Return Of The War God - Chapter 4260

Chapter 4260

These two questions are quite sharp!

It's hit the nail on the head!

The smile of the white-robed old man is enough to make people tremble!

But Young Master Jin Yi smiled softly, without panic.

"Answer senior's second question first."

"Because Brother Leng and Senior Yun Wuzi, you two have no hostility or killing intent towards me."

"As for the reason, it's very simple..."

Young Master Jin Yi pointed to the young man on the side and continued: "Within ten feet, any emotional fluctuations in your hearts cannot be hidden from the young man's perception."

This sentence immediately changed the complexions of Leng Duxing and Yunwuzi, especially Yunwuzi!

He looked at the young man, as if thinking of something, his eyes changed a little, and he couldn't help but whispered: "Perceive your emotions, are you a..."

The old man stands with his hands behind his hands, smiling without saying a word.

"It's only within ten feet. If you exceed this range, the elders will be too weak."

Young Master Jin Yi explained.

But Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing's eyes towards Qing Lao had already added a solemn meaning.

A great soul saint of extinction in the world! !

It deserves their solemnity!

"As for Senior Yunwuzi's first question, it's even simpler."

"No one likes to wade in muddy water!"

"But it's just because of sincerity and not enough compensation!"

"And what I gave to the two of them is not only full of sincerity, but also rich remuneration, and an irresistible... longing!!"

Young Master Jin Yi's eyes became sharp and deep!


Yun Wuzi raised his brow.

I saw Young Master Jinyi approaching again, his lips squirming, but there was no sound, instead he chose Divine Soul Transmission.

Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing listened quietly, their expressions were calm at first, then shocked, and then incredible and surprised! !

In the end, Yun Wuzi couldn't help but said, "Brother Feng, are you really so generous?"

Leng Duxing is also intently!

"Of course! I can make a vow of heaven! If you violate it, there will be no place to die!!"

Young Master Jinyi spoke righteously and immediately swore the heavenly way.

This made Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing's awakening more intense, and immediately saw Yun Wuzi as if gritted his teeth and said: "Since Xiao Feng is so sincere, the old man will wade in the muddy water once! No matter who is here to intercept, You have to pass the old man first!"

"Okay! Senior Yunwuzi is really refreshed! Senior can rest assured that this time, regardless of whether anyone is killed halfway, as long as I reach my destination safely, I will offer two million more **** crystals as rewards for each of them!"

This makes Yun Wuzi smile like a chrysanthemum blooming.

"Brother Feng is really generous!"

But Leng Duxing, who was on the side, said calmly at this moment: "Brother Feng is so generous and sincere, but it also proves that the person who kills you is definitely not easy. I am afraid that the two of us alone can't be perfect, right?"

"Hehe, so, I have a ruthless please."

"Brother Feng said it's okay!"

"I hope that the two of you can go there in person and express my sincerity to the two who haven't come for me. It is still to meet one million gods, and the other rewards can also be mentioned. After all, the two are from here. , And both of those two have been transmitted by the old man, so they must have a good idea."

"Regardless of whether the other two agree or not, I will give them 500,000 crystals for hard work."

Young Master Jinyi smiled and spoke, and saw that the old man on the side took out two storage rings again and handed them to Yun Wuzi and Leng Duxing.

"Hahahaha! Brother Feng is polite, just take a trip, the old man will definitely invite one back."

Familiarly accepted the storage ring handed over, Yun Wuzi laughed.

After Leng Duxing hesitated for a while, he also accepted half a million **** crystals.

"Then Brother Feng, who are those two? What do they look like?"

Yun Wuzi asked.

Seeing Qing Lao waved his right hand, Void immediately regenerated two images of souls.

A wild tyrant with a strong body and bronze skin!

A woman with a thin body, a headscarf and sharp eyes!

"This person seems to be on the second floor with the old man, leave this person to me!"

Yun Wuzi pointed to the woman in the turban, stood up with a smile, and chose this.

