Return Of The War God - Chapter 572

Chapter 572

Flame Rat Unblocker

"What happened? This shaking is definitely not easy!"

Jin Dong shook his middle sword tightly, and his whole body was shaking slightly with the shaking earth, as if he might fall down at any time.

"This is not a shock in a certain area at all, this is a big shock that has affected the entire Tianlan Ruins in the first stage!"

Ye Wuque stood up long, with bright eyes looking in all directions, wherever his eyes could see, even thousands of miles away, he could clearly see everything shaking, some hills even collapsed, and the lake was flowing upstream.

This level of vibration is definitely not man-made, even if two great masters from the dust are fighting, the battlefield cannot cover such a wide range, and the cause of this vibration is more like a natural force of heaven and earth!

There must be something unexpected happened!

In an instant, Ye Wuque came to this conclusion in his mind. In his opinion, even at this moment, the deputy sect masters and elders of the major super sects outside the Tianlan Ruins, and even the people in Moqu didn't expect it in advance.

The violent shaking continued, Ye Wuque and Jin Dong had to jump into the jungle on one side and found the tallest ancient tree to climb on, so as not to be buried by the chapped ground.

In all directions, even in extremely remote places, you can hear a lot of roars and rushing sounds from monsters. For this kind of power that seems like the mighty nature of nature, the monsters have more intense fear. sense.

Fortunately, this violent vibration only lasted about a quarter of an hour, and it did not cause any major disaster.

However, when Ye Wuque stood on the canopy of the tree, his eyes swept across all directions, but his pupils shrank quietly at the end of a certain direction!

"What is that? It looks like a huge... palace!"

Jin Dong's voice at this moment also became slightly dry, and he looked at the same place as Ye Wuque's eyes.

At the end of their gazes, I don't know when a huge palace shining with aqublue light appeared. The palace lay across that place. No matter how far away you are from him, as long as you are the first Regardless of the corner, you can easily see it.

"It seems that the previous shock must be related to this palace, or that it was caused by this palace."

With a flash of gaze, Ye Wuque understood in his heart, and knew why the first realm would suddenly shake. Not surprisingly, it must be the movement caused by the palace slowly rising from the ground to the ground.

At this moment, outside the Tianlan ruins.

The many small pictures on the original thousands of feet of light curtain have disappeared, and they are completely unified. All that can be seen on the entire light curtain is this huge palace that suddenly appeared in the sky and spanned the world!

"My God! How could such a huge palace suddenly pop up! Did it rise from the ground?"

"What the **** is this? Anyone of you knows?"

"This...Is this the legendary...Tian Lan Palace?"

"What? Tianlan Zhendian? Isn't this shattered with the demise of Tianlan Zhenzong a long time ago?"

"In addition to the Tianlan Palace, I really can't think of any other explanation, because that is the first stage of the Tianlan Ruins!"

In the world, countless monks were in an uproar. Some of the older monks with profound cultivation seemed to recognize the origin of this huge palace. As soon as they said it, they attracted countless inquiries and inquiries.

"Tianlan Zhenzong is said to be the most precious and famous palace even when it is at its peak and glory, because this Tianlan Zhenzong can be regarded as the existence of the entire Tianlan Zhenzong similar to the'Zangjing Pavilion'! "

An old monk stroked his beard and spoke, and a long memory flashed through his vicissitudes of life, as if he saw the glory and power of Tianlan Zhenzong before the long years!

Buddhist Scripture Pavilion?

Hearing these three words, countless monks were taken aback for a moment, and then the eyes that looked at the huge light curtain became extremely fiery and envy!

Should the meaning of these three characters be explained clearly? Which monk would not understand?

This must be the place where the Tianlan Zhenzong used to store all the sects' unearthly knowledge!

You must know that the days of Tianlan Zhenzong existed earlier than the current era when the five super sects were established. In other words, Tianlan Zhenzong was the super sect of the Northern Horizons in that era!

No matter the scale or the momentum, the five super sects today, such a sect that once dominated the Northern Horizons forces in an era, the things in its Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are absolutely extraordinary!

"For a long time, the existence of the Tianlan Zhendian is just a legend. It has been left over from a long time ago. It only seems to have been born once thousands of years ago, but it is also very far away, and it is almost impossible to distinguish between true and false."

"Although the Tianlan True Sect is destroyed and the inheritance is gone, the reason why the Tianlan Relic has always existed is because the Tianlan True Palace has not perished, and it has always existed, so that it can be passed down to the Tianlan True Sect. A story, I didn't expect it to be alive today!"

The old monk said this, with a touch of excitement and emotion in his tone.

After the explanation from this old monk, countless monks showed green light in their eyes, and they wished to rush into the first layer of the Tianlan Ruins immediately!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

If you can enter this Tianlan Zhenzong and find even a little bit of cultivation resources left by Tianlan Zhenzong, you can't say that you can fly into the sky at once. From then on, the pheasant becomes a phoenix, and your destiny will change!

Under such a strong temptation, who would not be moved?

