Return Of The War God - Chapter 4584

Chapter 4584

Hum! !

A tyrannical wild wave broke out in Wu Qingyang's body in an instant, and directly turned into a rough and unpredictable storm that swept all directions!

The fog in front of the entire cliff was instantly blown away! !

The ground centered on Wu Qingyang began to tremble violently in an instant, and the breath erupting from her rushed for nine days.

But it is not a legendary realm, but... a half-step legendary realm!

She actively suppressed her own combat power and wanted to fight Ye Wuque.

"Let me taste how hard your fists are in the same realm!"

There was a frenzy on Wu Qingyang's face, and her voice seemed to be burning hot.

At this moment, Wu Qingyang seemed to have changed a person out of thin air, his fierce fighting spirit was burning, boiling infinitely!

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed.

He could easily feel that Wu Qingyang, who had suppressed his combat power to a half-step legendary realm, was more than lonely and proud.

"Invincible of the same rank?"

Ye Wuqian spoke gently.

Compared to solitary and arrogant, this Wu Qingyang is truly invincible at the same level.

"What nonsense! Are you still a man?"


The earthquake trembled, Wu Qingyang stepped out, and the terrifying power instantly exploded, and the whole ground exploded directly. She threw out like a mad dragon, her right hand clenched into a fist, and her delicate body burst out with a splendid brilliance, and the power of the body burst out. , It's like a shock!

Did not use any magical powers.

There is also no fancy technique, just a simple and rude, straight punch!


The void suddenly shattered, and the black hair swelled, Wu Qingyang stepped across the endless distance, bullied himself to Ye Wuque's, and punched hard!

Ye Wuque stood up long, with his left hand behind him, and also raised his right hand, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and he threw out the same punch!


The two fists collided together instantly!

In an instant, cracks raged from the center where the two fists collided, endless terrifying counter-shock power erupted, and the void finally exploded!

The ripples spread rapidly, and the earth in a radius of a million miles was shaking!

Under Wu Qingyang's stunned eyes, her powerful body was directly overturned by the indescribable terrifying power in Ye Wuque's right fist.

Flew out for a full dozen feet, and after landing, Wu Qingyang rubbed her feet against the ground extremely fast, and the terrible counter-shock force continued to erupt, dragging her whole body back and continuing to retreat, and finally bumped into the cliff. Just stopped.

The dense dust and smoke spread, Wu Qingyang hit the cliff, almost embedded in the mountain.

But here, Ye Wuque slowly closed his fists.

He still stood on the spot, motionless, there was no change from beginning to end, nor did he use any magical powers.

Sit down!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque, who had closed his fist, looked at his right fist, and there was an unexpected look in his bright eyes.

What a powerful force!

Not only was the strength of this Senior Sister Wu terrifying, her physical strength was also tempered with great effort, and Ye Wuque could clearly feel the moment her fists hit.

Ye Wuque's right fist... numb!

How long has it been since this happened?

And the other party is still a woman?

This side.

Wu Qingyang struggling out of the mountain with her head down, stepped out, her dark hair fluttering in the wind, she looked at her right fist at the moment.

The right fist was shaking violently!

Not only the right fist, but the entire right arm, and even the entire right half of the body, were shaking violently!

The intense pain reminds Wu Qingyang of how terrifying the punch that Ye Wuque had just received!


Wu Qingyang, with her head down, suddenly let out a strange smile. She suddenly raised her head. An expression of extreme fanaticism and excitement surged on that beautiful and wild pretty face, and her star-like eyes bloomed with something called seeing hunting. Happy eyes!


"Come again!!"

With a long scream, Wu Qingyang stepped out again, mobilizing all the power in his body, still the same as before, without any supernatural power, just half a step into the legend, and punched with pure full force!


The fist wind struck, and the void shattered.


Wu Qingyang's fist was once again stopped by Ye Wuque.

Wu Qingyang flew out again and crashed into the cliff!

"Come again!"

Wu Qingyang's tone was frantic and high-pitched, he was dancing wildly, running all his power, and blasting towards Ye Wuque again!


Wu Qingyang flew out again.

"Come again!"


"Come again!"


When Wu Qingyang was blown out with a fist by the motionless Ye Wuque for the thirty-fifth time, and hit the cliff, her throat finally trembled, and then she coughed up blood! !

