Return Of The War God - Chapter 4261

Chapter 4261

"It's almost like this..."

On the first floor of the floating fortress, Yun Wuzi finished smiling at the moment, looking at the woman with a turban sitting in front of him, with a hint of expectation in his expression.

"If you are a girl, you are willing to meet that brother Feng, you will never regret it. The old man is a living example."

"No one can refuse the conditions set by Brother Feng, because this is the fundamental purpose for us to go to Haijiaoguan..."

Yun Wuzi sighed, and in line with his appearance of the outside world Gao Rao, he did indeed have an inexplicable aura.

"All in all, there are a million crystals when you meet, and an incredible reward!"

The woman in the turban just sat in this position, and after hearing Yun Wuzi's words, her face was expressionless.

She was thin and thin, and at first glance she felt weak, but Yun Wuzi felt a slight threat from her body.

This seemingly weak woman must be a master!

That young man deserves to be a great soul sage of annihilation, and it is almost non-existent.

"Sorry, I still refuse."

"I have my own business this time, and I don't want to be out of line."

However, after considering it for a long time, the headscarf woman still shook her head and chose to refuse.

"That's normal, after all, everyone has their own ambitions, and the old man is just using people's money to spread the word, so he won't bother the girl anymore."

"But girl, if you change your attention, you can always go to the third floor to find that brother Feng, we are all there."

Seeing that the woman with the turban still chose to refuse, Yun Wuzi was not annoyed, and after finishing this sentence still smiling, he turned and left and returned to the third floor.

After Yun Wuzi left, the woman in the headscarf leaned on the back of the chair with her arms folded and closed her eyes again, seeming to have entered a false sleep.

Not too far away from her, the bald-headed man Jia Er Chaodi's face lifted up again at this moment, a pair of large palm fan palms were gently clenched, then loosened, back and forth three times, exuding a cruel and fierceness. meaning.

"A girl!"

"It's been a long time for Lao Tzu to destroy the flowers..."

The bald-headed man Jia Er let out a silent grin.

The third floor of the fortress.

Leng Duxing returned first, and Yunwuzi did not delay for long.

Seeing that it was still the two returning, Lord Jinyi's eyes flickered slightly, and a hint of disappointment seemed to flash in the depths, but there was no sign of expression on his face.

"It's okay, Feng will naturally not overwhelm others if you love me."

Young Master Jin Yi said with a smile.

"Besides, there are Senior Yunwuzi and Brother Leng, and it is enough to deal with many dangers."

Young Master Jinyi's words made Yun Wuzi's smile very strong, he spoke humbly, a pair of old fried dough sticks.

But Leng Duxing didn't have much, just closed his eyes, as if he was rejuvenating, but the whole breath of mercy became more and more condensed.

Take people's money to eliminate disasters.

Since Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing agreed to Young Master Jinyi, they naturally began to enter the roles at this moment.

At this moment, the old man was already sitting next to Young Master Jin Yi, his eyes closed slightly, giving a sense of unpredictability.

But Young Master Jinyi knew that the old man's perception had covered the entire first-tier fortress. Once there was any disturbance, he could not hide it from him.

Everything seemed to become calm.

At this moment, the floating fortress has been out for a long time, even if it is protected by the fortress, you can still clearly hear the howling of the wind from the outside world.


Even from time to time, the entire floating fortress will vibrate gently, giving people a blessing of turbulence.

"Young Master, it takes about three years to reach Haijiaoguan. According to the current situation, no one is chasing it."

Young Master Jinyi's ears rang the voice of the old man.

He nodded slightly, Young Master Jinyi still trusted the young man's perception very much.

But somehow!

In the bottom of his heart, he always felt a faint uneasiness, as if it was an intuition, not clear.

This is why he is willing to spend a lot of money to ask Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing as a helping hand.

But when Young Master Jinyi looked to the side, who was motionless like a sleeping beauty, the trace of anxiety in his heart was quickly covered.

He is full of confidence again!

"With the crossing, I will surely turn the bad into the good. It has always been like this, and there will be no exception in the future."

This is what Young Master Jinyi said in his heart.

"As long as I find my uncle, even the Hua family can't do anything to me in Haijiaoguan!"

After clenching his fists, Young Master Jin Yi became firm again.

After half a day.

With a wave of light tremors, the floating fortress passed another tornado and moved on.

At this moment, looking beyond the fortress, there was an infinite pitch black, and there was nothing to see except the terrifying tornado, like eternal night.

Looking into the darkness of this eternal night, people will feel a trace of unknown fear from the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not stare for a long time.

Many creatures on the third floor of the fortress have already meditated and fell into a false sleep, silently waiting for their final arrival.

Qing Lao opened his eyes and scanned his side routinely for a week, especially after finding that everything was normal for Sister Du, he closed his eyes again.

"The darkness of the eternal night is really easy to despair..."

A cold and hoarse voice suddenly sounded softly, echoing in every ear of this place!

brush! !

Qing Lao's eyes suddenly opened!

I saw that he was right across from him, and there should have been no seats left. I don't know when there was a middle-aged man in black shirt.

Qing Lao's pupils shrank violently in an instant, and there was a touch of incredible anger and incredibleness on his face! !

"Shen Zhuliu??!!!"

"This is impossible!!"

The old man growled in a low voice, seemingly unable to accept the pull in front of him

And Young Master Jinyi was already stiff at this moment, nailed in place, and his eyes looked at the black shirt middle-aged man Shen Zhuliu who appeared inexplicably opposite.

Shen Zhuliu!

Known as Mr. Shen, he comes from the...Hua family!