Return Of The War God - Chapter 1779

Chapter 1779


The giant gold and silver bear was obviously impatient, and directly launched an attack. The tens of thousands of feet-sized body rushed towards Ye Wuque like a collapsed mountain, and a huge bear claw slapped it like a mountain collapse and the ground cracked!

The size of this bear claw is a hundred meters in size. If it is really shot, let alone a person of flesh and blood, even a solid city wall will be directly blasted into ruins in the sky!

"Good job!"

However, there was a clear whistle from Ye Wuque, the sacred path exploded, the eternal immortal body turned directly, the vision appeared behind him, countless meteors fell down, and at the same time, a real dragon shook the sky and the earth resounded. !

The real dragon warfare directly operates, and Ye Wuque's physical strength has once again surged. The whole person simulates a big dragon, pinches a fist mark with his right hand, stepping out, a dragon fist directly hits the front, and it is **** the gold and silver giant bear. fierce!

After the giant gold and silver bear saw Ye Wuque's behavior, a dense disdain and cruelty flashed across his huge pupils!

In its eyes, a little human race monk had to fight his fleshly power with it, and it was almost reckless!


In the next instant, the golden bear claws of the size of a hundred meters banged together heavily with the tiny golden fists, making a roar like thunder!

A huge ripple of power exploded and spread out. Everywhere it passed, the ancient trees were really shattered and collapsed, extremely terrifying!

At the same time, a body of ten thousand meters in size directly rolled back into the void.

With a punch, it was blasted off by Ye Wuque!

But Ye Wuque is still standing proudly here, like a true golden mountain!

"The physical strength is not bad, but unfortunately, it's not enough!"

Ye Wuque's eyes condensed, and he sneered, the sky demon wings flapped and exploded quickly, stepping out, and chasing the giant gold and silver bear!


The huge gold and silver bear's body smashed to the ground, making a loud noise, crushing hundreds of ancient trees, and a touch of unbelievable humanity emerged from its huge pupils. It was impossible to imagine that it was actually being caught by a tiny human race. The monk smashed into the air with a punch!

What immediately followed was soaring anger and crazy ferocity!

The big hideous mouth exploded, a wave of air rushed out, and the hair on the gold and silver giant bear glowed dazzlingly, and the sound of the surging waves in the body exploded, obviously using the power of the mutant bloodline, breath They all skyrocketed!

The giant gold and silver bear vowed to put this human monk in his mouth, chew it up, and swallow it!

But in the next moment, a terrifying aura like a world-destroying storm descended from the sky, as if with an indescribable roar and speed, it hit the gold and silver giant bear's head heavily!


The head of the giant gold and silver bear was directly smashed to the ground by this blow, and a huge pothole was smashed, and it was even directly smashed!

Boom boom boom boom...

Next, the muffled thunder sound like thunder continued, and the golden vitality exploded directly, and the golden figure of a person above the void raised his fists, as if he didn't need money, every punch contained the strength Power, enough to break the earth!


A roar full of madness and anger sounded, and the giant gold and silver bear was almost crazy. It never thought that it would be beaten by a small human race like a sandbag. It wanted to fight back in the Jedi, but Ye Wuque punched with both punches. It was harder than a punch, and a punch was faster than a punch, and it all hit its head!

Gradually, the scream full of madness and anger directly turned into a scream, and finally disappeared directly and slowly.

There was dust and smoke, the golden light disappeared, and Ye Wuque's figure reappeared, standing proudly in the void, with a faint smile on his face. As for the giant gold and silver bear, he was dead at this moment and was completely resolved by Ye Wuque.

"Next, I should have a full meal!"

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Having been traveling a long distance these days, Ye Wuque felt a little bit tired. At this moment, he finally found the sun and moon divine spring, and he was completely relaxed, and he also had a leisurely mood. He definitely had a good meal first!

This gold and silver giant bear is undoubtedly a good ingredient, and it is hard to find!

About half an hour later, the whole oasis was filled with rich and incomparable aromas. In a clearing, there were four huge pieces of wood inserted respectively, and one bear claw, two gold and two silver, each It is a hundred meters in size, it has been roasted so that it is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and it has been sprinkled with a lot of seasoning by Ye Wuque. It can be said to be fragrant and makes people can't help but drool!

"The world is delicious... BBQ bear paw! Haha!"

With a long laugh, Ye Wuque couldn't wait to rub his hands, and directly transformed into a big hand to grab a bear's paw. The rich fragrance continued to fill, and he opened his mouth and bit down fiercely!

In an instant, the plump gravy exploded in the mouth, and the plump and mellow fleshy texture was so slippery that it melted in the mouth, and the thick meaty fragrance rose after swallowing it in the abdomen, which made Ye Wuque unable to help but groan with great pleasure. !

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque began to wind and roll, and all four bear claws were eaten by him, and there was nothing left!

Half an hour later, Ye Wuque, who was belching his stomach, stood up, with a touch of satisfaction on his face. After tasting this excellent delicacy, he was naturally extremely happy, and the whole person relaxed. During this time His fatigue was wiped out, refreshed!

"After you relax, it's time for business!"

Immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he looked at the male Green Peak, smiled to himself, stepped directly out, and rose into the sky!

