Return Of The War God - Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Zhang Ziwen Unblocker

The eyes of the temple disciples looking at him!

Shaking Lan Mingri and Huang Ke! ^Cool c-smith net" First q. Post

All this is really weird!

Just now Dading's mood surged again, and he intuitively told Bai Xingye that maybe something happened before that he didn't know.

But in the next instant, a voice that also sneered!

"It seems that you like to play the reward set? If so, I will play with you."

It was Ye Wuque who spoke. At this moment, under the golden divine glory, his whole person is like a golden war **** who speaks the law, standing proud of the world, dominating the common people!

"Pretend to be a ghost! Brothers, what are you waiting for? As long as you kill this dog three times, the 700,000 temple value Baimou will give it all. Under the eyes of everyone, Bai Xingye represents Mount Xumi, and I will never turn back. !"

Although Bai Xingye had an ominous premonition in his heart, he still suppressed it forcibly and threw out the huge bait of seven hundred thousand temple worth. He absolutely didn't believe that the temple disciples would be unmoved.

But just after he spoke loudly, his heart sank!

Because he found that the eyes of the thousands of temple disciples looking at him did not change the slightest, but there was a silent silence and a sneer. It seemed that he was like a grasshopper with its teeth and claws, adding laughter here.

The entire 700,000 temple value did not make any temple disciples show a trace of heat and greed!

"What happened? How could this happen?"

A trace of anger rushed to his heart, Bai Xingye was confused, completely wondering how his attitude as a temple disciple would become like this.


In the next instant, Bai Xingye suddenly heard a sound, and immediately felt a strong stellar power emanating from it. When he subconsciously raised his eyes, his pupils shrank instantly!

"This... this is impossible!"

Bai Xingye suddenly saw that there were dense starlight stones suspended in Ye Wuque's body at this moment, nearly a thousand pieces!

As if there was a landslide and tsunami boiling in his heart, Bai Xingye even rubbed his eyes and looked over again, only to find that everything was true!

Ye Wuque stood proudly in the void, nearly a thousand starlight stones exuded dazzling and dazzling stars, the strong power of the stars rippling out, there is an amazing brilliance!

Gently stretched out his right hand, Ye Wuque glanced at the white Xingye whose expression was full of anger and disbelief. Nearly a thousand starlight stones moved in the void with his right hand, as if they turned into a starlight vortex!

Thousands of temple disciples stared at the starlight stone in Ye Wuque's hand, with scorching and awe in their eyes.

They knew that these nearly a thousand starlight stones were Ye Wuque's trophies, representing his horrific killing and fighting just now!

At this moment, none of the temple disciples had the idea of going forward and snatching, because they had been overwhelmed by Ye Wuque's unparalleled and earth-shattering combat power!

Wanting to kill Bai Xingye was as simple as drinking water and eating for Ye Wuque, and it could cause him to die in an instant.

But in Ye Wuque's opinion, this is too cheap and white Xingye is meaningless.

Therefore, he must use his own way to treat his body.

A sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, Ye Wuque spoke suddenly, shaking in all directions!

"Brothers, now Ye is offering a reward for Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke. Who can kill them once, give them ten starlight stones, kill them a second time, give them twenty, kill them a third time, Forty!"

"Ye does what he says and never breaks his promise."

As soon as this remark came out, it was like thunder!

In an instant, the eyes of thousands of temple disciples suddenly burst into intense heat, and thousands of pairs of eyes swept toward Bai Yexing, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke!

Bai Xingye's whole person was dumbfounded in an instant!

The bodies of Lan Mingri and Huang Ke trembled first, and then their souls burst out. The big beads of sweat flowed down. They imagined running, but suddenly realized that they could not get out at all, because they had already been taken by thousands of churches. The disciples are surrounded!

The minds of thousands of temple disciples suddenly became active!

Ye Wuque's Tianzong Shenwu, his strength is earth-shattering, he and others can't help him, that's nothing.

But how can Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke compare to Ye Wuque?

That's right, we can't kill Ye Wuque, but can't the three of you still kill?

In an instant, these thousands of temple disciples showed a grinning smile on their faces, and the eyes of the three people at Bai Xingye seemed to be looking at three lambs to be slaughtered!

Bai Xingye felt like she was going crazy at this moment!

"You...what do you want to do? Is the Seven Hundred Thousand Temple Church worth it? I am from Mount Xumi, and Zuo Xingfeng will be here soon. I advise you not to mistake yourself!"

Bai Xingye spoke sharply, but couldn't conceal the panic and panic in his heart, and even the cold sweat was already in his back.

"Although the value of the seven hundred thousand temple is tempting, it is a pity that we have no ability to get it, but the seventy starstones are still in hand!"

A temple disciple sneered again and again, staring at Bai Xingye without fear.

"What about Mount Xume? This is a small test, even Osume has no right to interfere!"

"As for Zuo Xingfeng, who has boundless expectations, I'm sorry, but he was blown away with a punch by Junior Brother Ye just now, and now it is estimated to be reborn in a corner of the Starlight Ruins!"

One after another, the temple disciples spoke, but the words were like knives and words like thunder, blasting into Bai Xingye's heart, shaking him back again and again, especially the last sentence, it was as if the nine gods were bombed Bai Xingye's head!

"No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Not true! could you be Zuo Xingfeng's opponent? I don't believe it!"

Bai Xingye roared, his face turned pale, he didn't want to believe that all this was true, he was completely hysterical!

Punch Zuo Xingfeng?

Doesn't it mean that Ye Wuque is enough to compare Lord Xumi?

Bai Xingye once again looked at Ye Wuque's eyes with a hint of horror. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say it anymore, because the thousands of Templar disciples flashed almost instantly. , All rushed towards Bai Xingye!


The overwhelming light of the secret technique completely enveloped the three of Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke. The three of them did not even have a chance to escape, and turned into three streams of light soaring into the sky!

call out!

In the void, thirty starlight stones flew out and flew to the hands of the three temple disciples who had killed the three of Bai Xingye in the first time.

The three of them were extremely pleasantly surprised. When they got the Starlight Stone, they did not hesitate at all and chose to leave!

Because Pifu is not guilty and he is guilty of his crimes, this is the assessment of Xiaobi, the star light stone represents the achievement, and no one dares to grab Ye Wuque's star light stone, but it does not mean that others dare not grab it.

The rest of the temple disciples all showed a hint of regret, and immediately prepared to pursue them.

But Ye Wuque's voice sounded again!

"My reward is still valid. Who can kill the three of Bai Xingye as long as they record the killing scene with the memory function of the temple nameplate, they can find me to receive the starstone."

"In addition, whoever finds Zuo Xingfeng's trace and informs me can also exchange for three starlight stones."

As soon as Ye Wuque said these two sentences, thousands of temple disciples nodded together, and then thousands of streamers scattered and continued their assessment of the competition!

Above the void, Ye Wuque was independent, his eyes showed a hint of coldness!

Since Zuo Xingfeng, Bai Xingye and other people from Mount Xumi wanted to lose dozens of themselves and the four of Qiangang, Wan Ziliang, and Tang Ming, then Ye Wuque is now acting like that. Dozens of them are down! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!