Return Of The War God - Chapter 4611

Chapter 4611

Lonely proud, is this mocking Ye Wuque?

The tone seemed casual, but the unkindness in it could be heard by anyone.

Is there really an enmity between these two Lingzi adults?

But this is totally unscientific!

If there is a gap, it should be right with Long Qianqiu. After all, Ye Lan had sacrificed Long Qianqiu's decree before his death, but Ye Wuque turned a blind eye to it. He still killed and killed Long Qianqiu at all.

If it is Long Qianqiu mocking Ye Wuque now, it makes sense, what is the situation here?

"Don't you know? Gu Xinao is said to be a domineering and domineering disciple when he was an ordinary Jiumai disciple. I am the only one who is famous, and he will not let anyone offend him!"

"But Master Ye didn't offend him either!"

"The ghost knows what's going on, but this coronation ceremony may not be so simple and smooth!"

"No way? Lord Ye's crowning of Lingzi was the result of collective discussion between Lord Leader and the first adult. It was a reward for Lord Ye's achievements in the End of the World. This is a reward that Lord Ye deserves!"

"That's right, but which of the original five Lingzi Lingzi adults is not a distinguished person in my ancient league, and has a special meaning? If you want to find the ballast, as long as it is not too much, the first adult is also To save face, after all, the lord leader is not here now!"

"If this is really troublesome, it would be a fight between gods, and only the first adult is qualified to intervene, even the second adult can only watch!"

"Let's watch!"

Many Jiumai disciples from all directions were talking, their voices were very low, and they didn't dare to speak loudly at all.

"Is there something wrong with this stupid fork? Why is it aimed at the boss?"

On the seat, Huang Biluo spoke puffedly, looking at that lonely heart with a bad face.

"Benevolence has been to the Patriarch Hall before, and later it is said that he went to the forbidden place of the Ancient League. That forbidden place should be the place where the spiritual children and spiritual women retreat. I am afraid that Ben Gong encountered these spiritual children and spiritual women. "

Mu Daoqi calmly analyzed.

"I understand, this arrogance must have suffered under the boss, but it has not been spread, so taking advantage of the coronation ceremony of the boss, this guy is looking for a ballast!!"

The candle bear urn opened his mouth with anger.

"Oh! Old bear, it's rare to be smart!"

Huang Biluo's mouth was serene.

"Who is the boss? He never takes the initiative to cause trouble, and he never bullies others. Needless to say, this guy is definitely asking for trouble in a forbidden place, and he was taught a lesson by the boss!"

"The boss is not afraid of him at all. It's not enough for this guy to lose face once. This time I want to lose face in front of all Jiumai disciples!"

Huang Biluo looked like he was waiting.

In the center of the square, Ye Wuque on the dragon's blade always sat quietly, facing the arrogant mocking words, he didn't even mean to open his eyes.

Anyone can see that this is a kind of thorough...ignorance!

Upon seeing this, a flash of cold light flashed in Gu Xinao's eyes, but he was not angry, but after a sneer, he also turned around and walked to his throne and sat down.


It was also at this time that the distant void once again overflowed with three unpredictable fluctuations. This was a more unfathomable aura than all the secondary seats, including Lingzi, shining on for nine days and crushing everything.

The moment they felt these three breaths, everyone on the entire Coronation Square became solemn and awed.

The three first adults left behind in the ancient league are here!

The three breaths are coming, and they are very different.

On the left is clear and calm, like an endless lake, quiet and peaceful, giving people a sense of stability that can't help but relax. After landing, it is the first seat of Qingyuan.

The one on the right is high above, cold and deep, as if a celestial lady is in the dust, and all things are frozen in ice, which makes people feel a kind of unreasonable awe and look up. It is the first seat of Bing Ming.

The chaos and wildness in the middle, vast and boundless, like a black sun swaying across the sky, a raging fire covering the earth, full of suffocation, and it is the first seat of chaos.

The three first seats came and the atmosphere became awe-inspiring.

"See the three first adults!"

At this moment, all the Jiumai disciples on the Coronation Square and the second seat all stood up and saluted respectfully.