"He's on the second floor, just like me."

Leng Duxing chose "Ye Wuque" and stood up.

Seeing the two people leaving behind, Young Master Jinyi's eyes were deep.

And the smile on Qing Lao's face disappeared at this moment, and he sighed softly: "Young Master, millions of crystals are gone in the blink of an eye! It's really..."

"Old man, don't feel sorry for money. Money is worth spending, otherwise it's just a bunch of numbers."

"The most important thing is our own lives!"

" the greatest hope!"

"In our current state, what we need are masters, the more the better, and the brave husband is bound to be rewarded! The bigger you are, the more willing you will be to give your life, even if you do!

"Wealth can make ghosts grind..."

"This truth will never go out of style."

Young Master Jin Yi had a calm tone.

The first floor of the floating fortress.

The bald-headed man who was sitting seemed to be a little impatient in waiting, and after thinking for a while, he spoke in one direction.

"Mr. Shen, how long will you have to wait?"

"A bunch of weak trash! I can't help it anymore!"

In the next moment, the cold and hoarse voice sounded in the ears of the bald man again.

"The Feng Family Niezhong seems to have found a helper. There is more than one, and two have been identified."

"An old man in a white robe, went to the first floor."

"A scar man, went to the second floor."

"The two men have returned to their respective positions, pay close attention to their movements, and remember..."

"As long as these two people try to contact, one of them counts as one. After a while, they will all be killed. Don't leave anything alive!!"

"and also!"

"Before I gave the order, if anyone dares to act rashly, I will let him survive... I can't die!!"

Mr. Shen's cold and hoarse voice suddenly made the bald man's face shake slightly!

But the next moment!

The bald man lowered his head, face down, but there was a terrible smile of extreme tyranny and brutality on his face!

Because Yun Wuzi stepped into the first floor entrance of the fort again at this moment, just passing by the bald-headed man who was sitting still.

The second floor of the fort.

Leng Duxing returned here slowly at this moment. After he entered, a pair of eyes that seemed to be frozen in ice immediately condensed on the sitting Ye Wuque.

Without hesitation, Leng Duxing walked towards where Ye Wuque was.

But when he approached Ye Wuque's side, before he had time to speak, the voice of Ye Wuque who closed his eyes and meditation sounded one step ahead.

"Not going."

"Not interested in."

"you can go now."

Just three sentences, indifferent and calm.

But Leng Du Xing's icy eyes condensed slightly!

He looked condescendingly at this brawny man, who had always closed his eyes. It was obvious that there was no fluctuation in the opponent's body, but for some reason, he had an indescribable retreat in his heart.

Want to go!

Turn around and leave immediately!

The farther you go, the better! !

The brawny man with bronze skin in front of him is like a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus entrenched, once he opens his eyes, he will eat people! !

Once you open your eyes, you will... kill! !

This feeling made Leng Duxing's eyes flashed with surprise!

But Leng Duxing's advantage is that he is calm and cautious enough. He has always believed in his keen intuition. Relying on this intuition, he doesn't know how many times he has escaped from death.

Taking a deep look at Ye Wuque again, Leng Duxing suddenly held a fist at Ye Wuque and gave a slight salute, then turned and left, returning the same way.

From here to go, but in a moment.

From beginning to end, Leng Duxing did not speak a word.

Just so honestly turned around and left.

This scene immediately made many second-layer creatures feel baffled!

How could this scarred face, who looked like a ruthless character, stand up in front of this brawny bronze man like a piece of wood, and then left after saluting?

What kind of plane?

Is something wrong?


In this second layer, at this moment, there was a gaze resting on Ye Wuque's body, with a touch of extreme bloodthirsty and tyranny flashing in it, and a chilling madness!

"Another pig to be slaughtered!"

"It looks like there is still a lot of meat, enough for me to enjoy it a few times."

"But I want more...more...more pigs..."

The master with bloodthirsty and tyrannical eyes showed a sickly horrible smile at this moment.