Return Of The War God - Chapter 1778

Chapter 1778


In an instant, two giant fingers made of gold evolved, each measuring hundreds of meters in size, falling from the sky and poking heavily on the desert!

Within a few miles, there was a sudden vibration, like the earth turned upside down, endless grains of sand flew up and swept across all directions, and after a full dozen breaths, the sudden vibration slowly subsided.

And at this moment, just ten feet away from Ye Wuque's body, the bright eyes were shining brightly. With his poking, a huge hole appeared on the earth, and the black inside seemed to extend to The depths of the earth, but the strange thing is that no desert sand bury it again.

What does this represent?

"It seems that under this barren sand, there is a possibility that there is still another cave!"

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Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque stepped directly out here, his figure flickered, and he jumped into the pothole.

Moist, warm and long!

This was Ye Wuque's first feeling after jumping into the pothole. At the same time, he was descending at a very fast speed. He was getting farther and farther from the hole above his head, and was gradually being overwhelmed by darkness.

Until about a quarter of an hour later, Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

Because he found that the light around the originally dark pothole turned on, and at the end of the bottom, the same hole suddenly appeared!

When Ye Wuque stepped into this hole, he immediately felt the surroundings burst into light!

"It seems that I didn't guess wrong. In the depths of the Sun and Moon Continent, there really is another world, or it should be the Sun and Moon Continent five hundred years ago!"

After stabilizing his figure, a vast oasis appeared in front of Ye Wuque's eyes, giving him a touch of surprise and shock.

"This should be the oasis recorded on the map, then the Sun Moon Divine Spring is in the center of this oasis!"

With a squeak, Ye Wuque turned into a streamer and shuttled through the void, and started flying towards the center of the oasis!

During this process, he felt a strong and incomparable vitality. Obviously, this oasis had been buried in the ground for hundreds of years. Instead of dying and corrupting, it grew denser!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

If there are not enough nutrients and strength for the oasis to absorb, how can it be immortal for a hundred years?

So what provides these for Oasis?

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a touch of joy, and the answer was ready to come out, only...the sun and the moon was the spring!

After half an hour, Ye Wuque's figure suddenly stopped!

"Here! The Supreme Law begins to vibrate again, is it on the top of that green peak?"

Stopped Ye Wuque's bright eyes looked forward. At the end of his line of sight, in the central area of the oasis, there was a huge peak that stood out in the middle of the oasis. Yuanli, at the same time, there is a breath of radiant heat and coldness!

"After a lot of effort, I finally found this sun and moon **** spring!

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, and Ye Wuque was also quite excited. Now he can be 100% sure that the Sun Moon Divine Spring is on the top of the Green Peak.


But when Ye Wuque was about to ascend the summit, he suddenly heard a roar that shook the sky and the earth, coming from the depths of the oasis obliquely in front of him, and then there was a black shadow that could cover the sky and the sun like a mountain peak. He ran here, making deafening footsteps!

Where the shadow passed, the ancient trees were lifted off, which showed its terrifying power, and a barbaric and tyrannical wave exploded!

Seeing this, Ye Wuque didn't have any surprises on his face, but a touch of brilliant light appeared in his bright eyes!

Because he understands that wherever the treasures of the heavens and the earth are, there must be monsters and creatures entrenched!

This sun, moon, gods spring is different and natural, and nature is within it.


Within ten breaths of time, the black shadow that covered the sky and the sun was culled, and countless ancient trees were lifted all the way, stopping at a place about a thousand feet away from Ye Wuque, revealing the truth. Rong, staring at Ye Wuque fiercely, a touch of wisdom surged in him!

This is a huge bear that is huge!

The body is like a mountain, majestic and mighty, the whole body exudes a surge of fierce aura, and a **** primitive meaning!

But what is even more bizarre is that the hair on this giant bear turned out to be half golden, one side silver, and even the bear face, evenly divided, shimmering with dazzling brilliance, with great visual impact!

"What a giant bear of gold and silver! The breath is so powerful, it definitely has bloodline mutation, and here, the only thing that can cause it to change bloodline is...Sun Moon God Spring!"

Looking at the giant gold and silver bear in front of him, Ye Wuque's eyes filled with a faint smile, and his heart was even more looking forward to that Sun Moon Divine Spring!

However, he understood that if he wanted to reach the top of Green Peak, he had to face the giant gold and silver bear before him.

"Big guy, to be able to evolve to this point, you must already have the not-weak mentality, and you must be able to hear me, so if you want to continue to live here, don't stop me. Otherwise, at your own risk."

Ye Wuque stood proudly in the void, carrying his hands on his back, with fluttering black hair, and said lightly.


However, as soon as Ye Wuque's words fell, the giant gold and silver bear let out an earth-shaking roar, with thick blood in it, and a kind of greed and cruelty came out of the huge pupils inverted!

The human monk in front of him is completely a delicious blood food in his eyes. It has been entrenched here for too long, and it hasn't swallowed humans for too long. Now that it has encountered it, how could it be missed?

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed, how could the cruel and greedy eyes of the giant gold and silver bear escape his eyes?

"It seems that you, a beast, don't listen to persuasion, and you just want to die! Hehe, I haven't eaten game for a while. It is said that the taste of bear paw is the best in the world. If you want to eat me, I want to eat You, there are four bear paws in total, enough for me to have a good meal!"

A sharp smile was slowly outlined at the corner of his mouth, Ye Wuque's thoughts moved, and the Holy Way's battle spirit suddenly exploded, and the golden blood vigorously increased the surrounding temperature several times in an instant!