Return Of The War God - Chapter 3730

Chapter 3730

The little fat man who took a big mouthful of dust turned over with difficulty, lying on the ground front, panting, stretched out his hand to touch the big iron stick, and held it tightly in his hand, while the little fat man's big eyes surged Confused, shocked, excited, expecting, puzzled and other complex emotions!

It seems that he had some special experience during the period of just disappearing!

Two people lay down, one half-sitting, one gasping, and the other short of breath, and fell silent.

Until a certain moment, the little fat man seemed to finally slow down, sat up with his **** pouted, and his big eyes carefully looked at the sky, staring for a long time and said in shock: "Didn't the sky explode? Why is it better?"

"Brother, who the **** was that just now? It's too terrifying! I almost exploded!"

The little fat man looked at Ye Wuque with lingering fears. It was obvious that the feeling of life and death before made him extremely scared now.

"Such a horrible monster! How come you suddenly appeared here? Could it be that you came here for you? Fuck, big brother! Shall we run away first? If we are caught up in a while, it will be over!"

Standing up anxiously, the little fat man looked around, shaking with a little trembling.

"Brother! Quick! Let's..."

"already dead."

Ye Wuque finally spoke, concisely and concisely.

"Huh? Dead?"

The little fat man's eyes suddenly widened!

"Fuck! How did you die? That's a monster that has exploded into the sky! How can you say that you die? Who did it? It's not your brother, right?"

"Big brother, aren't you bragging or talking angry?"

"Don't blame my brother for not believing it! Even if we are a hundred times stronger than that kind of monster, we will have to rub it on the ground if we run into it!"

"Big brother! You won't be scared to pee? That's why you said that on purpose? It's okay! What's so embarrassing about this? Who hasn't been scared to pee? I can treat..."

Click! !

A head fell on the chubby head of the little fat man!

The little fat man suddenly cried out in pain when he held his head!

"Where did you go?"

Ye Wuque spoke out of anger.

Hearing this, the little fat man could not care about the pain, his face was mixed with weird, excited, and puzzled expressions, and mysteriously said to Ye Wuque: "Big brother! Believe it or not you can be one with me?"

One stick?

What the hell?

Ye Wuque frowned slightly.

Seeing Ye Wuque's expression, the little fat man suddenly smiled, and then rolled up his sleeves with his hands coquettishly, "Big Brother! Keep your eyes open! Don't blink!"

I saw the little fat man stomping his pretending right foot in place, and then the whole person turned into a bronze radiance, and flew into the big iron stick with a slam!

Then Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

"Hahahaha! Big brother! Have you seen it? This is the real one!"

At this moment, the big iron stick floated on the spot, and the little fat man's voice came from the top of the big iron stick, even Ye Wuque slowly widened his eyes!

The big iron stick stood up in the void, and at its top part, there was a face unexpectedly. It was the face of the little fat man. It was perfectly integrated with the big iron stick. It looked very strange, like a big one. The iron stick suddenly became a fine, a stickman!

Ye Wuque saw this scene for the first time.

It's really a literal combination of people and sticks!


Seeing Ye Wuque's widened eyes, the little fat man burst into laughter again!

"Big Brother! I was scared to death when the monster came before, and just as it was about to die, the big iron rod suddenly flew over and merged with me, I don't know where it flew!"

The big iron stick shuttled continuously up and down, and the little fat man was having fun while playing, and generally opened his mouth to explain.

"I just feel like I have a dream!"

"In the dream, I seem to have mastered some uses of the big iron stick, and then, there is..."

The big iron rod flying all over the sky suddenly stopped, and a touch of confusion and uncertainty suddenly appeared on the face of the little fat man, and then he continued: "I seem to feel that something is calling in a distant place. Staying with me! It makes me very warm and I want to go. That place seems to have responded to me, happy for me, and it is a very pleasant surprise. It seems that it won't take long for a creature from that place to pick me up..."

The upper part of the big iron stick crooked humanely, and the little fat man's voice seemed to be lost in memory.

This immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes flash!

"you sure?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a dream anyway, maybe it's just that I think too much."

The big iron stick shook, and the little fat man said in a daze.

But immediately something seemed to sound, the eyes on the big iron rod suddenly opened up, and the little fat man proudly said: "Big Brother! You may not believe it, after the people and the rod are combined, I am now a thief!"



With a strange cry from the little fat man, the big iron stick that was originally one-foot-long turned into three-foot-long at this moment!

"Long! Long! Long..."

As the little fat man continued to scream strangely, the big iron rod rose up when the wind saw the wind, and rose up into the sky in an instant. In the end, it was so tall that it stood between the sky and the earth!

"Wow khaka! Big brother! Did you see it? After the people and sticks are unified, I can now become the old elder! Wow khaka!"

Standing between the sky and the earth, the little fat man's voice sounded!

Ye Wuque looked up to the sky and looked at the huge iron stick, which was also quite surprised.

"Not only can it grow longer, brother! There is more!"

"Rough! Rough! Rough..."

The little fat man's voice sounded once again, echoing in the sky, and then the big iron stick that was ten thousand feet long began to grow thicker magically!

Fist thickness!

The thickness of the bowl!

The thickness of the water tank!

The thickness of the house!

Under the control of the little fat man, the big iron stick began to grow thicker and thicker, expanding horizontally!

In the end, it seemed to have become a black Optimus Prime, standing between the sky and the earth!

"I fight!!"

In the next instant, the little fat man screamed, and the **** and thick iron rod suddenly rose up in the air, bringing the force of a mighty force and smashing it against a distant giant peak!

The power of the void was stirred, and a sharp whistle was sent out, and a violent amount of violence evaporated, making the scalp numb, like the sky, bursting into the void!

With a click, the distant giant peak was directly smashed by the big iron stick. The ground was trembling and cracking, and finally a huge pit that was hundreds of miles in size was formed!

"Hahahahahaha! Brother, did you see it? I'm not good now? It can be thicker and longer, hard enough, and then you can hit people! Wow! There will be people who don't have long eyes in the future. Jump up and hit him with a stick! These are just two of the magical powers of the big iron stick I have, hahahahaha..."

Looking from a distance, a huge iron rod with a thickness of a hundred feet and a width of one hundred feet stood between the sky and the earth. It trembled constantly and laughed wildly. A fat face appeared on the top. It was so terribly weird!

Ye Wuque was also staring at the big iron stick in front of him at this moment, blinking his eyes, and then slowly revealed a sense of weirdness, coughing a dry cough and slowly thumbing up at the little fat man!

"It can become long, it can become thicker, not only can it hit people, but it can also stab people, and it is so hard, you are really... hanging!"

Although I don't know why the last two words of the eldest brother aggravated the tone, the little fat man laughed wildly here, wishing his hands on his hips, unspeakable!