Return Of The War God - Chapter 4582

Chapter 4582

Inside the ice palace.

Bing Ming's first seat suddenly stood up, and a pair of ice crystal-like eyes rolled inward with an unprecedented shock and... incredible! !

"one move"

"A single move defeated the lonely arrogant who is enough to be king of the same rank?"

Before underground cracks.

Luanxu's first demon-like body shook slightly at the moment, then lowered his head and laughed at himself.

"Look at it!"

"No wonder the Patriarch would like him."

"It's no wonder that you can make a masterpiece in Tianyaguan!"

"Ye Wuque... Ye Wuque..."

"It seems that my ancient league has produced an unpredictable and amazing talent!!"

Zushitang, inexplicable space.

Grand Master Tai Cang sat motionless at this moment, watching Di Kun Nei stepping on the lonely and proud Ye Wuque, his eyes seemed to be empty!



After a long time, a long smile full of surprises and gratification instantly reverberated in the inexplicable space for a long time.

With a tear, Ye Wuque gently retracted his right foot from the ground.

As Ye Wuque retracted his right foot, Gu Xin Ao's only two thighs that were standing upright were about to collapse to the side.

With one hand sticking out, Ye Wuque grabbed the lonely straight leg, and then pulled his whole person out of the ground with a chuckle as if pulling a carrot!

After gently lifting, the head-down lonely heart was full of blood, and the blood in his mouth coughed up as if he didn't need money!

He threw it to the ground with a plop.

Gu Xin proud just lay on his back at Ye Wuque's feet, his body still twitching constantly, every time he twitched, blood would cough out from the corner of his mouth.

Because of the suppression of Grandmaster Taicang's will, Lonely Heart was unable to use the power of the legendary realm, but the foundation was still there. Although he was seriously injured at this moment, his head was still awake. A pair of eyes that had already turned scarlet staring at Ye Wuque at this moment. There was endless unwillingness, fear, disbelief, and a deep...weakness!

Looking condescendingly at the Lonely Haughty lying at his feet, Ye Wuque suddenly raised his right foot again, and his whole body trembled suddenly, and a touch of fear was subconsciously revealed in his eyes! !

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque retracted his feet again, bent down gently, his face leaned close to the blood-covered face of Gu Xin Ao, watching the fear that gushed out of his eyes, a touch of human and animal life slowly poured out of it again. The evil smile sounded slowly with a faint smile.

"The weak are only worthy of begging for life at the feet of the strong."

"Describe the situation now, right? Senior Brother Gu..."

As soon as these words came out, the lonely proud eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and there was an endless resentment and...humiliation within them! !

Kill the heart!

This is what he said to Ye Wuque when he appeared in the sneak attack before, how high is that?

But at this moment, Ye Wuque returned as it was!

What kind of humiliation is this? ?

It's 10,000 times more uncomfortable than killing him! !

"You, you...puff!!!"

Lonely arrogant and angrily attacked his heart, before he finished speaking, he spouted a big mouthful of blood, his body twitched suddenly, and he fainted directly.

Ye Wuque slowly straightened up again, still with the harmless smile on his face, his bright eyes lifted up, and he looked at the three people, Long Qianqiu, Qing Yunhuang, and Wen Ren Bleeding, who seemed to have turned into sculptures in the distance. A faint voice sounded again.

"Which one else would you like to ask?"

This sentence broke the dead silence between heaven and earth.

It also broke Long Qianqiu and Qing Yunhuang who were immersed in endless horror and shock, including the person who heard the person blowing blood, and the beautiful eyes were constantly flashing at this moment.

Qing Yunhuang slowly exhaled a foul breath!

He looked at Ye Wuque, his eyes gradually became sharp and serious, and then slowly uttered two sentences!

"Invincible at the same level!"

"This is really invincible..."

In the next instant, after taking a deep look at Ye Wuque again, Qing Yunhuang turned around and left without looking back, but a word came slowly.

"Ye Wuque, I look forward to the day when your strength breaks into the legendary realm."

"At that time, I will fight with you."

Seeing Qing Yunhuang's back, Ye Wuque's expression remained unchanged, but his bright eyes moved slightly.

Then he retracted his gaze, looked at the remaining Long Qianqiu and Wenren blowing blood, and directly stepped forward, walking towards the two.

The moment he felt Ye Wuque's gaze, as he walked slowly, Long Qianqiu's face seemed to tremble slightly, and the kind smile appeared on his face again, and he patted his hand gently!

"What an invincible one at the same level!"

"What a Junior Brother Ye!"

"Brother, I... served!"

"This inheritance of the Heavenly King, if Junior Brother Ye is not worthy, who is worthy?"

With these words, Long Qianqiu seemed to be extremely sincere, full of surprises and congratulations to Ye Wuque.

Wenren was blowing blood here without speaking. After sweeping Ye Wuque who was slowly approaching, he suddenly broke free from Long Qianqiu's embrace, and turned and left in the other direction.

Only the big red tulle was blowing in the wind, leaving a seductive back.

"Thank you Brother Long for the compliment."

Ye Wuque responded politely, and then kept walking, just brushing past Long Qianqiu gently.

With their backs facing each other, Ye Wuque drifted away.

Long Qianqiu still stood on the spot, looking at the fainted arrogant heart, with a smile on his face, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a flash of magical light, which was finally replaced by a touch of playfulness. .


And this side.

Ye Wuque's expression, who had already drifted away, recovered his calm, but deep in his bright eyes, it was cold.

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's right hand gently brushed his mouth, naturally, and then quietly looked at his palm.

On the palm of the palm, a group of holy way of war squirmed, and it was wrapped in a watery green liquid!

"Ancient poison..."

With a whisper, the battle spirit of the Holy Path flashed away, and the green liquid was wiped out, as if this had never happened.

At the moment, Ye Wuque's mind had a scene of Qing Yunhuang taking the initiative to steal his first glass of wine.

But his face was calm, as if nothing happened, he continued to walk forward, and his figure slowly disappeared at the end of the plain.