Return Of The War God - Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248

The terrifying killing intent is mixed with the murderous intent that can tear the sky and surging on the second floor of the Tower of Three Tribulations, just like killing a blood demon from the depths of hell, to destroy all living creatures in the world!

"It turned out to be him! It turned out to be him! He actually walked out of the Northern Sky Territory! Why did this happen? It only took half a year! What's the reason for him? Ah! I want him to be ashamed! The suffering I have suffered, All the sins suffered are thanks to him! I want revenge! I want revenge..."

At this moment, Jun Shanlie's killing intent was boiling, and his heart was even more incomprehensible and unbelievable, because this reality was coming too suddenly!

The man in the black cloak was actually Ye Wuque who he yearned for revenge!

He has been competing with the enemy of life and death without knowing it, and even the first to break his identity is Ye Wuque, which proves that Ye Wuque may have recognized him long ago!

Thinking of this, the anger and killing intent in Jun Shanlie's heart became more and more boiling, and then he thought of the three major calamities before, that he was all overwhelmed by Ye Wuque, and even tried his best to do nothing. This made Jun Shanlie completely hysterical. !

"Ye Wuque! I will crush all the bones in your body! I will **** up every drop of your blood! Let you taste the sufferings of the world, a dilemma! Everything that happens to me will come from you. Get it back ten times!"

If the wild beast roars and reverberates away, that hatred and killing intent seems to be exhausted and cannot be washed away!

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At this moment, two beautiful figures suddenly appeared above the golden dragon gate, it was Bai Youhuang and Zhen Lan!

The two women also passed through the soul tribulation almost at the same time, too much of the golden dragon gate, so it is natural that Jun Shanlie's roar full of killing intent was also heard in the ears of the two women, and their faces changed slightly!

Because they were aware of the killing intent, as if countless corpse mountains and seas of blood were coming from face to face, even the two women were shocked, their flesh instinctively tightened and left, all looking towards Junshan, which was full of blood and blood. strong.

"What is the deep hatred between him and Ye Wuque? The murderous intent is so fierce!"

A look of surprise flashed across Bai Youhuang's perfect and exquisite face, looking at Jun Shanlie, that murderous intent was like a wave, flooding the nine heavens, and it was indescribable even with endless death.


The golden brilliance shone out, covering the two women of Bai Youhuang and Zhen Lan!

Three-line characters are revealed!

"Jun Shanlie, after the soul tribulation, behaved... first-class, all three floors are high-class, you can enter the last floor of the Three-Tribulation Tower."

"Bai Youhuang, through the soul tribulation, performance... first-class, all three floors are first-class, you can enter the last floor of the three-story tower."

"Zhen Lan, after the soul tribulation, performance... is superior, all three floors are high-level, you can enter the last floor of the Three Tribulations Tower."

At the same moment, under the golden dragon gate on the third floor, seven light holes appeared, each stepping out of a figure, it was Yan Qingwu, Yun Huan, Sikong Zhetian, Ji Yanran, Shangguanyue, Aotian, and Huanongyue!

At the same moment, Ye Wuque descended on the last floor of the Three Tribulations Tower alone.

"Hey, here..."

What came to my face was a kind of silence, as if it had been in the dust for too long too long, without seeing the sky, everything was ancient and silent, and as far as I could see, it turned out to be a dark sky, spreading out like Come to the end.

There is no vitality, no fluctuations, and the mist is hazy in the distance, covering everything, as if life here is extinct.

Ye Wuque wandered through it, as if before setting foot on the eternal age, there was no passing of time around, and no change of time, if he could go on like this, forever.

But just after Ye Wuque walked a dozen steps forward slowly, his bright eyes suddenly moved!

Because after passing through the hazy fog, Ye Wuque actually saw a statue that seemed to stand upright in the distance!

At the moment when he saw the statue, Ye Wuque immediately felt a majestic, upright, and rigorous ancient aura on his face!

It seems that there is a powerful force in that statue that makes the soul tremble, breaking through the nine heavens and ten earth!

"It seems that this statue should be the inheritance medium of the six shocking gods!"

A scorching heat flashed in his eyes, Ye Wuque's figure flickered, and he pierced through the air, and immediately flew to the huge statue.

But soon he realized that there was a maze on all sides of the statue!

The maze is layered on top of each other, wrapping the statue in it, as if it is both a guardian and a test. Guarding the statue, testing the inheritors, if you can't step through the maze, you can only enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

Ye Wuque didn't have the slightest intention of staying. After stepping into the maze, his heart moved directly, and the power of the thick and dense spiritual thoughts overflowed, drowning the six and eight wastes, and the soul cultivation power of the great soul master peaked!

Perhaps this maze is a big problem for others, but to Ye Wuque, who is already the pinnacle of the Great Soul Master, it is nothing. After the power of divine consciousness spreads, he will remember the direction of each entrance and distinguish the way of life. Dead end, with one heart.

Soon, Ye Wuque's brilliant eyes flashed away!

"found it!"

A complicated but correct route appeared in Ye Wuque's mind, leading straight to the statue.


Footsteps flew like flying, the eight-phase heaven gate flickered, and Ye Wuque's speed was reaching its limit. He shuttled back and forth in the maze. At first glance, he looked like a headless fly, but every step he stepped out was getting closer and closer to the statue.

When Ye Wuque completely stepped through the maze and came under the statue, his whole body was shocked, and there was a sense of extreme shock in his heart!

"This is... an arhat! Is it possible that the six frightening gods are actually the supernatural powers of Buddhism and Taoism? Or the great power of the Buddha and Taoism that passed down this supernatural power?"

As far as the eye can see, the statue is actually a buddhist arhat, with his hands supporting the sky, as if resisting the sky!

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning, and his thoughts were tumbling, staring at the Arhat statue, thinking a lot.

"You can see an Arhat statue, shrouded with the power of divine thoughts. If you have a deep understanding of blessings, you can comprehend one-sixth of the inheritance of the six frightening gods! If the predecessor is not enough, don't force it and leave by yourself."

Suddenly, an ancient sonorous voice echoed out, awakening the contemplating Ye Wuque.

"Well, no matter what the secrets are in it, now the opportunity is in front of you, not to be missed, not to mention that there will be a grievance in the future..."

Ye Wuque's eyes became deep, no longer thinking about it, but just sitting cross-legged, the power of divine consciousness burst out, shrouded towards the Arhat statue!


In the next moment, Ye Wuque felt as if he heard the endless roar, and even more peaceful and peaceful chanting sounded through the Liuhe Bahuang, making his mind gradually become more empty, with a sense of great freedom and great care!

Dimly, until a certain moment, an ancient voice that is strict and upright seems to have sounded from the eternal years, echoing nine days and ten places!

"Thunder God's disease, burst like thunder, and the void generates electricity!"

"King Kong solution, domineering and powerful, and unbelievably fierce!"

"Arhat unloading, strong and flexible, unloading heaven and earth!"

"Avalokitesvara is chaotic, a thousand hands strike together, chaos and invisible!"

"The Bodhisattva is extinct, burning like a fire, burning the mountain and boiling the sea!"

"The Tathagata Shattering, earth-shaking, Liu Shen is the strongest!"

"The six gods are in one, shaking the earth, I alone dominate, the world is invincible!"

This ancient voice kept repeating these seven sentences, reverberating in Ye Wuque's mind, and gradually six of them faded away, and only one sentence was still very clear!

"Arhat unloading, strong and flexible, unloading heaven and earth!"