Return Of The War God - Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247

Since Heaven Splitting Dao has been passed down, the treatment of Qi Hui of Zhufeng can be counted, and the most recent Qihui of Zhufeng in this era can be traced back thousands of years!

Nowadays, many disciples of Heaven Splitting Dao just hear their name at all, and they are completely regarded as a legend.

But just today, Qi Hui of the peaks once again descended on the Heaven-Splitting Dao, coming so suddenly, along with the three big characters lying in the sky... Ye Wuque!

At this moment, the people of the ten empires in the trilemma desert all looked dumbfounded!

Including that master of the country, even the monks in the Dragon Gate realm, have never seen such a battle, all of them have sluggish eyes and stiff faces, like a countryman entering the city, motionless, turning into a respectable clay sculpture!

As for the representatives of the Tianjiao of the Ten Great Empires, they are no longer shocked and unbelievable at this moment. Instead, they are a kind of admiration, pride, and even honor!

Although the ten empires in the empire event are opposed to each other, they are competing for the final resource allocation and facing each other, but no matter what, from a certain level, the ten empires are one, and they have come to such a behemoth as the dragon in the center of the sky splitting road. Inside, they are all in awe, even afflicted, and feel that they are born short.

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque's perfect performance in the third floor of the Three Tribulations Pagoda made the whole Heaven-Splitting Dao congratulate him. All the peaks are shining together, shining in the sky, and he has done something that even the disciples of the contemporary Heaven-Splitting Dao have not done. The young generation of the ten empires has earned unlimited glory and gained a lot of face!

At least at this moment, the representatives of Tianjiao of the Ten Great Empires were full of admiration and awe for Ye Wuque here, proud of him, proud of him, and recognized Ye Wuque from the bottom of my heart!

"The trend of the times! Incompleteness is really the proud son of heaven! The existence of my Xingyan Kingdom is truly pity from God!"

Seeing Qi Hui of the peaks in the Rift Heaven Dao, and the three big characters that lie across the sky, the Golden Eyed Karmapa's excitement was full of tears, and his voice trembled.

Not only the Golden-Eyed Karmapa, the other five first seats, and the top ten sages all have their faces full of joy. Among them, there are many old and tearful people, like young people who have just embarked on the path of cultivation, each clasping their hands, excited and emotional. Self!

The Lord Menggan, who had already stood up, finally smiled and opened his eyes, staring at the figure inside the huge light curtain, his eyes moist as well.

Five hundred years!

It's been five hundred years!

The Kingdom of Xingyan has always been ranked among the three nations under the top ten empires, and it is the bottom of the list. It has been unable to stand up, as if it is crucified here. No matter how hard it is, it has never been effective!

But just today, all this was finally broken strongly, creating a miracle, so that Xingyan Kingdom was finally no longer the Lower Three Kingdoms, but promoted to the Middle Three Kingdoms, and finally let out a sigh of relief!

"Wuqai, you are the hero of my Xingyan Kingdom! The whole Xingyan Kingdom will remember your grace..."

The voice of the Lord Menggan was deep and powerful, but with a kind of persistence and tenacity, looking at Ye Wuque's figure in the distance, he was full of gratitude.

The reason why the Xingyan Kingdom was able to stand up from the salty fish was based on Ye Wuque!

Along the way, Ye Wuque was brilliant. Although he was temporarily behind when he rushed to the tower, he came from behind. He went wild all the way. It was a living miracle. In the end, he stepped on everyone to the peak, and all three floors were perfect!

All the attention, brilliant and brilliant! See P version/chapter, section y...on the cool craftsman) o net

The masters of the other nine empires finally recovered from the shock and sluggishness, staring at the figure in the huge light curtain, there were many complex emotions in their hearts, but they finally turned into a sigh!

I have to take it, no matter how unwilling it is, I will be willing!

As the representative of the Ten Great Empires, Tianjiao participated in the empire's grand event Tianjiao battle. The Three Tribulations Pagoda was perfect on all three floors, motivating Qi Hui from all the peaks, and making the entire Heaven Splitting Dao congratulate him. This alone broke many records in the history of the Heaven Splitting Dao!

Such a proud son of heaven, brilliant, really made the nine empires speechless, only a sigh.

As a bloodline monk who has awakened the Ice Phoenix bloodline, isn't Bai Youhuang powerful?

