Return Of The War God - Chapter 3729

Chapter 3729

Seven coffins!

Different sizes! Different colors!

Different breaths! Different shapes!

They were in the void, looking from a distance, they turned out to be like the Big Dipper!

The mysterious creature stood up, looking at the seven coffins. At this moment, his eyes were no longer indifferent and silent, but a sigh of vicissitudes of life came out with a vague recollection.

"Forget about a lot..."

"But still persistent..."

"The dead beings... are vital... the despair of the past... continues to this day..."

"The remaining hope... will it come..."

"Maybe... just... in vain..."

With a dazed low mumbling sound, the mysterious creature seemed to be muttering, desperately trying to remember!


In the next moment, the mysterious creature let out a howl of pain, and in that moment, the trembling breath overflowed from the mysterious creature, sweeping the sky, and the entire depths of the earth were trembling!

Unfortunately, it is useless after all.

When the mysterious creatures regained their calmness, everything returned to peace.


The silvery flesh and blood exploded, turned into blood and evenly poured into the seven coffins, and then a dim light burst out from the seven coffins, like candlelight.

The mysterious creature that had done all this stood quietly, as if turned into a statue, motionless, just looking at the seven coffins, especially the one at the position of the first Tianshu star!

If Ye Wuwei is here at this moment!

It will be a shocking discovery!

In addition to the larger size of this coffin, no matter its shape, color, or breath, it is exactly the same as the coffin of the handsome brother he had seen in the tomb of the **** Tongtian under that starry sky...! !

After a long time.

The standing mysterious creature finally turned around, stepped out, and left the core of the resurrection array, where it once again restored the appearance of eternal silence.

The seven coffins are lonely and empty, just like the past, only a faint light is blooming.

Above the void!

The mysterious creature reappeared in the boat head and sat down again.

At this moment, the mysterious creature seemed to have recovered calm, but his gaze was looking beyond Dakong Demon Burial, looking in the direction where Ye Wuque was.

At the same moment!

In front of a bush, Ye Wuque, who was wounded but was carefully looking for the little fat man, stopped in his footsteps. He seemed to feel something, his eyes suddenly changed, and he looked in the direction of Dakong Demon Burial!

Immediately, Ye Wuque clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed deeply in the direction where Dakong Demon Burial was located!

"Boy, thank you senior for the second time to save!"

Ye Wuque felt the gaze from the mysterious creature, and his heart was grateful!

In the void of the Shenhuang Dynasty, the mysterious creature on the wooden boat withdrew its gaze at Ye Wuque, but once again looked at the real outside world above the heavenly sky!

In the next moment, the mysterious creature seemed to stretch out a hand and waved lightly in front of him!

Immediately, the wooden boat began to rippling again, carrying the mysterious creature and the skeleton, moving further and further towards the direction where Wuzhou was located, until it completely disappeared.

at the same time!

In the real outside world, the sky that was torn by the arrival of the fuzzy figure, the terrifying cracks healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After only three breaths!

The sky that was split by Shenhuang has returned to normal miraculously!

Cloudless, beautiful!

No cracks were left.

It seemed that everything that happened just now was just a terrible nightmare. Now that the nightmare is gone, everything is restored to the beauty of the past. The infinite horror before, the breath of sentient beings trembling has disappeared.

"Heaven, heaven is fine!"

"My Nima! What happened?"

"Could it be that I had a nightmare?"

"The sky is broken inexplicably! Inexplicably better again!"

"Bless the gods!"

"The end of the world has not come!"

At this moment, above the sacred land, countless creatures in the three hundred and thirty thousand big states are like falling into a dream, and they are full of joy of rebirth after the disaster.

However, those powerful creatures have long been unable to sit still, countless powerful forces have spun around in secret, trying to figure out what happened in the short world just now.

There are also countless hidden evil forces who have seen the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and bring disaster to the world!

All of a sudden, the land of God and Wilderness was caught in a stormy sea, and the storm was everywhere!


With a long sigh of relief, Ye Wuque stood up straight, his bright eyes looked at the direction of Dakong Demon Burial, but the gratitude in his eyes was undiminished.

Sure enough, the fuzzy figure smashed into the Dakong Demon Burial, and then ran into the mysterious creature!

Then... there is no more...

Sadly killed by a mysterious creature!

And the mysterious creature not only saved his life again, but was afraid that he would replace himself and take everything in the past.

"This time, if it weren't for Sora and the mysterious creature senior, I'm afraid I'm doomed..."

Ye Wuque had a kind of directness, perhaps the mysterious creature hadn't noticed the power of Kong.


Thinking of this, Ye Wuque gently opened the palm of his hand. At this moment, lying quietly in the palm of his hand was a white jade bead, which was the jade bead left by Kong.

But now the white jade bead has another crack in it!

The entire white jade bead seems to be riddled with holes, as if it would be completely shattered by accident!

Every time the white jade bead reacts, it will crack a crack!

Now, after saving Ye Wuque for the third time, the power of the white jade bead is about to come to an end!


Ye Wuque whispered softly, then carefully retracted the white jade bead into the Yuanyang Ring, and with his right hand, the ancient bronze mirror appeared again.

Staring at the ancient bronze mirror that had restored the dead silence and no more vision, Ye Wuque's eyes gradually became firmer!

Obviously, the picture in the ancient bronze mirror will only appear once. Fortunately, I persisted to the end and saw everything in the picture desperately. This was the only opportunity I had seized!

Although I paid a huge price this time, I almost died, but it was worth it!

The light curtain released from the ancient bronze mirror, and the pictures recorded in it, can be seen clearly after all, imprinted in my mind!

Just wait to study it carefully!

However, Ye Wuque was not in the mood at the moment. He was covered with blood and his internal injuries were not light, but he didn't care about it. He just wanted to find the little fat man.

"Not here!"

Ye Wuque checked carefully, his face was a little gloomy and worried.

He was afraid of what would happen to the little fat man!

Find the little fat guy anyway!

But just when Ye Wuque was about to leave here to continue searching!

boom! ! !

The bushes not far away suddenly exploded with bronze-colored brilliance, and only heard a scream, a big black, thick and hard iron stick fell to the ground out of thin air, and there was a plump figure that fell together!

With a plop, this figure smashed to the ground with a firm face, and fell a dog to eat shit!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my face will be broken

In the next instant, the familiar horrible howl sounded, making Ye Wuque startled for a moment, and then finally let out a long sigh of relief, his mind relaxed, his head dizzy, and he immediately sat on the ground.