It is a pity that at this moment in the five super sect exchange meeting, no matter how longing and urgent, no one dared to step beyond the thunder pool!

The super sect is the well-deserved hegemon in the Northern Skyland, not to mention that the five super sects are here together. Who dares not to be presumptuous, dare not provoke the dignity of the super sect, otherwise the end will be miserable.

However, at this moment, above the void, the angry old voice of the people on Moqu suddenly resounded!

"The appearance of the Tianlan Zhendian is a once-in-lifetime opportunity, but all the monks in the Northern Horizons can rest assured that this Tianlan Zhendian belongs to the entire Northern Horizons. Even the five super sects will never swallow it without authorization. The suzerain has reached an agreement. After the exchange meeting is over, the Tianlan relics will be opened again. At that time, anyone can enter the Tianlan True Palace. As for whether they can gain and how much they gain, it depends on personal luck..."

As soon as these words came out, endless cheers and excitement broke out between the heaven and the earth, and all the monks were boiling!

Above the void, the people on Moqu stood with their hands in their hands, looking at the Tianlan True Palace on the huge light curtain, a touch of emotion was drawn across the old face.

"I didn't expect that Tianlan Zhendian would be born again thousands of years later, and it happened to be among the five super sect exchange meetings. It was really a good time to choose!"

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At this moment, the deputy masters of the five major sects were all staring at the huge light curtain with different expressions.

The beautiful eyes of the God Lord Meixing flickered, it seems that the Tianlan Zhendian's sudden appearance has disrupted her previous plans and expectations, but in general it is a great opportunity for the disciples of Qingming Temple.

The face of the Lord Linglong was covered with a faint radiance, and she couldn't see her face at this time, and she didn't know how she felt.

Tianlan Ruins are in the first place.

Ye Wuque and Jin Dong have already jumped off the old tree. Although they don't know what happened or why the palace appeared, the movement caused by this appearance alone proves that this palace is absolutely extraordinary. .

"To be able to appear in the Tianlan Ruins, this palace must be related to the Tianlan Ruins..."

Ye Wuque looked at the huge palace and spoke slowly.

However, at this moment, the voice of a blue dragon suddenly resounded from all directions, spreading throughout the entire first stage!

"Little guys, I have to say that your luck is really good. You actually came across the birth of the Tianlan Palace, which has been rare in a thousand years, even the old man envied your luck."

The voice of the people on Moqu shook the first stage of the Tianlan Ruins, and his voice could be heard no matter where he was.

Ye Wuque took out the Tianlan token, only then realized that the Tianlan token seemed to be a medium through which the voices of people on Moqu could be heard.

Otherwise, the first realm of the Tianlan Ruins is so vast and vast, even if the people on Moqu are masters who leave the dust realm, it is impossible to cover them all, so that everyone can hear clearly.

"Tian Lan Palace? It really has something to do with the Tian Lan ruins!"

Upon hearing the words of the person on the Moqu, Ye Wuque understood. According to the person on the Moqu, it seems that the birth of the Heavenly Lan Zhen Temple is extremely rare, and it is a rare occurrence in a thousand years.

"Since the Heavenly Lan Palace is born, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the old lady will tell you the origin of this Tian Lan Palace."

"Tianlan Zhenzong is the Tibetan scripture pavilion of Tianlan Zhenzong. It contains all the secrets of Tianlan Zhenzong. Although the Tianlan Zhenzong has been damaged since the destruction of Tianlan Zhenzong, most of the secrets have disappeared. But there is still a lot left."

Just talking about this, Ye Wuque and Jin Dong's eyes showed a trace of shock and heat!

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Tianlan Zhenzong?

Have all the secrets of Tianlan Zhenzong hidden?

Oh my God!

This is indeed a great opportunity!

"If you can enter the Tianlan Palace, if you are lucky enough, you will have something, maybe it can be regarded as a very good harvest last time. Although you are in a ten-day scoring battle, but everywhere is a battlefield. Don't miss it!"

After the words of the person above Mo Qu fell with a trace of echo, he did not continue to speak.

But in the entire territory of the first level, all the super sect disciples boiled instantly!

All eyes were fixed on the Tianlan Temple that lay between heaven and earth, and their eyes became extremely fiery!

In the next moment, no matter what the super sect disciples are doing or preparing to do in the entire first layer, they all give up at this moment, and they all rush towards the Tianlan Palace!

Here, Ye Wuque flashed in the same figure as Jin Dong, and hurried away in the direction where the Tianlan True Palace was.

Because, after Ye Wuque's thoughts, the sudden birth of Tianlan Zhendian not only brought a great opportunity, but also brought a break of the advantage gap established by the previous three unions, so that the people of the heavens can temporarily breathe. Tone.

Perhaps, in this Heavenly Lanzhen Palace, the meeting of the five super sects will make everything happen again.

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Brothers, the unblocking chapter also presents devil fruits. The brothers who can unblock Old Nian must support Old Nian. I hope that the unblocked brothers can also give the devil fruit to Old Nian. This is really important. Get rid of Brothers, thank you very much, I always pay homage!