Return Of The War God - Chapter 4610

Chapter 4610

The shapes of these three people are very unique at the moment.

Heiguang wears a mask on half of his face, and the darkness completely covers half of his face. Only half of it was exposed, and there was no expression on it at the moment, only the eyes were dark.

Yang Shan looked the most ordinary, as if nothing had changed, but if you look closely, you will find that he has been sitting empty, half of his **** hanging in the air, very uncomfortable.

Among the three, Piao Xin looked the most miserable.

Only half of her left arm was left, and the remaining half and her left hand were all missing. At this moment, there was still a bandage, and there were many indescribable expressions flowing on her already mean face!

Unwilling, frightened, resentful, mean and complicated!

"How could this happen?? How could this happen? Damn it! Damn it!"

Piao Xin couldn't help it anymore, cursing in a hoarse voice!

But only Heiguang and Yangshan could hear her voice, and she only dared to use sound transmission.

Hei Guang was expressionless, but Yang Shan sighed: "How long has it passed? There is such a thing in this world! What should we...what do?"

There was a trace of depression in Yangshan's tone.

"What else can I do? This is almost an endless situation!!"

"Have you forgotten what happened not long ago?"

"Hua Teng and the entire Hua family have been wiped out by this little beast!! How bold is this?? He is simply avenging private revenge!"

"This little beast will pay for it. It's so hot! He will never let us go!"

Piaoxin cursed viciously, with a strong anxiety.

"No! Black light, we must find a way, we must not sit still! We must take the lead, we must..."

"We can't do anything."

Finally, the black light sounded, without a trace of emotion, but Piaoxin's voice suddenly stagnated.

"He is going to be a spiritual son."

"When he became a quasi-spiritual son, we couldn't help him. Now that he is a spiritual son, this is no longer full of wings, but soaring."

"On status and status, on merit and glory, he is already above us. Now we need to look up, not him."

Hei Guang's words blasted into Piao Xin's heart like thunder, turning the anxiety in her heart into a deep panic!

How long has it passed?

The little beast who could be squeezed to death in the past has now turned into a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex, looking high above himself, but he can't do anything or dare to do it.

"Accept the reality and learn to accept your fate..."

Yang Shan spoke again, with a deep weakness.

"Yes, but what if he continues to kill us?"

Piaoxin tremblingly spoke.

"On the bright side, he also dared not do anything. As long as we are cautious, he can't help us. After all, we are still the second seat."

"Also, we are... a legend!"

"He's not yet!"

"And the most important point, his town killed Ye Lan, he should have offended Master Long Qianqiu."

"Next day... Fang Chang."

Hei Guang's words finally made Piao Xin feel a sense of security.


At this moment, suddenly five streams of light came from a distance, and they also fell within the Coronation Holy Land. After revealing their figures, they were all five young figures.

The moment they saw these five figures, countless Jiumai disciples also became quiet.

These five people are the five quasi-spiritual sons of the ancient league today!

Three women and two men.

One of them, Fengshen, handsome and tall as a mountain, is Wan Yanghao.

At this moment, Wan Yanghao looked at Ye Wuque, who was still in the center, but there was a deep sense of shame in his eyes.

"Compared with him, what do we count for?"

Wan Yanghao's self-deprecating voice sounded, and it fell in the ears of the other people, making them nod lightly, full of emotion.

Everyone knows.

If Ye Wuque is included, the original quasi-lingzi in the ancient league is a total of eight people.

But now?

Ye Wuque was about to be crowned as Lingzi, and before that, he had killed Hua Teng and Ye Lan with only one hand.

As a result, the quasi-lingzi only had five people left.

In front of Ye Wuque, the other quasi-lingzi of the Ancient League really felt deeply what was called the gap, the difference was too far.

"But I won't admit defeat!"

"The position of the soul..."

"Sooner or later, Wan Yanghao will be there!"

After sitting down, Wan Yanghao showed a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

Ye Wuque's strong promotion path seemed to have inspired Wan Yanghao and filled him with fighting spirit.


But in the next moment...

From an unknown place in the ancient league, four streamers suddenly rushed out, each occupying one place, exuding a vast and infinite aura, as if four boundless sky heavens were born and appeared.

If the arrival of the five quasi-spirit children made the holy place of coronation become quiet, then at the moment of feeling these four majestic breaths, the whole holy place of coronation suddenly became silent! !

Not only the Nine Meridian disciples, including every second seat, also quieted down at this moment, looking at the four slowly descending streams, with a solemn expression.

These four streams of light fell within the holy place of coronation, and they all appeared. It was Qing Yunhuang, Long Qianqiu, Wenren's blood, and loneliness!

The younger generation of the Ancient League truly stands on top of the summit, and the existence of Shenlong never sees the end... Lingzi!

In the ancient league, Lingzi Lingnv is a living legend, and is the idol and pillar that countless nine-mai disciples look up to in their hearts.

Now, four of the five spiritual sons and females have come, and the shock it brings is indescribable!

Old League rules.

The new quasi-spirit is crowned, and the remaining quasi-spirit must be present.

The same is true.

A new soul is crowned, and the rest will naturally be there.

This is an ancient etiquette.


The four great spiritual sons and females stand in the coronation holy place, and their throne is at the forefront of the coronation holy place, adjacent to the three most important thrones, in the same position.

Qing Yunhuang stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at Ye Wuque on Long Nian, a faint expectation flashed in his sharp eyes. After a glance, he walked towards his throne and sat down.

Long Qianqiu smiled faintly, and he was very friendly. He stood with Wenren blowing blood. From a certain point of view, he was really a couple of gods and goddesses.

However, when Long Qianqiu's starry eyes looked at Ye Wuque, there was an inexplicable smile in the depths of his eyes.

Wen Ren's pretty face was indifferent, without any expression, but the charm she exuded was full of aggressiveness. She just glanced at Ye Wuque and turned back towards the throne.

Long Qianqiu also smiled and walked towards his throne.

Only the lonely heart stood there, staring at Ye Wuque unblinkingly.

How can the loneliness and pride at this time have the miserable appearance of being suppressed by Ye Wuque in Dikun?

Obviously, he has recovered and regained the spirit of spirit.

Ye Wuque's appearance was reflected in a pair of terrifying eyes. For some reason, all the Jiumai disciples in the entire Coronation Holy Land suddenly felt a sense of trembling, and couldn't help trembling!

There is an enmity between Gu Xin proud and Ye Wuque?

Many Jiumai disciples with extraordinary vision noticed this immediately, but they were still confused.

After all, what happened in Dikun didn't spread, and no one knew about the Jiumai disciple.

On Long Nian, Ye Wuque sat quietly, motionless, his eyes were closed without knowing when, as if he was closing his eyes and resting.

Gu Xinao just stared at Ye Wuque without blinking, but suddenly smiled.

On the rear throne, Long Qianqiu, who was leaning on the throne, looked at the lonely and proud back, and there was an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Ye Wuque..."

Suddenly, the lonely and proud voice sounded, as if with a hint of carefreeness, it was so clear in the deadly Coronation Holy Land!

Everyone pricked their ears!

"I have a question to ask..."

"Do you think... you can really successfully become the sixth soul of my ancient league today?"

Lonely smiled arrogantly, seeming to ask inadvertently.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the originally silent coronation holy ground instantly became tense! !