Return Of The War God - Chapter 3731

Chapter 3731

In a safe and secret cave.

Ye Wuque sat cross-legged quietly, his body was surging with vast sacred way fighting spirit, and the majestic fluctuations filled his whole body.

Not far away, the little fat man was snoring loudly.

After reuniting with the little fat man, the two immediately left there, all the way east, without stopping at all. After insisting on walking for a day and a night, and completely away from the area, they chose a safe and secret cave.

Before the terrifying creatures descended, the sky was torn apart, and the whole godless land was shocked!

I don't know how many creatures have seen the silver palm that fell from the sky and the fuzzy figure sitting on it, but also the approximate direction of its landing!

Ye Wuque believes that there are probably countless creatures madly daring to move towards Moyun Prefecture. It will not be long before the horrible pit left by the fuzzy figure will be discovered, and the place will become very noisy!

There are too many people who are curious, good-hearted, foolish, take advantage, and so on!

Staying nearby at this time is purely to cause trouble for yourself.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, three days have passed.

During these three days, Ye Wuque had been healing his injuries and took a lot of pills.


Until a certain moment, the golden light illuminating the cave house slowly dissipated, and the sacred path war energy that enveloped Ye Wuque's body also subsided, returning to his body.

Opening his eyes, there was a calm inside, but a trace of emotion soon flashed through.

"It was just a leak of pressure that made my body almost collapsed, my internal organs moved out of place, and I was seriously injured! If it weren't for the white jade beads left by Kong, I'm afraid I would have disappeared long ago! What is that terrifying creature? How does it exist?"

"Tear the gods and the sky, clearly coming from outside the sky! Such means, such existence..."

Recalling his previous experience, Ye Wuque still couldn't help but sweat!

"In front of such an existence! I'm still too weak..."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, and with his right hand, the ancient bronze mirror appeared again.

On the deadly bronze mirror, the black hole the size of a soybean is clearly visible, but it is so dark that it is completely invisible, and there is no longer any breath revealed, and it is completely dead.

"The'taboo' in the mouth of that horrible creature does not refer to me, perhaps this ancient bronze mirror! There must be some earth-shattering secret in this ancient mirror!"

"Could it be related to the Holy Law of Time and Space?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, his thoughts surged, and he had this idea!

This bronze mirror is based on the guidance of his father and Fubo. Starting from the old Canglan Realm, Ye Wuque followed the clues bit by bit until he entered the Shenhuang Dynasty, and finally obtained this bronze mirror. mirror!

It can be said that this is what Ye Father and Fu Bo left for Ye Wuque!

And according to Uncle Fu's original statement, it is very likely that there is a...time-space holy law left by Father Ye!

"If the "taboo" in the mouth of the terrifying creatures really refers to the holy law of time and space, then when I was surviving the soul catastrophe, did the existence of the thundering robbery mean the "taboo" in the mouth of the holy law of fighting?"

"Sacred Law in this era, in the heavens and all realms, is it the target of being targeted? Once it is born, it will be destroyed?"

With one thought, a hundred thoughts grow.

Ye Wuque thought of a lot.

But he quickly got his thoughts back. These problems were not something he was able to solve now. After thinking about it, he was just thinking about it for nothing, so he should do business first.

Upon thinking of this, Ye Wuque put the bronze ancient mirror back away, sat quietly, and slowly exhaled, the extinct **** pupil of the forehead suddenly appeared slowly, and it throbbed, and the purple-golden brilliance dazzled around!

Before desperately insisting, I finally saw the vision picture rushing out of the ancient bronze mirror, but at that moment, my so-called seeing the picture clearly only branded everything in the picture with the power of the soul and temporarily sealed it. Exist in the Soul Space, because there is no time to see it.

So he doesn't know what the content is in the picture!

Now it can finally be seen!


The power of the soul surging, a beam of light gushes out from the pupil of the extinct god, converges in the void, forming a light curtain, and the picture inside suddenly starts to flicker!

