Return Of The War God - Chapter 4612

Chapter 4612

The first seat of Luan Xu seemed to see the arrogant plan, and directly blocked the words behind him.

Gu Xin Ao didn't expect Luan Xu's first seat to stop him so cleanly, but his eyes flickered, but he continued to smile and said: "The first seat is so bad..."

"First of all, I admit that Ye Wuque can get this extraordinary coronation promotion. This is based on his own ability. The merit is in the territory of the human race. There is nothing to say about this, it is indeed a reward."

Lonely and arrogantly spoke, what he said clearly sounded to be towards Ye Wuque.

Many Jiumai disciples frowned, completely unsure of what loneliness and proud meant.

"Since you know, there is no need to say more."

The voice of Bing Ming's first seat also sounded, with a faint indifference, not because she deliberately did so, but because of her nature. Coupled with the special technique, it gave people a sense of aloof alienation.

At this moment, Bing Ming's first seat was also speaking, and together with the first two of Luan Xu, they all seemed to be speaking for Ye Wuque.

Only the first seat of Qingyuan always sat quietly, without opening, like an outsider.

On the top of the altar, Ye Wuque stood quietly, carrying his hands on his back, and was not anxious at all, just looking down at the lonely arrogant person below, his face blank.

According to the truth, the two firsts in a row speak, and even if they are the souls, they have to give face, and take the initiative to retreat is the right way.

But at this moment Lonely Haughty continued to smile and said, "I didn't expect Bing Ming to favor Ye Wuqian in the first seat."

"That's right, I shouldn't say anything more because of reason."

"However, after this Ye Wuque is crowned, he will become the sixth spiritual son of my ancient league, standing side by side with us."

"Then the meaning is different."

"Firsts, you think Ye Wuque is worthy of rewards, worthy of rewards, that's okay, but everything has advantages and disadvantages."

"In my opinion, the biggest drawback of Ye Wuque's becoming Lingzi is his... not enough strength!"

"It's a bit awkward, because he has done meritorious service, and the credit is large enough, so he can ignore the rules of the ancient league and make an exceptional crown."

"Just because he has done meritorious service, should we ignore his own actual situation?"

"The three firsts, the second ones, I wonder if you have ever heard a word not worthy?"

"Ye Wuque is not strong enough, and now it's only a half-step legendary realm. No matter how concealed it is, no matter how he adds to the description of his credit, this is a practical problem that cannot be avoided."

"I would like to ask, if in the future, as long as someone builds a large enough meritorious service, can they all be named as spiritual sons at will? Can they break the rules for them?"

"Can you ignore your strength?"

"Know that the soul of my ancient league is a face to the outside world!"

"If this is the case, then I have nothing to say, I can only say one thing, the position of the soul that I only obtained after all the hard work...but so!!!"

In the last sentence, what Gu Xin proud said is categorical!

Countless disciples in the entire Coronation Square were silent, although many disciples felt that being arrogant and arrogant was a strong word, but from this perspective, it seemed to make sense.

The first seat of Luan Xu and the first seat of Bing Ming frowned slightly.

I have to say that there is some truth in the words of loneliness and pride.

It is a bit too much to describe Ye Wuque as being uncoordinated, but it is indeed a little too weak to have insufficient strength.

"Isn't it? I remember very clearly, when you added Lingzi, you were also half-step legendary, right?"

"You can do it, why can't Ye Wuque?"

"Play double standard?"

At this moment, a person's voice suddenly sounded, speaking for Ye Wuque, it was Qing Yunhuang.

Lonely arrogant eyes flashed suddenly.

He didn't expect Qing Yunhuang to speak for Ye Wuque here.

"Senior Brother Qing, now and then, when I became a spiritual child, Senior Sister Wu, and you, including Senior Brother Long, were only half-step legendary."

"So, it's natural for me to be in a half-step Legendary Realm."

"But now?"

"Which of the five of us does not possess the combat power of the true gods and laws?"

"As the tide rises, Ye Wuque naturally demands higher levels of him."

Strong words!

Qing Yunhuang frowned, and he felt the tricky words of aloofness.

Long Qianqiu, who had been listening quietly, had a faint smile in his eyes at this moment, as if watching a play.

It is very simple to hear people blowing blood, with a pretty face, like an outsider.

Luanxu first seat and Bingming first seat are hard to say at this moment.

"Come on, what are you going to do when you arrive?"

Suddenly, a magnetic voice sounded, but it came from the first seat of Qingyuan who had never spoken.

The third leader expressed his opinion, and everyone suddenly looked over.

"But there is one thing you have to understand. Ye Wuque is crowned as Lingzi. This is the decision made by the lord leader and all the first seats after consultation. This point cannot be changed!"

Qingyuan's first seat added.

On the altar, Ye Wuque, who had been silent, heard Qingyuan's first words, but his eyes flashed slightly.

Qingyuan's first words sounded like a rounding off and persuading the loneliness and arrogance, but the real meaning is clearly to provide solitude and arrogance...

What happened when he saw Qingyuan's first seat for the first time appeared in his mind, Ye Wuque's eyes slowly became deep.

"Thank you Qingyuan for the first reminder."

"What I want to do is very simple. First of all, I will show my attitude. I will never oppose Ye Wuque becoming a spiritual son. This is what he deserves."

"However, since he is not strong enough, the position of the soul can...slow down..."

"The position of the sixth spiritual son still belongs to him, but given him two years to improve himself, Ye Wuque is so talented that he may be able to go further in two years and raise his combat power to the level of the true gods."

"Two years later, no matter whether his strength has reached the level of the true **** and law, he will be crowned again. It is justified, but also just in line with the seven-year restriction rules for the coronation of the spirit child. Isn't everyone happy?"

Lonely smiled and spoke.

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples changed their color slightly!

"of course!"

"In addition, there is a second way, which is even simpler..."