Return Of The War God - Chapter 4262

Chapter 4262

Huh huh! !

Almost for an instant, dozens of terrifying murderous intents firmly locked Mr. Shen, who was the guards of Young Master Jin Yi.

And the two most terrifying killing intents are surging like a stormy sea, covering Mr. Shen!

Leng Duxing!


But at this moment, there was a hint of uncertainty in their eyes.

This person touched them grandiosely, but they didn't notice it at all?

Isn't Qing Lao the Great Soul Saint of Nirvana?

How could there be such a thing?

Mr. Qing stared at that Mr. Shen at the moment, his face was pale, but no one saw the hand behind him who had been behind him and silently grabbed one of the hands of Young Master Jin Yi.

And Young Master Jinyi's hand had already gently grabbed a corner of Du.

"Mr. Shen of the Hua family, with a lot of wit, he has been admired for a long time!"

"But I don't understand, how can you hide my perception?"

Qing Lao finally spoke, with a tone of anger that couldn't be hidden.

Mr. Shen, who was at the center of Pei Ran's murderous intent, seemed not to panic at all, a faint smile appeared on that pale face.

"Unexpectedly, a Fengjia in a mere trivial area would have such an omni-illuminated Great Soul Saint like Old Man Qing. To be honest, it's really a jewel in the dust, what a pity..."

"As for Mr. Qing's question, it is actually very simple."

"Suction plate, soul extinguishing stone."

Mr. Shen calmly said the names of two things.

"This is something recognized by the Great State of Heaven that can confuse the perception of the Great Soul Sage of the Universal Illumination Realm of Nirvana. Unfortunately, we just have them.

As soon as he said this, the corners of Mr. Qing's eyes twitched slightly! !

God sucker!

Soul Slayer!

This is indeed the universally recognized nemesis of the Great Soul Sage's perception of the Great Soul Sage in the Great State of Heaven!

The two things combined in one place were enough to confuse the perception of the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana Realm, and no longer know nothing.

But these two things are both invaluable at random, but they are inexhaustible and rare!

But this Shen Zhuliu can get it, which shows the terrifying background of the Hua family!

The atmosphere became stagnant!


It's on the verge!

But Mr. Shen turned his gaze here, looked at Young Master Jin Yi, and continued with a smile: "Young Master Feng, I have to say, you are really dead..."

"No, it's not just fate!"

"Your luck seems to be very good. You almost died a few times, but you still survived your desperation. It's incredible."

"So I have been thinking, if you run into me, can you still have such good luck?"

The smile on Mr. Shen's pale face made people shudder, and Young Master Jinyi was also hairy.

But Young Master Jinyi calmly said: "My Feng family has been destroyed, and thousands of years of inheritance have been destroyed. Half of the tribe was instigated by you to rebel, and even my father died in your hands!"

"Now, you still want to kill them all?"

Mr. Shen shook his head and smiled.

"There is no way, the big fish eats the small fish, the small fish eats the shrimp, who made you Fengjia in my Hua family's eyes, just a small shrimp?"

"It's still a little shrimp who got something you shouldn't get."

"Even if my Hua family doesn't take action, sooner or later you will be annihilated."

"But don't worry, I won't let you die, you will live well, who will let you have the secret of that great secret treasure..."


As soon as Mr. Shen spoke, his gloomy eyes swept over everyone except Young Master Che Jinyi.

"The rest will probably die miserably today."

boom! ! !

The moment Mr. Shen's voice fell, three cold stars seemed to pierce from outside the sky, approaching his forehead, approaching the extreme, wherever he passed, the void was shattering! !

Leng Duxing made a move!

With his shot, Yun Wuzi also followed his shot!

I saw a vast cloud of air exploded around him, drowning everything, and everyone's sight was blocked.

call out! !

At this moment, the three figures of Qing Lao, Jin Yi, and Du disappeared from their original positions, and when they reappeared, they were already ten feet away! !

"Protect Young Master!!"

Young and old drink low!

Shoo! !

Like an arrow from the string, the dozens of guards split out two-thirds and rushed out directly, wrapping Young Master Jinyi and Du inside.

The remaining third drew out the long knife and looked directly at Mr. Shen!

Everything is too fast!

It's like an electric flint!

Then Mr. Shen has nowhere to go!

Click! !

The location exploded, Leng Duxing and Yun Wuzi joined forces, plus a dozen guards, Mr. Shen would undoubtedly die.

But when the clouds dissipated, Yun Wuzi's old face appeared, but it was filled with a gloomy meaning.


There was no Mr. Shen's body at all, he just disappeared.

And at the moment!

The entire third floor of the floating fortress has been completely messed up!

Many creatures changed color one after another, and no one thought that such a terrible battle would suddenly happen here.

"A word of advice, everyone had better stay still."

"This is our mutual enmity. It will not involve anyone else. I hope everyone stays safe."

Ahead, Mr. Shen's voice resounded, and his figure reappeared, just blocking the path of Qing Lao, Young Master Jin Yi and others.

Qing Lao's face changed again!

"You too... the Great Soul Sage of the Extinguishing Realm!!"

At this moment, Qing Lao's tone finally brought a trace of jealousy and solemnity.

Only the Great Soul Sage of Nirvana has such a magical transfer technique.

Mr. Shen did not speak, but showed a faint smile at Qing Lao and others.

Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing had already rushed over at this moment, guarding the surroundings of Young Master Jinyi, and they stared at Mr. Shen with cold eyes.

"What about the Great Soul Sage of Annihilation in the Universal Light Realm?"

"When we get close, there is only one dead end!!"

"Older Qing, you are also in general situation, as long as you hold him, the old man does not need to kill him with a second move!"

Yun Wuzi spoke coldly.

And Leng Duxing had already begun to rush out of Han Xing.

Qing Lao's eyes flickered, and killing intent was also pouring out, but he calmly said: "Don't be careless, this person must have an accomplice!"

Mr. Shen still smiled without saying a word, but raised a hand slightly, buckled his thumb and index finger together, and then...


A snapped finger fell.

call out! !

At the moment when the sound of snapping fingers fell, I saw a black shadow, like lightning, coming from behind the old man and the others at great speed! !