Return Of The War God - Chapter 4585

Chapter 4585

At this moment, Ye Wuque was filled with confusion.

Even if the city mansion was as deep as him, he didn't expect Wu Qingyang to be such a purpose.

Borrow, borrow swelling!

Listen, is this human?

Not a human being at all!

After spending so many years, Ye Wuque was well-informed, and he had seen a lot of crazy women, but it was the first time he saw someone like Wu Qingyang.

Ye Wuque suspected Wu Qingyang was talking nonsense for the first time.

"Sister Wu, this joke is not funny."

Ye Wuque's voice was cold, his eyes were already extremely sharp.


"You think I'm laughing?"

Wu Qingyang was taken aback, then a weird smile appeared on the beautiful wild face, and finally he looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Hahahaha! You are so cute Junior Brother Ye!"

"I found that I really like you more and more..."

Having said this, Wu Qingyang's beautiful eyes showed a faint color, and immediately intertwined rationality and madness.

"Junior Brother Ye, you are a real genius!"

"The kind of talent with unlimited potential!"

"Under the same level, I have never lost to anyone. Looking at the spiritual children among the other supreme overlords, the same is true."

"Because in every realm, I will be invincible before I will be promoted. No matter how much the price is paid or the time wasted, I don't care."

"Either don't do it, do it and do the strongest!!"

"So, I have always been the strongest in the same realm!"

"I also firmly believe that I will continue to go like this in the future."


"I didn't expect that I met you!"

Wu Qingyang's aggressive eyes stared at Ye Wuque at this time, and an unprecedented light burst out of it.

"Under the same level, there is even a legendary level of combat power, but the difference between me and you is so big!"

"If there is no legendary level of combat power, if there is no mercy from your men, I am afraid that you can't even take two punches!"

"I have always been confident in my qualifications and talents, and I believe that I will be able to achieve extremely high levels in the future and reach the top!"

"But now I found out I was wrong!"

"Compared with you, I am too far behind!"

"I'm not reconciled! But what can I do?"

"So, at that moment, I thought of a good way."

"Although I can't do it, it doesn't mean my child can't do it!"

"As long as you give me a child, combine your bloodline, and add my bloodline, I can definitely give birth to an unparalleled child!"

"I will train him with my heart and teach him that he will definitely be better than blue in the future! Better than you!!"

"My child, he will be able to reach the peak in the future, what I can't do, he can definitely do it!"

Speaking of this, Wu Qingyang's eyes showed a kind of extreme madness, even the meaning of madness!

Her whole person seemed to become a blazing flame, and she spoke the longing of her life.

"So, I need you!"

Wu Qingyang's beautiful eyes fixed on Ye Wuque, and she spoke word by word.

"I need your blood!"

"Junior Brother Ye, let me use your body!"

"Don't worry, when I have a baby, I will stay away. You won't have any trouble with horses!"

"Fulfill me... Junior Brother Ye!!"

Ye Wuque is stupid at this moment!

The whole person listened silly.

These words of Wu Qingyang seemed to open the door to a new world for Ye Wuque.

He could hear that every sentence was Wu Qingyang's heartfelt remarks, she was not talking nonsense, she was going to come true!

Not enough qualifications?

Just let your own children come?

What are these fallacies?

But the desperate madness and madness contained in Wu Qingyang's words are so vivid and vivid.

"Sister Wu, I respect your ideals and will not interfere with all the freedom of others."

"However, your ideals have nothing to do with me, and I don't want to get involved."

Ye Wuque took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

And in the depths of his gaze, the purple-golden soul power is already condensing!

Ye Wuque knew that although he couldn't resist Wu Qingyang's power and imprisonment now, Wu Qingyang was not a true legendary monk, and the power of the soul still had the power to restrict him.

But Wu Qingyang got Ye Wuque's answer, and it didn't seem surprising. She retracted a hand and gently touched Ye Wuque's face, then chuckled and said, "I really have a character..."

"But, my old lady has already fallen for you!"

"You can't beat my old mother now, so you can only give in."

"Because of this... I can't help you!"

The moment this sentence fell, Wu Qingyang's body burst out with a strong radiance of Yuanli, and unexpectedly began to slowly wrap her and Ye Wuque.

I saw Wu Qingyang lightly open his red lips, his bright red tongue licked his lips, exuding a fatal temptation.

"Junior Brother Ye, this place is pretty good. It's very good, very good! Let's come directly!"

"If you are shy, you can close your eyes."

Wu Qingyang giggled.

Ye Wuque looked at the radiance of Yuan Li wrapped in all directions, the power of the soul in the depths of his eyes had accumulated to the limit!

This crazy woman!

It's completely unreasonable!

That's nothing to say!

"Be obedient, Junior Brother Ye, you know, you can't resist me..."

Wu Qingyang looked at Ye Wuque's eyes as if a ball of flame was burning wildly!


Just at the moment when Ye Wuque was about to explode the power of the soul...

Hum! !

The aperture that enveloped Ye Wuque's body suddenly lit up with a dazzling brilliance, and the place where Ye Wuque's back hit was the ancient pattern at the center of the cliff!

At this moment, the ancient pattern suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance, which turned into a group of creeping ripples, forming an ancient strange resonance with the aperture of Ye Wuque's body.

Under Wu Qingyang's stunned eyes, the wriggling ripples on the cliff seemed to turn into a huge abyss, and he swallowed Ye Wuque in one bite!

Ye Wuque's figure instantly disappeared in front of the cliff and before Wu Qingyang's eyes.

This time it was Wu Qingyang's turn to be stupid!


She even slammed a punch directly on the cliff, huge power burst out, the fluctuations were earth-shaking, but there was no change or damage to the cliff, the ancient pattern still appeared there.

"Whirring whirring"

At this moment, Wu Qingyang's chest full of anger was violent!

She never expected that the fact of pinching the snails with three fingers to hold the snails firmly in the air would eliminate the mistakes out of thin air, and Ye Wuque was sucked into the cliff.

"He came with the brilliance of inheritance and resonated with the cliff gate. He knew that he shouldn't be forced to the cliff."

Wu Qingyang quickly recovered his calm and hit the nail on the head.

But immediately, a faint smile appeared on Wu Qingyang's beautiful and wild face.

She sat down directly on the spot, looking at the ancient pattern on the cliff, her face was calm, and she spoke softly with a smile.

"If you can run, the monk can't run the temple."

"I'll wait for you here."

"Junior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Ye, you are the person I am after, sooner or later."

This is a dimly lit area, with dim light, and nothing is real. You can only vaguely see an ancient mottled wall standing here, as if it existed in ancient times.


In the next instant, a ray of light suddenly lit up from the ancient wall, and then ripples came out of layers, and finally a figure fell out of it, it was Ye Wuque!