Ye Wuque's bright eyes stared at the light curtain at this moment, without blinking!

Slowly, the picture takes shape!

I saw a dark void appeared in the picture!

Dim, deep, endless!

Only a faint light surging, you can vaguely see in the gloom, there seems to be some ups and downs, but it is not true!

"It seems to be a"

Ye Wuque watched closely, carefully checking the dark space on the screen.

But I found nothing. Although I could see some ups and downs in it, it was too difficult to see the true colors.

Soon, Ye Wuque turned his attention to the upper left corner of the screen!

In the entire gloomy picture, there are two most conspicuous places, namely the upper left corner and the lower right corner!

In the upper left corner of the screen, there is an arc-shaped thing that looks like a flying hook, and it is not complete, as if it was captured. There is also a certain ancient pattern on it, which is very obscure and gives a strong feeling. The vicissitudes of the years!

"This thing... seems to be..."

Ye Wuque's eyes are burning!

He faintly seemed to know what this flying hook was, but he didn't remember it for a while!


Until a certain moment, Ye Wuque's mind suddenly flashed!

"This is... the eaves of the palace!!"

"A corner at the top of a palace! The exposed part!"

Ye Wuque suddenly distinguished it.

"But why is there only one eaves? But can't see the whole hall?"

Ye Wuque frowned slightly.

A palace eaves appeared in the dark picture, that is to say, on the left side of the picture, there should be a huge ancient palace!

But it does not appear in the screen?

Why is that?

"Moreover, this ancient temple is very old. The patterns on the eaves of the temple are filled with the meaning of vicissitudes of life and obscure. It is completely different from the past, just like the shape and temperament that only appeared before infinite ancient times!"

Ye Wuque analyzed it carefully, but it was just an eaves of the palace, he could only get these contents.

After stabilizing his mood, Ye Wuque looked at the second conspicuous position in the gloomy picture!

This position is located in the lower right corner of the screen, and it also seems to be a snapshot!

There seems to be a cliff!

Only a small part of the cliff can be seen, and above the cliff, there is a group of burning... seven-colored clouds!

"Seven colored clouds..."

Ye Wuque stared at this seven-colored auspicious cloud, his eyes like torches!

"Life is endless! Nine deaths without regrets!"

From the burning seven-color auspicious cloud, Ye Wuque felt such a breath, but it was equally ancient!

But at the moment!

Ye Wuque's brows are getting tighter and tighter!

Dim picture!

The only thing that can be seen clearly is one eave, a group of flaming clouds of seven colors!

Once up and down, they seem to correspond to each other!

Nothing else!

But Ye Wuque couldn't find any connection between the two, and he couldn't figure out what the meaning of these things in this picture really meant!

Ye Wuqian was at a loss at this moment!

But he was not impatient, but patiently repeated checks, trying to find any useful clues, but found nothing.

Ye Wuque sat quietly, staring at the picture directly in front of him, his eyes flickering constantly, thinking hard about how to break the game.

He believed that his father and Fu Bo left such a picture in the ancient bronze mirror, but it was not aimless, there must be a clue!


Suddenly, there was a yawning sound in the quiet cave. The little fat man who was sleeping in a corner of the cave behind Ye Wuque was finally awakened, and he sat up in a daze, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Rubbed his eyes.

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

The little fat man looked at Ye Wuque and asked in a daze.

Ye Wuque didn't take care of Little Fatty.

Seeing Ye Wuque ignored him, the little fat man murmured and stretched out a big lazy waist. By the way, he also looked at the screen of light in the slanting void with his big eyes.

"What the **** is this? Black and sloppy! Brother, what are you looking at? Are you looking at the person inside?"

Ye Wuque, who hadn't turned his eyes, heard the words of the little fat man, his heart suddenly jumped, and he turned his head suddenly! !

"What are you talking about? There is someone in the picture?"