Return Of The War God - Chapter 4583

Chapter 4583

Dikun is much bigger than imagined.

This was Ye Wuwei's feeling at this moment. Although his spirit power had already spread out, this place was indeed a taboo place of the Ancient League. The real edge area could not penetrate even the spirit power, but would bounce back.

Obviously over the long years, this forbidden place has been reinforced by countless generations of ancestors, and the power of the soul cannot penetrate.

At least the power of the soul of the Great Sun Realm Dzogchen cannot do it.

After facing the four great spiritual sons and daughters, Ye Wuque no longer slowed down but started to leave quickly according to the inheritance of glory.

Half a quarter of an hour.

When Ye Wuque's figure stopped in the void, a huge cliff appeared at the end of his sight!

This cliff covered this place like a sky, as if this was the end of Dikun.

The gray-black cliffs are surrounded by mist, vague and unreal, but the exposed part is mottled and pitted. I don't know how long it has passed, giving people a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

And Ye Wuque's inherited glorious entrainment fluctuations also reached its limit at this time.

"The inheritance of the heavenly king is within this cliff?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and he walked forward slowly and walked into the mist.

Suddenly, a icy breath came to his face, it was very comfortable, as if entering the ice cellar in the summer, people have a sense of lingering.

After entering the fog, Ye Wuque realized that the fog was only a natural barrier, blocking the visual prying from outside.


Suddenly, Ye Wuque paused.

At this moment, at the end of his line of sight, at the end of the fog, and on the ground before the center of the cliff, there is a beautiful shadow surrounded by the fog sitting quietly!

A woman sitting in front of a cliff?

Among the five spirit sons of the ancient alliance of the gods, there are two spirit daughters, one of which is the one who heard people blowing blood, which has just been seen.

So this one sitting in front of the cliff is another spiritual girl?

The last one among the five great souls?

Ye Wuque's gaze swept across the misty woman, and then landed on the cliff behind the woman.

I saw an ancient pattern engraved on the center of the cliff, which was very complicated, as if it were a teleportation array, or as a mark.

Ye Wuque, who inherited the brilliance of the glorious body, understood that as long as he walked in and put a hand on the ancient pattern, he could enter the cliff and go to the real inheritance place.

"Ye Wuque..."

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from the front, breaking the dead silence here, and it was the voice of the spiritual woman sitting cross-legged.

She seemed to have not spoken for a long time, and there was a trace of hoarseness and magnetism in her voice at this moment.


At the same time, the mist lingering around the woman immediately dissipated invisible with her opening, revealing her true face.

Even Ye Wuque, who was already knowledgeable, had a sense of surprise in his eyes subconsciously at the moment he saw the face of this Ling Jurchen!

This is an extremely beautiful woman!

The previous Wenren blowing blood was enough to blow the country and the city, but the woman in front of her was not only inferior to Wenren blowing blood in appearance, but she seemed more pure in temperament.

If we say that hearing people blowing blood is a goblin that harms the country and the people, then this woman is like a female monarch who is king of the earth!

Sitting there, she was wearing a battle dress made of animal skins, full of ancient primitive wildness!

Even if she is just sitting, she can be seen that she is very tall, and her concave and convex figure exudes unparalleled wild temptation!

The battle skirt seemed to be able to cover key positions on her body. The exposed body was wheat-colored, and it had muscles with great beauty and lines.

Just like a female leopard running on the ground, full of strength and beauty.

And her appearance is like a brilliant pearl of an ancient tribe, and even more exotic, her eyes are like galaxies, bright and radiant.

This was the type of woman Ye Wuque had never seen before.

At this moment, the woman's bright eyes were falling on Ye Wuque without blinking.

"I have seen this senior sister."

Ye Wuque bowed his hand, his expression calm, and politely spoke.

When the woman sitting cross-legged heard Ye Wuque's words, Ruo's pearl-like face suddenly showed an inexplicable smile, and she slowly stood up from the ground.

In an instant, he was tall and healthy, and his rugged figure was fully revealed. With that battle skirt, there was an indescribable wild beauty.

As the woman got up, Ye Wuque even felt an explosive force emanating from her body, causing his breathing to be slightly stagnant.

"My name is Wu Qingyang."

The woman spoke again, uttering her name, her gaze directed towards Ye Wuque.

Unlike just talking, her voice has returned to normal. At this moment, it is no longer hoarse, but with a deep magnetism, which is very public.

At the same time, Wu Qingyang looked at Ye Wuque's face with a smile even more.

Three points!

Three points of aggression!

Three points out!

A woman who has such a smile is wilder than many men.

The look was as if a female leopard who reigned over the earth suddenly caught a glimpse of a little milk dog breaking into her territory.

In addition, there is also a strangeness that is unclear.

It seemed to her that Ye Wuque was like a delicious meal.

"I have seen Senior Sister Wu."

Ye Wuque spoke politely again.

To Wu Qingyang's strange smile, Ye Wuque still looked calm.

But his instinct told him that this Wu Qingyang was very strange, and it seemed that he couldn't handle it with common sense.

"Originally I thought you would be a waste."

Wu Qingyang spoke again, his tone of voice was casual, but the magnetic voice had an interesting meaning.

"But in the same realm, the lonely arrogant piece of waste wood can't even take a single move from you."

"You are not waste wood, I am interested in you."

During the words, Wu Qingyang suddenly raised his arms and stretched out a big lazy waist. The whole body suddenly crackled and made a crisp sound like fried beans, and every muscle stimulation in her whole body seemed to wake up, and a fierce storm hit her face again. And to!

The void all around is humming!

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly.

He knew that Wu Qingyang didn't use any cultivation base, just relying solely on her physical body, so having such a vision is enough to prove what terrifying power and tyrannical body she possessed!

And because of this lazy waist, Wu Qingyang's explosive figure with bumps shows an unparalleled primitive temptation.

"I have been here for five years."

"It's been a long, long time no one can walk here."

"The four guys are hiding from me like the plague."

"do you know"

"I'm really boring..."

Wu Qingyang smiled again at Ye Wuque, full of aggression, and then she raised a hand, moved to Ye Wuque, and lazily said, "Play with me?"