Return Of The War God - Chapter 570

Chapter 570

The person who stays away from the seal

"Ximenzun! Do you think you can deal with the eight of us alone? You are only in the early stage of the spirit state, and we have five early stages of the spirit state! Why are you fighting us? I persuade you to fight with your hands!"

The boldest monk with the strongest cultivation among the eight disciples of the three sects spoke with a sharp tone as he watched Ximen Zun's cold glow.

"Noisy... can super sect disciples just rely on their lips?"

Ximenzun spoke lightly, showing his strong demeanor!

"Good! Ximenzun! Since you are looking for death! We will fulfill you!"

On the edge of a verdant lake like a mirror, a beautiful figure fluttered out like a flying fairy. The white dress was fluttering and swaying exquisitely. It was beautiful without a trace of fireworks, and the crystal-like jade face was so cold that it was Yu Jiaoxue.

And behind Yu Jiaoxue, there are three figures chasing endlessly at this moment, and the cultivation base of these three people has reached the early stage of the spirit state!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the Holy Way of the Heavens actually produced such a stunning beauty!"

"Yes! It's a pity to fall on the Holy Path of the Heavens."

"Beauty, you can't escape! Obediently catch it!"

The playful voices of the three disciples continued to sound, and their fiery eyes were fixed on Yu Jiaoxue's back.

However, they did not realize that Yu Jiaoxue, who had been rushing, had a crystal clear Ganoderma lucidum appeared on her slender hand at this moment, exuding a faint purple brilliance, and it was even more like flowing water swimming in it. Feel proud!

This thing is a treasure of heaven and earth that Yu Jiaoxue discovered before, named Purple Elf Chili, which contains incomparably pure and powerful heaven and earth energy. If it is taken, the cultivation base can immediately rise to a level.

At this time, the purple meaning in Yu Jiaoxue's red lips flashed away, and she had already taken the purple spirit mushroom.

In front of the crater where the high temperature spreads, two enchanting figures sit side-by-side. Both their faces are slightly pale, as if they are injured, but they do not compromise the beauty of the two women. One is dazzling and bright, and the other is cold and dusty. It is autumn. Haiyue and Wang Jie.

And in front of the two women, a figure with purple fire all over stood, seeming to be guarding the two women, but it was Zhou Yan!

Tens of feet away in front of Zhou Yan, there were five three disciples who exuded the fluctuations in the initial cultivation level of the spirit realm, staring at them, as if they would take action at any time.

However, there is a lava river between the two sides. If one of the three parties wants to pass, the other party will definitely seize the opportunity to knock down the lava river, so the situation seems to be in a stalemate.

It's just that no one can see that there is a strange color beating in the depths of Zhou Yan's purple eyes.

Everything that happened in the first layer of the Tianlan Remains now fell into the eyes of countless monks through the pictures on the light curtain of thousands of meters. It can be described as delicate.

"I'm going! The three sects of Qingming Shrine, Heartscar Nightmare Sect, and Tianyahai Pavilion are really united!"

"Now that the holy ways of the heavens are really over, look at it, it is clear that you are chasing the holy ways of the heavens!"

"The Holy Path of the Heavens has eliminated three people in succession, plus the few people who were on the passage of the Tianlan, at this moment, the people of the Holy Path of the Heavens in the first layer of the Tianlan Ruins have lost about a quarter. "

Countless monks were discussing with each other, and it was obvious that the situation had developed to the present situation, which exceeded many people's expectations.

"But Ye Wuque of the Holy Way of the Heavens is really amazing! With one enemy three, he actually defeated the other three, and one of them is still the outstanding Xie Xiliang of Qingming Shrine!"

"This Ye Wuque is definitely more terrifying than it looks! Didn't you find out that Xie Xiliang had taken the pill that increased his combat power, but he was still defeated by Ye Wuque and won, no matter if he is fighting himself Power, combat awareness, and on-the-spot response are definitely first-class super masters!"

"Unexpectedly, in addition to Ximenzun, the Holy Way of the Heavens, there has actually appeared such a super genius!"

"Alas, it's a pity that two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how powerful Ye Wuque is, there is only one person. It doesn't matter to the overall situation. The final failure of the holy way of the heavens is the general trend and cannot be resisted!" "Yes! Pity."

Above the void, the atmosphere between the five major sect's deputy suzerains at this moment still looks the same as before, and there is no intention of arguing and fighting. It is always calm and unpredictable.

However, the God Lord Meixing was restless again, and the charming smile continued to sound, the red lips were tempted, and the beautiful eyes swept towards the Lord Linglong and said: "Sister Linglong, how is this situation developing now? Is my sister satisfied?"

The words of Meixing Divine Master also caused Xu Yanmeng and Seven Color Pavilion Master to look sideways, and also looked towards Linglong Divine Master.

"Sister, I said I have to wait and see, now it seems that everything seems exactly the same as my sister thought! These little guys of the Holy Way of the Heavens are so pitiful, in the end there will only be one left, giggle..."

With a smile and a smile, the fascinating **** master, who is so tempting, said this time, but there was a hint of joy in his tone. His beautiful eyes stared at the exquisite **** master, as if to see her face hidden under the faint light. What kind of expression.

It seemed that as long as the ability to suppress Linglong's holy lord and embarrass Linglong's holy lord, it was a thing that was worth keeping her happy for a long time for Meixing God.

