Return Of The War God - Chapter 1705

Chapter 1705

"In a panic, what a decent way!"

It seems that because of the successful breakthrough, Bai Liuchen was in a very good mood at the moment, but he slapped Tie Yi softly. If he had followed his past temper, Tie Yi had already flown out.

Tie Yi did not care about his gaffes at this moment, but continued to speak hoarsely: "Young Master, I got the news, just yesterday, the nine giants in power joined forces with Master Huo Demon and Master Cold Sword in front of the two lonely powerful ones. Go to Miss Tantai's palace to block the door and force Ye Wuque to submit!"

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"Oh why?"

Bai Liuchen's star-like eyes suddenly condensed, the news was extremely unexpected and aroused his curiosity.

"Because it is said that Linghua Cave Sky is about to be born, and the key to unlock Linghua Cave Sky is in the hands of Ye Wuque."

"Linghua Dongtian! That's how it is, no wonder they dare to do this. If you want to come here, there is also the shadow of the master?"

Hearing the words "Linghua Cave Sky", Bai Liuchen's eyes lit up, revealing a touch of ambition and desire.

However, something seemed to have been thought of immediately, Bai Liuchen's face showed a sneer that seemed to be regrettable: "These old foxes are all cunning and old. Since they dared to block the gate of Tantai Immortal, they must have planned everything long ago. My idea of personal revenge is probably going to fail, Ye Wuque has been abolished, right?"

Naturally, Bai Liuchen would not know the strength of the ten-party giants of the blue sea star and the lonely strong man. These peak powerhouses among the blue sea stars have always been the goals that Bai Liuchen wants to surpass!

In his eyes, Ye Wuque would undoubtedly hit the rocks with pebbles when he encountered these old foxes, and he would end up miserably!

Half-kneeling Tie Yi heard Bai Liuchen's words with a sneer, and for some reason, the sense of terror in his eyes increased. After a pause, he still continued to speak, but the tone was dry and trembling. Rich to the extreme!

"The specific situation has yet to be verified, but it is said that Patriarch Youlan and others presented gifts that Miss Tantai could not refuse, forcing Ye Wuque to choose one of the nine of them to fight. If they lose, they must hand over Linghua Dongtian's. The key, and Ye Wuque did indeed fight in the end."

"Huh! What a foolish fool!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Liuchen sneered directly.

"All the strongest masters of the blue sea star are the ultimate masters who have opened up 18 divine springs. Apart from the master's stable first overwhelming the entire blue sea star, who will be their opponent?"

Bai Liuchen seemed to have guessed Ye Wuque's miserable end, and there was a hint of happiness in his heart.

However, half-kneeling Tie Yi slowly shook his head, and a touch of fear appeared on his pale face and said: "According to reliable sources, Ye Wuque chose Patriarch Youlan to fight, but the result was... One move! Ye Wuque suppressed Patriarch Youlan with only one move, and then slapped Patriarch Youlan with more than 20 slaps, and stunned the students and students of Patriarch Youlan! Nine giants and two alone The strong have to leave desperately!"


As soon as Tie Yi's words fell, the bluestone that Bai Liuchen had stepped on shattered directly. That was the result of Bai Liuchen's loss of mind and inability to control the strength in his body!

"what did you say?"

The sneer on Bai Liuchen's face completely solidified, as if a hundred thousand thunders fell in his heart, making his whole person a little dazed, dumbfounded, unbelievable!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Suppress Youlan with one move? How could this be possible!!!"

As if unable to accept this laughter at all, Bai Liuchen roared out loud, with an extreme anger and a hint of fear in his tone!

At this moment, Bai Liuchen's body was shaking, and his back was a little cold. This news was really terrifying. It directly blasted his mind completely, and a boundless chill rose in his heart!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"


An extremely frightened Bai Liuchen roared up to the sky, his face was twisted, and his body was surging with a terrifying aura. He directly shook Tie Yi out, coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth, and the surrounding water vapor exploded directly!

How can Bai Liuchen accept such a result?

What could be more cruel than this in the world? Hit people more?

The moment before, he was still in the joy of breaking through, dreaming about the delightful scene of suppressing Ye Wuque's hand, revenge and hatred, as if he had entered heaven, but this momentary and merciless reality came crashingly, shattering everything in his heart. Pride and arrogance, mercilessly, drag him back to hell!

This huge sense of loss and shock made Bai Liuchen seem to have fallen into the boundless purgatory, life is better than death!

The handsome faces were twisted together, the eyes of the cold star were blushing, and the breathing became rapid. How can Bai Liuchen at this moment have the indifference and arrogance before?

Looks like a bereaved dog, a crazy evil spirit!

Tie Yi got up from the ground with difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and still silently walked to Bai Liuchen and knelt down, his heart was full of bitterness and despair. Zero nine

"Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque..."

Bai Liuchen roared low, his scarlet eyes were full of killing intent and evil spirit, and there was a trace of fear and powerlessness!

Patriarch Yulan!

That's the strongest blue sea star peak who opened up 18 divine springs!

Even if it is the self who has broken through now, and if the "special existence" in the body is against Yulan, it will only end up being easily crushed!

But Ye Wuque suppressed Patriarch Youlan with one move!

What kind of terrorist power is this?

Even if it's his master, Blue Sea Star Master, isn't it?

As soon as he thought of this, the killing intent in Bai Liuchen's heart became more and more surging, almost bursting out of his chest!

"Get out! Get out of me!"

Bai Liuchen's distorted face let out a roar, like a wild beast going mad, Tie Yi's heart was chilled, and he turned his head like running away for his life, for fear that he would be torn in two by Bai Liuchen who was almost crazy half!

At the same time, Tie Yi, who was fleeing for his life, had a sense of sadness welling up!

Is this his loyal young master?

When the radiant and stunning unparalleled coat was torn off, what was left?

Tyrannical, crazy, conceited!

Is this really a posture that a blue sea star peak Tianjiao should have?

Isn't the so-called powerful minds that have been forged by thousands of tempers in the past just superficial?

With a deep sigh, Tie Yi disappeared at the end of the water vapor.

Before the first class, the roar continued, countless rubbles rose through the air, and after a full quarter of an hour, everything calmed down.

Bai Liuchen sat cross-legged on a huge boulder that was broken in half. His breathing had recovered to be gentle, but his face still had a trace of distortion, but his scarlet eyes flashed with terrifying light. , Hesitating, struggling...

Until a certain moment, all the emotions in Bai Liuchen's eyes were replaced by a touch of determination and madness, and it seemed that some decision had been made!

"Ye Wuque! I will let you know what a real horror is! There is only one fate for you, and that is to be killed by me!"


As Bai Liuchen's cold self-talk fell, he suddenly got up, stepped out, and rushed straight to the first waterfall again, thumped through the thick waterfall curtain, and entered the cave behind. , A black lacquer, walking towards the depths, walking around until the end, came to a very deep and quiet place.

This is a deep area shining with a light blue halo, but tens of meters in size, but it is very hidden, only Bai Liuchen knows how to go.

Standing in it, covered by a light blue halo, Bai Liuchen's face became a little weird, and immediately only heard him open his mouth and say three words.

"Come out"

These words of Bai Liuchen were a bit inexplicable, and he was clearly the only one here. After a few breaths after speaking, there was still only Bai Liuchen in this gloomy place.