Return Of The War God - Chapter 571

Chapter 571

Fire Rat Unblocker

Every disciple of the Hidden Sword Tomb has a sword in his hand, and the sword will continue to survive, but even if the sword is not in his heart, he must fight to the end and never give up. Even if he knows he is defeated, he dares to shine the sword, even if he is dead. Never regret it!

Jin Dong is one of the most talented figures in the hidden sword mound, but at this moment, he is facing the three-headed sixth-order monster that is comparable to the early stage of the spirit state. With his cultivation at the peak of the latter stage of the source state, even though his body For the sword repair, you can defeat the strong with the weak and fight the higher ranks, but you can only fight against two lower rank monsters of the sixth rank with all your best.

The three lower-ranked monsters of Tier 6 completely surpassed Jin Dong's combat power limit, unable to resist, and could only fight and retreat.


A monster in the shape of a tiger roared, and its silvery fur exploded. It was like four limbs of Optimus Prime and stepped on its limbs. The height of a hundred-meter-sized monster leapt up, and a huge black shadow enveloped the entire small valley, facing Jin East rushed away!

With a radius of hundreds of feet, it seems like a demon wind is rising on the ground, the dust is flying, and the roar of the demon beast is ten miles, which is very visual impact.

Seeing the monster Mercury Sky Tiger leaping high towards him, Jin Dongwei took a breath, and the sword light burst into the sky with the long sword in his hand. The sound of the sword chant became fierce and domineering, towards Mercury. Tianhu cut out with a single sword, without leaving the water!


The Mercury Sky Tiger's claws fought with the sword light, and a clanging sound erupted, and the force of the counter shock was surging. Immediately, the Mercury Sky Tiger screamed and retreated with a slight pain, but the long sword in Jin Dong's hand did not stop. It was the figure that turned around, and the figure was vaguely slashed toward the right again with a sword, and sparks overflowed in an instant. This was a surprise attack initiated by another monster!

But at the moment of resisting the attack of the second monster beast, behind him, he did not know when to viciously grab a huge eagle claw!

Although Jin Dong had noticed this claw, the long sword in his hand was also subconsciously blocking him, but after two consecutive blows with two monsters comparable to the early monks of the spirit state, the aura in his body was already disordered, and it was simply his heart. There is more than enough.


At the moment of the moment, Jin Dong's figure was short, and his whole person seemed to be shrunk for no reason. Although he avoided the deadly claw of the eagle's claw, he was still rubbed partly, and a **** wound suddenly appeared on his shoulder, which was extremely hideous. .

This is a method of slowly eroding combat!

The three lower-ranked monsters of the sixth rank already possess not weak intelligence. They can feel the strength of the human monk on the opposite side. It is irrational to fight by force. Such a sneak attack and cannibalization are the most effective methods.

And reality is developing in this way. At this moment, Jin Dong has seen multiple wounds all over his body, all describing the scratches of the eagle's claws, his breath is also dropping bit by bit, and he is forced into the valley. There was no accident, perhaps the final fate was to be killed by three monsters, and then divided and eaten.

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The Mercury Sky Tiger roared, and its cruel pupils stared at the human monk on the opposite side, filled with longing. The beast's intuition told it that if it could swallow the human monk in front of it, its bloodline power would definitely evolve again!

The same is true for the other two monsters. A new round of attacks unfolded in the next instant, still the same as before, while sneaking at the same time.

Jin Dong holds a sword in his right hand. Although the situation may have been extremely bad, he remained still, his eyes firm and calm.

The Mercury Tianhu stepped on his limbs, his figure leaped high again, and leaped towards Jin Dong with a trace of excitement and greed. Jin Dongzhou's vitality surged and his sword shining, but in the next moment, he remained firm and calm. His eyes condensed suddenly!

Because between myself and the Mercury Tianhu, I don't know when there was an extra slender figure!

This figure has thick black hair and is open with a shawl. Facing the hundred-foot-sized Mercury Sky Tiger, its small body gives people a sense of infinite height, as if in his eyes, the sixth-order lower monster Mercury Sky Tiger is just a small head. It's just a cat.

Suddenly another human disappeared in front of him, but it did not make the Mercury Tianhu feel what, but made it even more excited, the blood basin opened wide, and he had to swallow this human monk who dared to come and die by himself!

Then, in the next instant, the Mercury Sky Tiger looked like an amber pupil, turning from cruel excitement to a boundless fear!

Even this sixth-order lower-level fierce beast even uttered a howl similar to a kitten, as if begging for mercy!

Bang! Wow!

Above the void, a hundred-meter-sized Mercury Sky Tiger burst into bursts. The huge tiger body was split into three segments like being hit by a thousand hammers. The bright red blood spurted out and dyed the earth red!

This sudden scene caused the other two monsters to stagnate in an instant, but Jin Dong seized the opportunity for this stagnation!

A fierce sword light suddenly erupted, covering one of the monster beasts like a magnetic storm, and immediately after seeing dozens of long swords cutting and slashing wildly at the same time, the monster beast was completely cut into flesh!

However, within a few breaths, the situation turned abruptly. Three Tier 6 lower level monsters died on the spot, and the remaining monster that looked like a griffin issued a high-pitched cry with fear, which was tens of feet long. The long wings are spreading wildly, and they are about to fly away in panic!

However, the figure that had previously punched the Mercury-Splitting Sky Tiger had already jumped onto it at some point, and hit the body like a hill again!

After a wailing, this monster beast followed in the footsteps of the two fronts, turned into a rain of blood and scattered down, completely reddening the entire small valley, falling to the ground with a bang, and a floating corpse.

The figure above jumped down and stood in front of Jin Dong.

"Thank you Junior Brother Ye for helping me."