Including the four great spiritual sons and daughters, although they did not get up, they also gave a gentle bow.

On Long Yin, Ye Wuque, whose eyes were slightly closed, also opened his eyes at this moment.

On the front three thrones, the three first thrones stepped forward and sat down.

"Why didn't Wu Qingyang arrive?"

Luan Xu's first seat saw that one of the five Lingzi thrones was empty and spoke slowly.

Everyone present was also quite curious. For example, most Jiumai disciples stretched their necks directly.

Ancient League Spirit Girl Wu Qingyang!

This is a true legend in the Ancient League, especially in the eyes of countless male disciples, Wu Qingyang is the goddess in their dreams.

Although many Jiumai disciples came for Ye Wuwei this time, taking a look at the goddess in their hearts by the way, it was also something that was extremely longing in their hearts.

But the goddess did not come, naturally disappointed.

Qing Yunhuang stood up at the moment, looked at the three firsts and said helplessly: "Three firsts, Sister Wu... she is in retreat!"

"She can't say that she won't get out of the legend."

"Closed to death? What's the situation? How can you suddenly be closed to death?"

Luanxu's first seat was also taken aback, but immediately shook his head slightly.

"Since you are in retreat, it is excusable."

Luan Xu's first seat no longer cares about Wu Qingyang's yet to arrive, but instead looks at Ye Wuque who is sitting on the top of Long Nian, seeming to have forgotten the time.


"Ten days ago, according to the order of the lord, I waited for all the first seats to reach a unified opinion. Because Ye Wuque made a worldly contribution at Tianyaguan, saved the territories of the human race, and defeated Jiuyou, so I allowed him to break the rules of the ancient alliance. , Ye Wuque is specially allowed to be crowned and become the sixth spiritual son of our ancient league today!"

The first mighty voice of Luan Xu resounded, with an unquestionable power.

"The time has come!"

"This seat announces that the quasi-spirit cotyledon of the profound veins is intact, and the ceremony of crowning the 'lingzi' begins now..."

With the sound of the first seat of the chaos, brilliant brilliance suddenly shined from around the Coronation Holy Land!


A huge roar reverberated, and an ancient altar rose from the sky shaking and appeared right in front of Ye Wuque, towering high.

This was exactly the altar that Ye Wuque had boarded before when he was crowned the quasi-lingzi, and this time he appeared again.

At the same time, the three firsts stretched out their hands at the same time, a little empty.

I saw three sparks flying out all at once and falling to the top of the altar, which naturally ignited the coronation life.

Before the quasi-lingzi was crowned, a first adult was responsible for igniting the coronation sacred fire. In theory, if the lingzi is crowned in principle, the leader of the leader will personally ignite the coronation flame.

But this time the situation is special, and the leader is not there, and there are three firsts together.

But this time the flame is ten times stronger!

Not only that, the color is no longer red, but noble...silver!

"The holy flame is burning!"

"The ladder is now!"

The ladder leading to the altar immediately burst into brilliant glory.

On Long Yin, Ye Wuque, who had been sitting upright, slowly stood up, stepped out, and suddenly came to the top of the ladder.

Step up the ladder and go to the top of the altar to receive the silver sacred fire baptism, and you can be crowned the "spirit son".

Ye Wuque's movements were not hurried, and he stepped on the ninety-nine level of the ladder quickly.

The blazing silver sacred fire is here!

The silver life was reflected in the bright eyes, and the terrible high temperature hit his face, but Ye Wuque did not hesitate to prepare to step into the holy fire...


However, at this moment, a sudden sound suddenly sounded, which immediately alarmed everyone. When the sound followed, he suddenly saw the arrogant smile on the Lingzi Throne, which was what he opened.

Luan Xu's first seat also looked over at this moment, and before Gu Xin Ao continued to speak, he said indifferently: "Gu Xin Ao, you have to figure out one thing. This time Ye Wuque's coronation ceremony is an extraordinary coronation, and it is not normal. Processes are special cases, so there are no challenges of any form in the past processes."

"So, whatever you are going to do, wait until the coronation ceremony is over."

"Besides, you are already a spiritual son, so don't make any extra effort."