As a space attribute that can only be touched by the powerful in the legend of the king realm, isn't Zhen Lan powerful?

Do not!

It's not that they are not powerful, but that Ye Wuque is too powerful!

At this moment, whether it is True Monarch Jiufeng or Granny Xueying, they can't help sighing. The eyes that scan the Lord Menggan are filled with helplessness and envy, and I sigh that the luck of the Lord Menggan is so good that I can get such a Known as the invincible pride of the ten empires.

Outside the Tower of Three Tribulations, it was boiling!

Above the golden dragon gate, Ye Wuque stood quietly, hunting in his black cloak, and the expression under the cloak was calm and indifferent.

He still doesn't know how perfect his three levels have caused a sensation in the outside world, but even if he knew it, there was no surprise.

If the majesty of the extreme realm is still not perfect, aren't the prices he has paid for this journey in vain?

What he is more interested in now is the next reward!


Sure enough, the golden light surged in the next instant, drowning him!

In an instant, Ye Wuque felt that his cultivation base began to grow again, which made his bright eyes full of joy.

After dozens of breaths, the golden light that flooded Ye Wuque slowly dissipated, and a majestic wave of waves rippled through Ye Wuque's body!

Great Perfection of the Earth Soul!

At this moment, with the help of the third level of reward, Ye Wuque's cultivation finally took one step further, stepping into the Great Perfection of the Earth Soul from the late peak of the Earth Soul Realm, only one step away from the Sky Soul Realm.


In front of Ye Wuque, a huge light hole appeared again, and it was the entrance to the fourth floor!

Only when the performance on the three floors of the Three Tribulations Pagoda reached the "superior" level, could he enter the last floor, and Ye Wuque was perfect on the three floors, so he was naturally qualified to enter.

However, at the same time, a blood cloak figure suddenly rose above the golden dragon gate, and it was Jun Shanlie!

Jun Shanlie finally survived the Soul Tribulation and successfully passed the third level!

"This time! I must be number one! No one..."

The roaring long howl exploded, but it stopped abruptly in the next moment!

Hunting in the blood cloak, Jun Shanlie stood in the void, but suddenly saw the figure of the black cloak standing in front of the light hole, looking down at himself as high as he was on the second floor.

The cold and deep eyes, as if coming from outside the sky, instantly made Jun Shanlie's eyes blush!

Unwilling, resentful, powerless, crazy!

Jun Shanlie looked up at the tall and slender figure in the black cloak, as if looking up at a god, no matter how hard he was, how crazy he was, but he was always overwhelmed and couldn't catch up at all. The other party was like riding the dust, he could only Follow behind to eat ashes.

Teeth clenched and rattled, that kind of stubborn and helpless mood made Jun Shanlie almost crazy!

But in the end it turned into a deep sense of powerlessness!

But in the next instant, a cold voice suddenly sounded, approaching Jun Shanlie!

"A dead person can actually come back to life again. If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to believe... It seems that I was too light to make you escape..."

The moment this cold words fell, Jun Shanlie was taken aback for a moment, and the crazy scarlet eyes suddenly condensed, staring at the figure in the black cloak, like a huge wave in his heart!

"But the enemy is narrow, God is giving me a chance to complete the unfinished thing. The grievances between you and me, after entangled for so long, should be completely resolved, Jun Shanlie, I am waiting for you on the fourth floor. I will take your life there myself!"

"This time, I want to see if you can continue to escape!"


The black cloak flew up, and Ye Wuque stepped out of it in one step and entered the light hole. The cloak covering his head was suddenly lifted. The white, handsome but icy face appeared, and it completely fell in Jun Shanlie's eyes!

The icy eyes and the scarlet crazy eyes clashed!


As if there were 100,000 mountains exploded in my mind!

The moment Jun Shanlie saw that face, the moment he saw the bright and cold eyes, his whole body trembled violently, and the boundless evil spirit and killing intent burst out, flooding the sky!

A scream with extreme madness and hysteria resounded all over the world!

"Ye Wuque! It's you! Ah! It's you! I want you to die! I want you to die!!!"

The blood-colored cloak was like a violent wind howling, constantly screaming, Jun Shanlie was completely crazy, but just when he wanted to make a desperate move, his whole body was enveloped in golden light, unable to move!

But Ye Wuque showed a murderous sneer towards Jun Shanlie, his figure disappeared into the light cave and entered the last floor of the Three Tribulations Tower.