Return Of The War God - Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

The ice phoenix essence and blood arrived smoothly, and Ye Wuque was quite excited in his heart, and finally he didn't have to work in vain.

At the same time, Ye Wuque also knew from Kong why he had to save Bai Youhuang's life in exchange for Ice Phoenix essence blood, that is, if the drop of Ice Phoenix essence blood was not given by Bai Youhuang willingly, there would be a trace of impurities in it. , Will directly affect the subsequent effect.

"When the empire event ends, I can have a second natal soul beast!"

As he walked through the golden dragon gate, Ye Wuque whispered to himself, a touch of enthusiasm and expectation in his eyes.

And the power he used to help Bai Youhuang sort out the violent bloodline in his body was actually relying on the power of the sky, which seemed to take a lot of time, but in fact it only took about dozens of breaths.

In other words, less than half an hour has passed since Ye Wuque stepped into the golden dragon gate.

At this time, he stopped staying, and went straight to the end of the Golden Dragon Gate, to enter the fourth floor of the Tower of Three Tribulations!

Just when Ye Wuque flew with all his strength, Bai Youhuang's place was replaced by surging power again, and with the help of the smoothed Ice Phoenix bloodline, he began to resist soul catastrophe again! ) Cool Craftsman * Net p only) One positive) v version o), the other 8 are all! Pirate the z version.

And in the direction Jun Shanlie was, the blood was surging, flooding the area, and the terrible sounds like wild beasts roaring and roaring constantly resounded, that kind of madness and ferociousness, like a night owl from the depths of hell!


The noble chirping sound resounded again, but this time it was with infinite strength and high voice, the ice phoenix shadow covering the void, it was extremely magnificent!


In the third direction, where Zhen Lan is, the void trembles and overlaps constantly, giving people a sense of unspeakable mystery!

The soul tribulations of Jun Shanlie, Zhen Lan, and Bai Youhuang have all reached the final juncture, and success or failure depends on this!

At the same moment, Ye Wuque had already reached the top of the Golden Dragon Gate!

At the same moment, seven radiances lit up in the third layer of the Three Tribulations Pagoda at the same time. It was Yan Qingwu, Yun Huan, Sikong Picking the Sky, Ji Yanran, Shangguanyue, Aotian, and Huanongyue!

The seven of them also reached the third floor almost at the same time!

Before the Three Dilemma Desert, everyone was staring at the huge light curtain, and they also spotted the other seven people who had reached the third floor at the same time!

"All came to the third level, but unfortunately, none of them can survive the soul catastrophe."

"Yes! It's been a quarter of an hour now, and I can actually hold it for so long. I really underestimated them."

"Cut, needless to say, someone will give up soon!"

"The characters who can pass the third level of the Three Tribulations Tower in the Heavenly Soul Realm are rare even among our disciples of the past generations of Heaven Splitting Dao. All of them have achieved remarkable results later, and almost all have become the true monarchs of the Two Tribulations!"

"Even among the eight young masters today, only the three most astonishing and stunning have survived the soul calamity in the Heavenly Soul Realm. How can these tianjiao representatives from barren countries outside the Dragon Court represent He De?"

The disciples of the Heaven Splitting Dao on the two Xiu Peaks kept talking, with a touch of arrogance and self-seeing complacency on their faces.

But in the next moment, the entire trilemma desert shook the mountain again!


The third-story tower of the Three Tribulations Tower burst out with the golden brilliance that flooded the six and eight wastes, spreading, and it was extremely bright!

The huge light curtain continuously spewed out with golden light, which was extremely strong, illuminating the entire sky!

The representatives of Tianjiao in front of the top ten empire platforms were once again collapsed, but with the experience of the first two times, although they were still caught off guard this time, they already knew what had happened!

This is someone who has broken through the third floor of the Tower of Three Tribulations! Who will it be?

On the two beautiful peaks, the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Dao knelt on the ground, and the faces were full of surprise, disbelief, and even sluggishness!

"This... how is this possible! Someone has actually survived Yuanli Tribulation!"

"Half a quarter of an hour! Only half an hour has passed!"

"How can this be? It shouldn't be! It is impossible for anyone to survive the soul catastrophe in the Heavenly Soul Realm in the barren places outside the Central Dragon Court!"

The face of a disciple of the famous cracking sky became pale, especially the few people who had been clamoring the most ferocious and least optimistic about the ten empires at this moment are all like eating a hundred dead flies, their eyes trembled, seemingly fundamental Don't believe all this.

However, facts speak louder than words, and the violent shaking is reminding them that everything is true.

At this moment, the young masters of Dragon Capture and Young Master Tianwu, who have been unpredictable like peaks and mountains, finally changed their colors for the first time!

"who is it"

The Young Master Captured Dragon whispered, the void around him seemed to be collapsing, and the terrifying light that made people tremble in the deep and cold eyes, as if a purple dragon was winding and roaring!

On the other Xiufeng, the muffled sound of clicks reverberated continuously, and there were dozens of huge cracks on the top of the peak bursting and spreading across the entire peak. It was the aura of the young master Tianwu who was slightly squinted. of!

At the platform of the ten empires, all the leaders of the ten empires stood up at the same time, this time even the leader of the Menggan is no exception!

Because everyone knows that the victory of Tianjiao Battle is about to be announced!

Who is the first person to survive the Soul Tribulation is the unquestionable first person in the Tianjiao battle, making the empire it represents the winner of the Tianjiao battle, unconditionally raising a rank.

The earth-shaking tremor began to calm down, and the golden light shining from within the huge light curtain began to thin out slowly, and the golden dragon gate appeared once again at the end of everyone's eyes!


The golden brilliance that dissipated at this moment is all lingering in one direction, going upside down, as if being called to go on a pilgrimage, the ancient golden dragon gate is already like a huge golden jade at this moment, golden and brilliant, shining in the sky!

This is clearly "Dragon Gate transforms jade, glorious worship!"

These eight words suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone who saw this scene, and their pupils shrank violently!

Could it be...


When they were completely clear together, above the golden dragon gate, a tall and slender figure stood quietly, with a black cloak hunting in the wind, bathed in golden brilliance, heaven and martial arts, like a golden war god!

This figure is Ye Wuque!

The endless golden brilliance began to gather, and a golden humanoid creature evolved, kneeling down facing Ye Wuque, the ancient sonorous voice resounded from all directions!

"Ye Wuque, with a bone age of sixteen, first entered the Three Tribulations Pagoda, and achieved perfect performance on the third floor of the Golden Dragon Gate Body Tribulation! Following the ancient prohibition, he praised his perfect performance with'Longmen transforming jade, glorious worship'! The disciple of the later Tianjiao'Ye Wuque' sings forward and never stops..."

The words that had reverberated twice once again echoed in everyone's ears, but this time did not end there.

The old sonorous voice continued to echo!

"The descendant disciple Ye Wuque of the Heavenly Splitting Dao, for the first time in the Three Tribulations Pagoda, the performance of all three levels is perfect! Created the most glorious and brilliant man of the Three Tribulations Pagoda! Following the ancient prohibition, the Heavenly Splitting Dao should be congratulated by'all peaks Qihui' !"


Under the incomparable shock of everyone in the Three Dilemma Desert, all the peaks of the entire Heaven Splitting Path unexpectedly burst into a monstrous splendor at this moment, rising up to the limit of nine heavens and ten places!

In the end, all the brilliance formed the three characters "Ye Wuque" lying on the sky of Heaven Splitting Dao, completely alarming the many existences of Heaven Splitting Dao!