Return Of The War God - Chapter 1707

Chapter 1707

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The main star of the blue sea, Zi Lianxing station.

"Jane... is too cruel! Is that Young Master Ye really a human?"

The two big round eyes on Luo Yixue's cute and pretty face opened wide, staring at the light and shadow of the record jade jade on the table bought by Yuanjing, and her small mouth blinked.

All things in the world can be profitable!

The light and shadow that recorded Ye Wuque's brilliant record was directly reproduced and then sold out, a piece of 100 lower-grade Yuanjing, as long as you pay, you can buy one.

In just one day, the entire Blue Sea main star, and even all the monks in the five affiliated stars, were almost spread, and one of the ten people bought a piece.

This also led to the complete spread of this matter, reaching a point where no one knew it!

"Hey, it really feels like a dream now, is this really the Young Master Ye we met in the ancient battlefield of the Blue Sea? How long has passed since then, he has such an endless splendor!"

Chen Yulan and Luo Yixue stood together, their beautiful faces surging with endless emotion, and the indispensable figure of light and shadow reflected in the beautiful eyes, which was full of shock and incredible!

In the corner of the room, Guo Linghao stared at the light and shadow, his whole body trembled slightly, and his heart was full of endless fear and...fortunately!

"Fortunately, I didn't look for death in the first place! Fortunately, he didn't hear what I said, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even find the body..."

Long Botao was also staring at the light and shadow, but his eyes flashed with light that was different from that of Chen Yulan.

"This Young Master unexpectedly formed an enmity with the Shifang giants and suppressed Patriarch Youlan. Although amazing, he also caused a big trouble!"

As soon as Long Botao said this, Chen Yulan's three people were taken aback, and immediately there was a sense of fear on their faces!

Ten square giants!

That was the great power that ruled the endless years on the main star of the Blue Sea. The background was extremely deep. Now one of them was suppressed by Ye Wuque, undoubtedly being beaten in the face. How would they let Ye Wuque go?

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"It is estimated that this time the opening of Linghua Cave Sky will set off a **** storm. Who can have the last laugh? It's hard to say..."

With a light sigh, Long Botao spoke like this, making the room silent.

Blue sea star, You family land.


"Trash! A bunch of trash! What use do you want?"

Inside the hall, there was a figure roaring, and the boundless suffocation exploded, terrifying, making the people half kneeling in the hall tremble and face fear!

This roaring person is naturally Yulan!

At this moment, he had already woke up from a coma, and his face was also swollen, but there was still a large red mark that could not be erased, making Yulan look extremely funny.

"Who the **** passed it on? Find it for me and then smash it into pieces, frustrating bones and ashes!"

Youlan's complexion was green, bloodshot appeared in her eyes, and she said that she was so angry!

After being strongly suppressed by Ye Wuque, he passed out after being slapped and humiliated by more than 20 slaps. After finally waking up, he suddenly realized that this incident had spread to the main star of Blue Sea, and no one knew it!

His own existence, one of the top ten giants, is now the laughing stock of the entire Blue Sea star!

This made Yulan almost have the urge to pass out again.

He was naturally furious and wanted to investigate who passed it on!

"Returning to the Patriarch, it is no accident. At that time, a dozen or so blue sea monks who happened to pass by saw all this and recorded it with the jade slip. But after the jade slip appeared, these people were mysteriously missing. Fly, as if it had never appeared before!"

A Yulan's confidant spoke in a deep voice and told the situation.

"Only ten giants can do all this silently, damn..."

Youlan rubbed her eyebrows, sat down slowly, suppressed the anger in her heart, and forced herself to calm down. After all, he has always been known for his scheming methods. If it weren't because this series of things were too sudden, it wouldn't be the case.

After a quarter of an hour, Youlan recovered her calm, but her face was still ugly.

"This matter is deeply involved. Our ten giants are opposed to each other. This time it is only because of the Linghua Dongtian matter that they are temporarily united. Now that there is such a ready-made joke like me, how could they not let it go? It's a good calculation to cover up their failure in this matter..."

Youlan knew that he had become the leading bird in the ten-square giant, and other peak powers would naturally be happy to see this scene, making him a laughingstock, invisibly suppressing the power of the You family.

"Go down first, and wait for the opening of Linghua Cave. I will call you."

In the end, Yulan waved away and retreated.

In the hall, he was the only one sitting alone, and the terrible light flashed in his eyes!

"Little beast!"

When Han Sheng said these three words, Youlan pushed all the anger onto Ye Wuque's body, almost gritted her teeth!

But there was a sneer at the corner of Yulan's mouth!

"You let me be the first bird, so don't blame me for hiding the news that the little beast is the big soul king!"

Immediately afterwards, Youlan stood up, her figure flickered, and entered the depths of the You family, where there was a flash of precious light!

"When I ask for the secret inheritance treasure, I want to see how arrogant your little beast is!"

The boiling of the main star of the blue sea could not be subdued for a long time, even if the time passed, about ten days passed in a blink of an eye, there were still people in the main star of the blue sea still telling it from time to time.

Only in the palace of Immortal Tantai, there is always tranquility.

In the side hall belonging to Ye Wuque, there is still the valley of flowers. Ye Wuque sits in it quietly, his expression is calm, but his forehead emits a faint golden brilliance, flashing like stars.

After a long time, the light from his forehead dissipated, and Ye Wuque opened his eyes, and the inside was bright and deep, as if he had harvested a lot.

During these ten days, Ye Wuque naturally did not waste, he was practicing and enlightening almost every moment.

There are only two objects of enlightenment. One is the "Supreme Law" left by the Golden Lightning Man, to comprehend the three infinite realms within the supreme heavenly species.

The second is the peerless great good fortune given by the golden emperor dragon king Aokun on the road of no return... the true dragon emperor technique!

However, whether it is the Supreme Law or the True Dragon Emperor Art, they are both extremely mysterious and obscure, especially the True Dragon Emperor Art, which is one of the ten evil emperor art of the heavens and all realms. It is extremely precious and extremely powerful. The requirements of practitioners are terribly scary!

Talent, comprehension, and opportunity are indispensable, and they must all be amazing enough!

Fortunately, Ye Wuque met the requirements in this regard, but the progress was still extremely slow. After all, this was the supreme heritage of the dragon family, broad and profound, and the starry sky.

But although Ye Wuque's progress is slow, the gains he can get are incredibly amazing!

The True Dragon Emperor Art contains all the magical powers, ancient combat skills, and secrets of the dragon family. Even a little bit of fur can benefit him a lot and open his eyes.

As for the supreme law left by the golden lightning man, Ye Wuque is also constantly studying. Although the progress is slow, he is also very rewarding. He has a deep understanding of the three infinite realms and has found a goal to move forward.

It can be said that compared to ten days ago, Ye Wuque's strength is now even further!

Just when Ye Wuque was about to continue his enlightenment, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his eyes to look forward, even when he saw Madam Qionghua who was coming all the way.

Right now, Ye Wuque stood up from Huagu and walked forward.

But before Ye Wuque could speak, Madam Qionghua's beautiful face was filled with excitement, and she took the lead in speaking: "Wouque, I sensed it! Linghua Cave Heaven will open again tomorrow!"

As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's expression immediately became straight!

One second to remember, wonderful novels can be read at any time, desktop users please visit. The latest chapter of the high-speed first Ares Hurricane, this chapter is Chapter 1707: Become a laughing stock, the address is //, if you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo!