Return Of The War God - Chapter 1706

Chapter 1706

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This feeling was extremely strange, as if Bai Liuchen had suddenly gone crazy.

It wasn't until more than a dozen breaths before that a strange sound suddenly sounded. It was very light at first, but more and more thoughts, it came from Bai Liuchen's body!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

This is a terrifying laughter, which is not something that can be made by humans. It seems to contain boundless sins and obstacles!

In the next moment, a gray mist suddenly appeared from the position of Bai Liuchen's chest, and the void was coiled and circulated, as if there was life!

After dozens of breaths, these gray mists finally slowly gathered into a human figure!


At the moment when this human figure converged, an unimaginable voice of resentment and wailing came from this figure, as if this figure was condensed from countless sins, killings, and karma!

This is a weird and mysterious evil spirit, and it also contains boundless terrifying power!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... You summoned me? Did you figure it out?"

The mysterious evil spirit speaks, but the sound is like going through the boundless hell, enough to make people go crazy after hearing it!

Bai Liuchen stared at the mysterious evil spirit in front of him, and there was a terrible light in his star-like eyes!

No one knows that this mysterious evil spirit is the biggest secret in Bai Liuchen's heart!

It is precisely because of the existence of this mysterious evil spirit that Bai Liuchen pushed the same generation all the way, and finally became the first person in the younger generation of Blue Sea Star as his teacher!

According to Bai Liuchen's original aptitude, although it is not vulgar, it is at most similar to the ten great arrogances of the blue sea star, and cannot exceed that. But it is precisely because of this mysterious evil spirit that Bai Liuchen can borrow it Strength, strengthen oneself, this has already appeared now Bai Liuchen!

Otherwise, Bai Liuchen has only developed the cultivation base of the five gods, so why can he exert the combat power of almost eleven gods?

The mysterious evil spirit is the root of Bai Liuchen so powerful!

Only Bai Liuchen himself knew the origin of this mysterious evil spirit. It was obtained from an adventure when he was young. It was a dilapidated temple. When Bai Liuchen walked in because of curiosity, he accidentally broke one. Golden Buddha, this mysterious evil spirit rushed out of the Golden Buddha and entered Bai Liuchen's body!

The strange thing is that the mysterious evil spirit did not seize Bai Liuchen, but tempted him and gave him strength, hoping that Bai Liuchen would willingly agree to his request, and that's it until now.

However, Bai Liuchen never agreed to the mysterious evil spirit, because his instinct told him that once he agreed, he would fall into a situation where he could never recover!

But now, under the stimulation of Ye Wuque, Bai Liuchen can no longer care about so much!

He just wants to become infinitely powerful, beyond the limit, and then brutally punish Ye Wuwei!

"Promise your request, what can I get?"

Staring at the mysterious evil spirit, Bai Liuchen spoke like this with a calm tone.

"Jie Jie Jie can get everything you want! Strong strength, a bright future, and the qualification to step up to the top of the heavens and ten thousand realms!"

The mysterious evil spirit seems to have noticed Bai Liuchen's mood, and there is a touch of desire and enthusiasm in the evil voice!

"Okay! I agree to your request, but if I can't get what you said, then you and I will die together!"

In the end, Bai Liuchen spoke like this, with a sharp tone, and there was an indescribable weirdness and madness on his face under the blue halo!

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"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Don't worry! Everything will be as you wish!"

The mysterious evil spirit uttered a wicked smile, and the gray figure exploded in the next instant, turning into a gray mist again, submerging this dark place, and finally covering Bai Liuchen!


The moment that was enveloped in the gray mist, Bai Liuchen's body trembled suddenly, and a kind of extreme pain and distortion came out of his face!

The gray mist gradually covered him completely, first the body, then the limbs, and finally up, until the face!

When Bai Liuchen had his last eye exposed, this eye suddenly opened!


Like an evil gaze shooting from the depths of hell, Bai Liuchen's eyes turned into pitch black, without pupils, it was extremely terrifying and strange!

In the next moment, the gray mist completely enveloped Bai Liuchen, and only a sound of evil jealousy resounded.

"Transform... evolve! When you wake up, you will have the power to kill that human race kid! Jie Jie Jie Jie... **** bald donkey, this deity has been suffering for tens of thousands of years, and finally waited until today. How long will the deity make a comeback! This time, the deity will destroy your tradition, thwart you, and refine your soul for millions of years!!

At the same time, a piece of news that could burst for nine days was circulating on the entire Blue Sea main star!

The blue-robed man Ye Wuque fought against the ten-square giant You's Patriarch You Lan, and he suppressed the Patriarch Youlan with one move, and finally slapped him to death. He was extremely powerful!

This news caused the entire Blue Sea main star to boil completely!

What Heavenly Secret Flower Meeting, what Linghua Cave Heaven, are completely suppressed by this news at this moment!

The Blue Sea monks in the entire Blue Sea main star gathered together like crazy, discussing the matter, and the spitting stars flew straight, some were amazed, some were unbelievable, some were suspicious, some were yelling, it was a mess. A pot of porridge is like dropping a million active volcanoes on the blue starfish!

"Oh my God! How long has this passed? The blue-robed man Ye Wuque is so powerful!"

"How is this possible? I don't quite believe it, it's too exaggerated!"

"I'm also skeptical. Although Ye Wuque is powerful, even Bai Liuchen has defeated him, but he is only the young generation who dominates the blue sea star. Who is the Patriarch Youlan? One of the ten giants, Blue Sea Star opened up eighteen ways. The peak power of Shenquan!"

"Without evidence, can this kind of news be passed on?"

Although the entire Blue Sea main star was boiling over because of this news, only less than 30% of the people really believed, almost all of them were admirers of the blue robe men before. No one believed the remaining Blue Sea monks, because this is really incredible!

If Ye Wuque defeated an elder-level quasi-human king who opened up fifteen divine springs, many people might believe it, but defeating a pinnacle powerhouse like Youlan is really a fantasy.

However, just as the voice of doubt almost overwhelmed everything, somebody threw out evidence!

A light and shadow recorded with a jade slip of the record was released!

In the light and shadow, although the picture is a bit blurred due to the distance, it is still clear that Ye Wuque and Youlan can be distinguished!

Roots of black thorns rushed all over Youlan, pierced towards Ye Wuque, but was defeated by Ye Wuque with unpredictable means, and then hit Youlan's chest heavily!

Immediately after that, there was a jaw-dropping scene!

Ye Wuque was holding Yulan who was severely injured and coughing up blood in one hand, and with the other hand, he slapped Yulan's right cheek with more than 20 slaps!

Even through the light and shadow, it seemed to hear the incomparably clear applause, which made all the blue sea monks roar and stunned!

In the light and shadow, Youlan, who was fainted by Shengsheng's fan, was finally thrown off by Ye Wuque at will. After smashing to the ground, everything came to an abrupt end.

No one would doubt the authenticity of Light and Shadow, because there is no need to doubt. No one has the ability to forge all of this. It is necessary to know that the other nine giants in Light and Shadow, the lonely strong, and even Miss Tantai are among them!

In other words, all of this is true!

Ye Wuque really strongly suppressed Patriarch Youlan!

The entire main star of the Blue Sea almost fell into a dead silence, and all that was left in everyone's heart was the boundless shock and incredible!

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