Return Of The War God - Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135


In an area northwest of the Starlight Relic, a stream of light surged, and a human figure emerged from it, but there was a deep unwillingness and a trace of anger on his face. It was Zuo Xingfeng!


Zuo Xing's wind went up to the sky and roared, his black hair danced wildly, and the sound of wolf howling shook for nine days, full of roar and madness!

"Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque! I want you to die! I want you to die!"

There was a resentful voice echoing within a radius of ten thousand meters, the void was trembling, and the space cracks swept open, and a pitch-black siri tens of thousands of meters in size evolved and roared ten directions!

Extremely unwilling fills Zuo Xingfeng's heart, who is he?

He is a well-known super arrogant on the Sanctuary Tianjiao list. Like the scorching sun, he lies above the Xingyan Sanctuary. All temple disciples can only look up to him and worship him!

Now, Zuo Xingfeng was punched by a newcomer who had just entered the sanctuary in full view!

How can Zuo Xingfeng accept this?

"No! It was just an accident. I was careless. I thought I could easily kill him. I only used 70% of my strength. I must take revenge. Ah!"

The more Zuo Xingfeng thought, the anger in his heart was like one hundred thousand active volcanoes erupting, directly pulsing his strength to the sky, and began desperately looking for Ye Wuque!

Another place not very far from here, there is also a stream of light shining, Bai Xingye's figure is revealed from it with a slight stagger, and there is still anger and fear on his face!

"How can this be? Why is this? What happened?"

Even if it was the second rebirth, Bai Xingye's face was still very pale. The frustration, anger, and incomprehension in his heart at the moment were almost driving him crazy, but there was no way.

"No! I must figure out what happened? Lan Mingri and Huang Ke! These two wastes must know!"

Bai Xingye gritted his teeth and started to look for Lan Mingri and Huang Ke.

But before he turned into a streamer and flew up, at the same time dozens of figures came from a distance!

"Bai Xingye! I found him! Quick! Don't let him run away!"

"He has been killed just now. This is his second rebirth. Once you kill him, you can find Junior Brother Ye in exchange for twenty starlight stones!"

"Never let him run away! Surround and block all his escape routes! Hey, these are twenty starstones!"

More than a dozen temple disciples came from all directions with hot grinning, their eyes glistening, staring at Bai Xingye as if a tiger who had been hungry for three days and three nights saw a small deer.

Bai Yexing's face at this moment has changed drastically. The hatred and anger in his heart and the madness of fear are intertwined, and he said sharply: "You guys, this is looking for death! When the Xiaobi assessment is over, I Sumi..."


It is a pity that before Bai Xingye's words are finished, more than a dozen temple disciples responded to him with only colorful attacks on secret methods!

All kinds of fist prints and palm prints screamed and enveloped him directly!

"Damn it!"

Bai Xingye was so angry that his eyes protruded, only then did he remember to run for his life!

But if he had just fled for his life when a dozen or so temple disciples appeared, there might be a chance for him, but now it is too late.

"Ah! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!" @afVersion 2 Chapter Section v on the cool cpsmith network qm

This was the last sentence left by Bai Xingye, and he was once again submerged by the light of Yuanli, turning into a streamer and rising into the sky!

The second rebirth did not take dozens of breaths, and Bai Xingye was killed again!

It's not that he never thought of counterattack, but he is simply outnumbered. There are ten people who encircle and suppress his temple disciple Neiguang Earth Soul Great Perfection. They are similar to his cultivation level, perhaps singled out without fear, but swarmed to Bai Xingye. No doubt he will die.

Not everyone has Ye Wuque's super combat power like a human tyrannosaurus.

Located on the southern side of the Starlight Relic, Huang Ke, who was reborn for the second time, was blocked by three temple disciples. After a desperate fight, Huang Ke was killed again!

To the east, Lan Mingri fled frantically, but the number of temple disciples behind him reached dozens!

Lan Mingri, who was bitter and desperate in his heart, was finally pursued and killed on the spot!

Within half an hour of being killed for the first time, Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke were killed for the second time!

This time, all the starlight stones of the three of them were robbed.

At this moment, with the spread of the thousands of temple disciples in the entire Starlight Remains, everyone knows that Ye Wuque's brilliant record of one enemy a thousand, and that Ye Wuque is offering a reward to the three of Bai Xingye and Zuo Xingfeng's trail. Things.

This time the entire Starlight Ruins boiled again!

Therefore, the temple disciples were frantically searching for the traces of the three Bai Xingye.

Green clam bridge.

This is a popular area located in the Starlight Relic. At this moment, there are hundreds of temple disciples all around, all looking at the tall and slender figure on the bridge with extremely awe-inspiring eyes.

Ye Wuque stood on the green clam bridge, holding three temple nameplates in his hand, and illuminating three small light curtains respectively, all of which recorded the scene of Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke being killed for the second time. .

At the same time, the three temple disciples stood ten feet away from Ye Wuque with a trace of heat and anxiety!

After ten or so breaths, the three temple nameplates shot into the void and returned to the hands of the three temple disciples. The sound of screaming sounded, and a full sixty starlight stones flew into the void, respectively towards this place. The three temple disciples flew away.

"Good job."

Ye Wuque's voice reverberated, and the three temple disciples clasped their fists again and again, with infinite surprises on their faces, they put away their 20 starlight stones, and then directly used the means, and left without looking back.

The hundreds of temple disciples entwined were moved by the wind and chased after them, but more people were; they stayed.

"The reward is still going on. Bai Xingye, Lan Mingri, and Huang Ke have been killed twice, and there is one last chance to be reborn. Ye Mou must do what he says. If the third time is killed, it will be forty. Starstone!"

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, the hundreds of temple disciples flushed, and went away, desperately looking for the three of Bai Xingye!

Ye Wuque, who was standing with his hand held his hand, his eyes surged with chills, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Returning to his body by his way, he wanted the three of Bai Xingye to taste the feeling of being chased by all the temple disciples.

Moreover, according to Ye Wuque's calculations, at this moment, among all the temple disciples, the Bai Xingye three have died the most times, and I am afraid that no one can surpass them.

Moreover, under Ye Wuque's offer, the time to the third and last killing of the three of them is getting closer and closer. Once they succeed, then no surprise, the three of Bai Xingye must be the bottom of the ranking in this assessment. Three of ten people!

"Junior Brother Ye!"

Suddenly a stream of light came from a distance at an extremely fast speed. It was a temple disciple who looked extremely excited. After seeing Ye Wuque, his eyes were bright!

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