The pale-faced Jin Dong held his sword to the person in front of him as a salute. This ceremony was extremely solemn and could be regarded as sincere.

The person who suddenly appeared to beat the Mercury Tianhu was naturally Ye Wuque who arrived in time according to the Tianlan token guidance.

Facing Jin Dong's solemn ceremony, Ye Wuque was so proud that he didn't take credit for it, but he waved his hand indifferently and smiled: Brother Jin is polite. The Sacred Dao of the Heavens and the Tibetan Sword Tomb have always been in the same spirit. It should be so for helping each other. Footpath..."

But although Ye Wuque didn't care, Jin Dong didn't think so. If Ye Wuque didn't take the shot in time, then he would only be able to avoid the disaster and not be swallowed by the three-headed monster.

But then he could only be eliminated and left the field sadly. This was not the result that Jin Dong was happy to. That's why he insisted and never gave up. Fortunately, the emergence of Ye Wuque solved the crisis, which made him Be grateful.

On the other hand, Ye Wuque was quite happy in his heart. Although he was not the same master brother who met the Holy Way of the Heavens, it was also excellent to be able to meet the disciples of the Tibetan Sword Tomb, and there was still Jin Dong who had a fate.

Seeing Jin Dong's injury at the moment, his breath was also a little sluggish. Ye Wuque had something in his heart and understood that it was not suitable for him to say now. Jin Dong needs to heal his injuries, and he can only face it calmly when he recovers.

Jin Dong didn't waste time at the moment, and Ye Wuque found a safe and secret place again, took out an elixir and took it, and sat down cross-legged to heal the injury.

But Ye Wuque dragged the essence of meat from the Mercury Sky Tiger very quickly and raised a bonfire not far away, and began to barbecue on the spot. He was planning to have a feast with Frost Poison Python before, but because of Xie Xiliang The sudden appearance of the three people was delayed.

Now that Jin Dong is in healing, he is just free, and he happens to have good ingredients, so naturally he will not miss the opportunity.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The sound of dripping fat mixed with the overflowing aroma began to radiate, and soon the meat became oily, releasing its own delicacy under the action of the condiments.

When Jin Dong woke up from his healing, he immediately smelled the smell of fleshy nose, and the smell was still mixed with the smell of spices, which immediately caused Jin Dong's appetite to rise, and immediately saw that he was grilling not far away. The Ye Wuqian.

The grilled tiger meat is now fully cooked, the fat is overflowing with the meat, and the natural rough texture appears on the meat neatly in rows. The natural seasonings are poured on it, and the smell of the meat is continuously emitted. Come.

"Brother Jin has recovered from his injury and needs a lot of repair. The essence of Mercury Sky Tiger's meat contains rich vitality, not only the meat is rough and delicious, but it is also extremely chewy."

With a smile, Ye Wuque picked a piece of tiger meat from the grill and handed it to Jin Dong. Jin Dong took a bite without being polite, and his eyes lit up immediately!

The taste is very rich in flavor, a large amount of gravy overflows with a light chewing, and the mouth is full of fragrant, and the meat is rough and thick. After a bite, you can't stop, chewing repeatedly, it is very enjoyable.

Right now, the two of them each feasted on each other, and quickly ate up dozens of catties of tiger meat.

After a full meal, Ye Wuque felt very comfortable touching his stomach, belching full.

The same is true for Jin Dong. His injury has recovered seven or eighty-eight, and the essence of the tiger's belly made him feel hot. The blood in his body seems to be a little more vigorous and intense. , Very comfortable.

After eating and drinking, Ye Wuque's expression became a little serious, and immediately informed Jin Dong of all the things that had happened before, including the three unions, and the things that had been directed against him in the heavens.

After listening to Ye Wuque's words, Jin Dong's expression also became solemn.

"That is to say, now the people of Qingming Temple, Heartscar Nightmare Sect, and Tianyahai Pavilion have all acquired one piece. The first thing to be targeted is your holy ways. If they really succeed, you will be All the people in the team are eliminated from the Tianlan Ruins, then if you get rid of you, then don't even think about it and know that it's my turn to hide the sword grave!"

Jin Dong's long sword lay across his knees, holding the hilt in his left hand and rubbing the blade with his right hand, with a hint of coldness in his tone.

"Yes, I didn't expect the Qingming three sects to be united long ago. They must have been in contact with each other before the five super sects exchange meeting began. With such a purpose, for the present plan, they want to fight against the three of them. Zong, our sacred path of the heavens is naturally hard to beat with four hands. Only the sacred path of the heavens and the hidden sword mound can unite with each other."

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning, but what he said made Jin Dong nod continuously.

Immediately, Jin Dong stood up with a sword and said to Ye Wuque: "According to the development of the situation, time must be extremely urgent. We must gather all the brothers and brothers as soon as possible to unite everyone's strength. But I The Hidden Sword Tomb is very special. It can be said that I always like to fight with my own sword."

"Senior Brother Jin, have you ever met a handsome minister since this journey?"

With his eyes flashing, Ye Wuque asked the question in his heart, but Jin Dong's eyes brightened!

"Junior Brother Ye reminded me that if you can find Master Feng, let him raise your arms and all the senior brothers in my hidden sword grave will unite immediately, because Master Feng is the son of the sword, and it is our hidden sword grave. A respected object, and I have met Master Feng somewhere before!"

There was a hint of excitement in Jin Dong's tone, and Ye Wuque's heart was lifted by what he said.

"In that case, it shouldn't be too late. Let's set out now to see if we can catch up with the handsome men!"

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly felt the earth tremble!

In other words, the first stage of the entire Tianlan Ruins suddenly trembled violently!

It's as if something terrifying and inexplicable in the land of the first realm suddenly awakened!

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