And at this moment, judging from the pictures transmitted from the light curtain of thousands of feet, the holy way of the heavens is indeed in a precarious disadvantage, and is in danger of being eliminated at any time.

Because the people who besieged them now are not ordinary monks, but disciples who are also super sects, so the so-called fighting over the ranks and defeating the strong in front of the super sect disciples will not have that much effect.

"My sister is so proud now, isn't it a bit too early? What the final result will be is still unknown, but for now, it is not only my people from the heavens who are eliminated, such as this one called Xie Xi Cool little guy, it seems that my sister originally seemed to have a lot of confidence in him..."

The Linglong Lord's lazy and mysterious voice sounded, but the words spoken made the beautiful face of the Meixing Lord slightly stagnant.

Obviously, the words of the Lord Linglong were beyond her expectation, and they were quite pointed.

"Hahahaha... The Lord Linglong is right! The Xie Xiliang of Qingming Shrine has even heard of his reputation. A few years ago, he was the first person in the younger generation of Qingming Shrine. The talent is amazing, he can be called an infinite genius."

"To be honest, I'm still looking forward to this little guy in this five super sect exchange meeting, but now it seems that it is really not very good. I want to live up to the expectations of Meixing sisters, but it is the little one of the gods of heaven. The performance of the guy is really good. With one enemy three, he is extremely extraordinary in terms of combat power, means, and mentality. It is indeed a good seed I had been optimistic about!"

Chu Xilai suddenly smiled and said. This opening seemed bold and generous, but it was piercing. At the very least, the face of the God Lord Meixing was no longer the same as before, and those beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. Sweeping under the void.

Xie Xiliang was eliminated by Ye Wuque. He was seriously injured and broke one arm. Although he was teleported out of the Tianlan Ruins at this moment, he was still in a coma because of his injuries. He lay down on his back on the main hall and was exposed. Under all eyes.

Fortunately, Xie Xiliang is now in a state of fainting. If he is awake, watching countless monks in all directions pointing and talking in a low voice, it is estimated that he will have even the heart of death.

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The beautiful eyes of the God Master Meixing squinted, but he said these two words in his heart, and immediately he didn't even look at Xie Xiliang again.

The loser, in the eyes of Qingming Temple, is a waste, no longer has any use value.

Compared with the centripetal and cohesive sacred paths of the heavens, the Qingming Shrine is like an extremely cold puppet, without any discipleship, and some are just naked selections, the weak and the strong, without any human touch at all.

"Ye Wuque..."

The raised eyes of the God Lord Meixing swept towards one of the many pictures of the thousands of feet of light. In that picture, a slender figure was running at a fast speed, with thick black hair, a handsome and fair face, and extraordinary heroism. It was Ye Wuque. .

Obviously, the God Lord Meixing had already taken heart to Ye Wuque and remembered this little-known disciple of the heavens.

The first heavy territory.

Ye Wuque had already rushed for half an hour at this moment, and it stands to reason that he should have reached the spot where the light spot was.

But the fact is not the case. Although the distance to the light spot is reduced, it is still a certain distance away.

This made Ye Wuque understand, and the other party was also moving.

Because the other party also has the Sky Lan token, since he can find the other party, the other party can naturally find himself.

"Could it be that the other party is unwilling to meet me? Are you trying to avoid the edge?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Wuque came to this conclusion, but it also gave him a little thought. Perhaps the other party was not a disciple of the Qingming Divine Palace, Heartscar Nightmare Sect, and Tianya Haige.

Because according to the situation of the three of Xie Xiliang, since their three sects are already united, there must be some special way of contacting them, so that they can gather together in one place, so that they can describe the number of people in the heavens. On the suppressed.

At this moment, the light spot displayed on the Tianlan token is only one person, which is inconsistent with this inference, which is enough to prove that the other party is either the brother of the heavenly saints or the disciple of the hidden sword mound.

"I hope my guess is correct..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, the holy way's fighting spirit was mighty, and the true dragon transformation turned to the extreme, roaring towards the place where the light spot was, his body was like wind, and he went hundreds of feet away in a blink of an eye.

In this way, after another half an hour, Ye Wuque was only about ten miles away from that spot of light. On the one hand, because Ye Wuque's speed had more than doubled at this moment, he was extremely fast.

The other is that the other party suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward. The distance between the two was getting closer.

Finally, a primitive jungle suddenly appeared in front of Ye Wuque's eyes, and at the same time, he heard more than one roar of monsters in his ears!

From the power contained in this roar, Ye Wuque's heart was slightly shaken.

Because the roar of these monsters is extremely terrifying, it is almost ten miles, and its strength has surpassed that of the monks at the peak of the late Origin Realm!

In other words, these monsters are likely to have reached the sixth level.

A human monk who is comparable to the spirit world!

Seeing this situation, Ye Wuque kicked his feet, and his whole person leaped high, surrounded by a dragon-shaped air current, and the sound of breaking through the air continued to rush towards that place.

Until a small valley appeared in front of him, in front of that valley, three huge figures nearly a hundred meters in size each occupies one place, exuding a brutal and terrifying aura, all staring at a figure besieged in the center!

Ye Wuque looked into the distance and saw the figure clearly, holding a long sword, sword light, his face was slightly pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but his eyes were tough and calm. The disciple of the Tibetan Sword Tomb of Tianlan Bridge...Jin Dong!

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