Return Of The War God - Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

"Then Sister Rong, you still told this guy the news of Feng Ling Huiwu, didn't you recruit powerful enemies for yourself for no reason?"

Qi Jing asked a little puzzled.

"According to the attitude he had just left, he doesn't seem to care at all. I guess he won't go, but if he does go, it will not be my turn to have a headache..."

Rong Fengduo's beautiful eyes flashed, and finally he didn't speak any more. After a few breaths, the two streamers also rose into the sky and galloped away in the other direction.


Six days later, a huge battleship descended from the sky and landed on a continent!

With a hum, the door of the ship's cabin slowly opened, and a tall and slender figure stepped out of it. Then the huge halberd slowly tore the void again and disappeared. It seemed that he didn't want to stay here for even one breath. .

Hunting in the martial arts robe, black hair fluttering, this figure is naturally Ye Wuque, who has been on a long journey for six days again!

"Is this the Sun Moon Continent? It's completely different from what I imagined..."

Standing between the heavens and the earth, Ye Wuque looked at the Sun and Moon Continent, with a touch of shock in his bright eyes!

After six days of non-stop, Ye Wuque crossed several continents, and finally came to the destination of the Sun Moon Divine Spring... Sun Moon Continent!

But at this moment, the Sun Moon Continent that appeared before Ye Wuque's eyes turned out to be an endless...desert!

Hot, deadly, vast, and lofty!

Standing here, all Ye Wuque could see was the waste sand spreading all over the world. A gust of wind blew and swept the waste sand up into the sky, permeating all directions, making it look like a thousand miles away, as if life. Restricted area.

With a flash of light on his right hand, the map of the Sun Moon God Spring appeared in his hand again, and Ye Wuque checked it carefully.

Now that he has come to the Sun Moon Continent, judging from the actual situation and the map, it is undoubtedly too clear.

"According to the instructions on the map, the Sun Moon Spring is located in the depths of the Sun Moon Continent, surrounded by an oasis full of vitality, the direction is in the southeast..."

Immediately, Ye Wuque didn't delay any more, and directly turned into a long rainbow soaring into the sky, flying towards the southeast direction at an extremely fast speed!

This flight lasted several hours.

During this period, Ye Wuque Great Soul King's divine power spread out, covering all directions, paying close attention to every direction, hoping to find the location of the sun and moon divine spring on the map.

But the result was that Ye Wuque was puzzled, because he found nothing.

Even Ye Wuque had already circumvented most of the Sun Moon Continent, and he could be sure that there were no cultivators here, even local cultivators.

Let alone an oasis, the entire Sun Moon Continent is covered with boundless deserts, nothing.

"Is this map fake?"

In the void, Ye Wuque stopped, frowning, staring at the map of the sun and moon in his hand, muttering to himself like this.

But immediately Ye Wuque shook his head slowly and denied this idea.

After all, at the beginning, he was able to discover the extraordinaryness of this map, because the vibration of the supreme law can cause the vibration of the supreme law, which is enough to prove that this map will definitely not have a problem.

"If it's not that there is a problem with the map, then...there is a problem with the Sun Moon Continent itself! Because it is obvious that this map is extremely long in terms of texture, and everything recorded is also a long time ago."

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and Ye Wuque opened the Extinct Immortal Eye, the Great Soul King enveloped all directions, and once again looked at the entire Sun Moon Continent.

In the end, Ye Wuque once again came to the position where the Sun Moon God Spring should be marked on the Sun Moon Map.

There is naturally no oasis here, a bare piece of land, only layers of barren sand, no difference from other places.

"Boy, the map in your hand is at least 500 years old, and this continent has undergone drastic changes almost 300 years ago. The terrain has sunk, and the entire surface and environment have undergone earth-shaking changes. Even in the same location, the traces of the past cannot be found."

Balao in the Divine Soul Space spoke slowly. As a aging demon, his eyesight was naturally amazing. After several hours of searching, he had discovered the changes in the Sun Moon Continent.

"The same location, the traces of the past can no longer be found, but according to the records on the map, the existence of the Sun Moon God Spring is extremely mysterious and extremely stable. Is it really buried in time?"

Balao's words made Ye Wuque's eyes flicker, his bright eyes looked in all directions, he still didn't believe that the Sun Moon God Spring had disappeared, and he searched it carefully again, but the result was still nothing.

"Is it really a trip for nothing?"

Ye Wuque was a little unwilling. This Sun Moon God Spring is extremely important to him. It is related to the yin and yang realms among the three infinite realms. If this time is missed, who knows where the next opportunity lies?

The map of the sun and the moon was about to be ripped apart by Ye Wuque, but unfortunately there were no valuable clues.

In the end, even though Ye Wuque was unwilling here, he could only sigh deeply and choose to leave.


However, when Ye Wuque was about to prepare, he suddenly saw the deserted sand on the ground not far away, sinking into the ground.

This kind of phenomenon is very common in the desert, it is nothing, but it fell in Ye Wuque's eyes, but it suddenly made him feel like lightning flashed through his mind!

Immediately, he remembered what Balao had just said, and immediately asked: "Bala, did you just say that the Sun Moon Continent has undergone drastic changes and the terrain has sunk?"


After getting Balao's affirmative answer again, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, looking at the land covered by desert sand, the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a faint arc!

"If you guessed correctly, I think I might have found where the Sun and Moon Divine Spring is. It did not disappear, but with the drastic changes in the mainland, the terrain sank and was buried...underground!"

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, and the whole body surging in the next instant, the holy way of fighting spirit surging out, his right hand protruded, the index finger and the **** were raised together, and directly pierced toward the ground in front of him!