Strong vitality rushed towards his face, Ye Wuqian turned into a stream of light and continued to rise, wherever he passed, he felt the power contained in this green hair, and an incomparably pure force of the sun and the moon continued to impact, in his mind The supreme law is shaking slightly!

The green hair was extremely high, it was completely standing in the middle of the oasis, but after the giant gold and silver bear was solved, there were no other creatures that could threaten Ye Wuque.

When the line of sight in front of him became flat and high, Ye Wuque finally reached the top!

"What a magnificent sight! Is this the Sun Moon God Spring?"

After Ye Wuque landed, he looked in all directions, and immediately saw an ancient mottled huge pool tens of thousands of feet away. It was lying on the ground, and it was already covered by smoke, so I couldn't see it. But Ye Wuque was Know, that is the sun and the moon **** spring!

With a hint of excitement and eagerness, Ye Wuque's figure flickered, flew directly towards the Sun Moon God Spring, and fell directly into it!

The smoke tore apart and spread towards the surroundings.

But when Ye Wuque really came to the Sun Moon Divine Spring, the excitement on his face suddenly froze, and his heart sank suddenly!

Because he suddenly discovered that the entire Sun Moon Divine Spring was...dried!

"How could this happen? The Sun Moon God Spring has dried up!"

Ye Wuque stood in the empty spring pool, muttering to himself in a low voice, obviously shocked, and a bitter helpless smile appeared on his face immediately.

Finally, I finally arrived at the location of the Sun Moon God Spring. I thought it was done, but I didn't expect that the inner spring water in the entire pool had already dried up, leaving only the empty shell.

People are not as good as heaven!

"It seems that the drastic changes in the mainland hundreds of years ago not only caused the Sun and Moon Divine Spring to sink to the ground, it is estimated that it also consumed a lot of water from the divine spring, plus it was consumed by the huge gold and silver bear that has been entrenched here. This is the result."

Walking in the empty pool, Ye Wuque shook his head and whispered, and sighed helplessly. In this way, he was in vain.

"Wait! No!"

But when Ye Wuque raised his head and saw the mist and fluctuations in the sky, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

"If the sun and moon divine spring really dries up and cannot provide a powerful source of energy, then this entire underground oasis cannot grow so densely, and it can have such an amazing vitality! Neither will the giant gold and silver bear Maybe still entrenched here, as soon as I appeared, I rushed out to fight me hard!"

Thoughts in his heart surged, and Ye Wuque's eyes kept flashing away.

"So that means..."

Immediately afterwards, the power of the spirit of Ye Wuque Great Soul King swept out directly, spread to the limit, and began to search the entire pool with all his strength!

When the power of his mind came to the center and the deepest of the pond, he suddenly felt something!

"There is a crack! It looks extremely deep!"

With a flash of gaze, Ye Wuque immediately noticed the strangeness on the surface of the pool, which was very inconspicuous. If it were not for the power of divine mind, it would be really hard to detect with the naked eye.

Then Ye Wuque directly grabbed the dragon claw along the crack, and then tore it to both sides!

With a sneer, the crack was directly torn apart by Ye Wuque with brute force, and a pothole about a foot wide appeared!

In the next moment, he felt a strong, pure and incomparable pure wave directly against his face, and accompanied by a wave of heat and cold, the whole person became shining!

"Haha! Sure enough, there is still more!"

At this moment, appearing in the pit in front of Ye Wuque's eyes, a kind of extremely mysterious spring water was flowing!

The spring water presents two colors of gold and silver, clearly one, but it is distinct, golden as the sun and silver as the moon, containing two extreme relative power attributes, yet compatible so perfect, it is the sun and the moon **** spring water!

Looking at the sun and moon **** spring water in the pit, feeling the supreme law vibration in his body, Ye Wuque's heart finally let go with a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't lose any success, but immediately looked at the weight of the sun and moon **** spring water in the pit. Ye Wuque's brows wrinkled tightly again!

"Not enough! Too little, but with this little Sun Moon God Spring Water, I can't support me to comprehend the yin and yang realm. It is estimated that it will be exhausted halfway! What should I do?"

It was a great joy to find the only remaining Sun Moon God Spring Water, but Ye Wuque realized the problem immediately.

He needs to comprehend the yin and yang realm with the sun and moon **** spring water, and the quantity must be sufficient. It is impossible to use the remaining in the pit!

The unwilling Ye Wuque searched the entire pond again, and saw that there was no other Sun Moon God spring water left, but it disappointed him, only a little in the pit.

In the end, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged in the pit, staring at the last remaining Sun Moon God Spring, a touch of firmness flashed in his eyes!

"It seems that I can only try it hard. I hope these Sun Moon God spring water can support me to understand the realm of Yin and Yang!"

Just when Ye Wuque was about to take a risk, Balao's voice in the Soul Space suddenly sounded!

"Boy, if you absorb it so directly, it will only fail. At this point, the Sun Moon God Spring Water is not enough for your consumption."

Balao's sudden words made Ye Wuque's heart tremble, but immediately understood that Balao would not speak for no reason, and immediately said, "Since Balao has spoken, is there any way?"