But Wu Qingyang, who coughed up blood, didn't feel any pain or anger. Instead, he lay down on his back at random, just laugh so loudly.


"Happy! So happy!!"

"Old Niangshuang turned over!"

"It's been a long time since this frost! Hahahahaha!"

Then Wu Qingyang turned around, panting and lying on the ground looking at Ye Wuque said: "You are really amazing!"

At this moment, Wu Qingyang's eyes towards Ye Wuque had revealed an unusual hotness, full of aggression and desire that was boiling like a flame!

Ye Wuque: "..."

"Ahem, Junior Brother has been offended, please forgive Senior Sister Wu, let's say goodbye."

Speaking of Ye Wuque, he hurriedly walked towards the pattern of the cliff.

For some reason, Wu Qingyang's eyes looking at him at the moment made him feel a little scared.

Hurry up!

There will be big trouble if you leave it.

But the next moment...

Hum! !

A majestic wave turned out, and it instantly enveloped Ye Wuque, it was from Wu Qingyang.

But it is no longer the half-step legendary realm, but the power of the true gods and Fphase levels!

Ye Wuque couldn't move instantly!

Although his power of the soul is not affected in any way, his body has been imprisoned forcibly.

Ye Wuque suddenly cried out badly.

But before he had time to do anything, a fragrant wind rushed over his face, and Hou Ye Wuqian saw Wu Qingyang's beautiful wild face magnify in front of his eyes!

Then, a fiery and hot body slammed into Ye Wuque's neck, a pair of lotus arms directly embraced Ye Wuque's neck, terrible power erupted, and Ye Wuque's whole body began to step back quickly!

After not knowing how many steps back, Ye Wuque slammed into the cliff firmly, and Wu Qingyang, who came close to him, put his arms on the left and right sides of Ye Wuque's head, and also hit the cliff!

If someone saw this scene all the way, they would find that Ye Wuque was clearly smashed to the cliff by Wu Qingyang!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's body froze.

But with Wu Qingyang's power, Ye Wuque couldn't move at all at this moment, and could only helplessly watch him being slammed by Wu Qingyang.

I could only watch Wu Qingyang's beautiful wild face slowly approaching his face.

"Junior Brother Ye...Where do you want to escape?"

Gently leaning to Ye Wuque's ear, Wu Qingyang sounded with a magnetic and seductive voice.

At this moment, Wu Qingyang's whole body was directly attached to Ye Wuque's body, looking at that appearance, wishing to squeeze himself into Ye Wuque's body.

"Sister Wu, men and women are different, it's not good."

Ye Wuque spoke calmly, God knows how he is struggling crazily at the moment, but the power of the true gods and the law is still unable to resist.

The key is that the willpower that Grandmaster Tai Cang left on him can only protect him from being hurt, but it cannot guarantee that he will not be bled.

"Why is it not so good?"

"I feel pretty good..."

Wu Qingyang smiled lightly, and then pushed himself closer to Ye Wuque, almost seamlessly!

Ye Wuque: "..."

Wu Qingyang looked at Ye Wuque again and brought her pretty face close to Ye Wuque's face, and the two of them were almost facing each other.

Ye Wuque's brows were already frowned!

The woman in front of me is unreasonable, she is a lunatic!

"Are you calling me a lunatic right now?"

Wu Qingyang suddenly smiled and said.

Ye Wuque's expression was suddenly startled.

"Hey! Your face is so cute now, Junior Brother Ye..."

Wu Qingyang exhaled like blue, and as he spoke, the hot breath sprayed directly on Ye Wuque's face.

Ye Wuque's brows were already twisted together.

"What the **** are you doing?"


Suddenly, Wu Qingyang stretched out a slender finger to block Ye Wuque's mouth, and then said: "Don't talk, listen to me."

"I have an idea, would you like to listen to it?"

"You're so amazing, I like you."

"Just... are you interested in being my child's father?"

Wu Qingyang said with a smile, exhaling like blue.

Ye Wuque: "..."


The female lunatic through and through!

Make people like to be a father?

Is this something that a normal person can do? Is it something that can be said?

Seeing that Ye Wuque's brows were frowning and knotted, Wu Qingyang suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, I was wrong."

"I mean... I want to have a baby with you."

"You can also understand it as...borrowing seeds."

"I want to borrow your seed."

Lowering his voice, Wu Qingyang said with a pretty smile to Ye Wuque.