it, if you can do it, it represents a supreme achievement!"

"Extreme Body Forging! Extreme Body Forging!"

"In the weakest, in the initial state, you have achieved the impossible taboo, even among the creatures in the extreme state throughout the ages, Ye Wuque, you can be called outstanding!"

At this time, the Ziyang God was trembling all over, and his speech speed was extremely fast.

He stared at Ye Wuque's surging pure Yang blood energy, the light in his eyes was extremely dazzling, extremely brilliant!


"It's incredible!"

"Pure yang blood energy!"

"The blood energy has been raised to an unprecedented level. It is endless. With the power of blood energy alone, it can suppress countless opponents and countless creatures! It is unimaginable!"

In the end, with infinite satisfaction, Ziyang God controlled his emotions, exhaled a foul breath, and calmed down slowly.

He looked at Ye Wuque again, with undisguised amazement, envy, and emotion in his eyes, which condensed into words and came out again.

"Thank you, Ye Wuque for satisfying my last heart..."

"What's the rush? I'm just getting started."

Before Ziyang God finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Wuque with a strange smile.

Ziyang God was taken aback!

Then, his pupils shrank violently in an instant, and his body trembled violently!



Fierce seven-color brilliance sprang out from behind Ye Wuque like seven great suns!

Boiling void.

The seven souls were born!

Light up the sky and the ground!

The whole universe began to tremble!

Wind, cloud, water, ice, fire, thunder, snow!

Seven Forces of Nature!

The realm of the seven characteristics!

Complement each other, perfect fusion!

Extreme brilliance, boiling in an instant!

this moment.

Ziyang God's shattered face, which was already condensed with boundless shock, was illuminated once again!

"Extreme Cleansing Realm..."

"Seven Profound Emperor Soul!"

Ye Wuque's voice sounded, echoing in Ziyang God's ears like thunder.

Ziyang God's eyes seemed to be directly dull!

But the continuous flashing of the seven emperor souls that were spinning around woke him up!

"you you"

"Double, bipolar realm... creatures!"

"You are not a unipolar creature!"

"You are a bipolar creature!"

With endless shock, even a sharp roar fell from Ziyang God's mouth!


Immediately, Ziyang God let out a sharp howl, which was an expression of unbelievable excitement!