Return Of The War God - Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Zhang Ziwen Unblocker

At this moment, even the sound of a needle falling under the sky seemed to be clearly heard!

All eyes were fixed on the stream of light formed by Zuo Xingfeng, and the expressions of every temple disciple were filled with sluggishness and shock!

This person is Zuo Xingfeng!

He is the tenth super Tianjiao on the Templar Tianjiao list. His strength completely surpasses all the Templar disciples. It is said that he broke into the Heavenly Soul Realm six months ago!

But it was such Zuo Xingfeng that couldn't even take Ye Wuque's punch and was directly blown!

The imaginary battle between dragons and tigers, the wonderful duel did not appear at all, everything is as fast as thunder, ending in an instant!

This shows what?

It shows that Ye Wuque's power is beyond everyone's imagination!

The rich golden splendor blooms, the nine dragons surround the body, and Ye Wuque stands among the sky. His blond hair is flying, his expression is stern, his hands are on his back, a mighty and mighty aura rippling from him, it is incomparable, and it surges up nine days and ten places.

Inside Yanran's palace, a touch of shock reappeared on the face of the Blue-browed Law King!

"With one punch, Zuo Xingfeng was killed! The strength of this son is probably already comparable to the top five in Tianjiao!"

As the supreme leader of Xingyan Temple, Qingmei Karmapa naturally knew the gold content of the Temple's Tianjiao List.

The top ten arrogances on the list also have a huge gap in strength between each other, at least the top five completely surpass the bottom five, and the top three are enough to sweep the entire Xingyan Temple.

As for that Sagong Choi Tian, who ranks first on the list of Tianjiao, is invincible to the entire sanctuary!

In the original plan of the Qingmei King, Zuo Xingfeng and Ye Wuque would not fight for three days and three nights in a battle, at least they would decide the winner after dozens of moves and hundreds of moves, but he did not expect that the result would be. such.

It was not until this moment that the Qingmei Law King placed Ye Wuque in the same position as the top five super princes on the Shengtang Tianjiao list.

"Lord Fa, it seems that the Temple Tianjiao list is about to change its name."

Ji Yanran smiled and said, from the beginning to the end, her eyes never left the huge light curtain or Ye Wuque!

"Yeah, this king can already imagine what a wonderful matchup will be in the big assessment three months later, but Ye Wuque's secret technique and utmost knowledge just displayed by this son is really unpredictable, and his That natal soul beast is actually a golden dragon! And the dragon is mighty and majestic, there is no such soul beast on the list of soul beasts."

"Even the six-armed Sky Dragon, ranked third on the list of soul beasts, only possesses a little dragon bloodline power, so it is so powerful and mutated, but the golden dragon of Ye Wuque feels even this king. The terrible breath of palpitations!"

"Although I can't tell which kind of natal soul beast he has, it is definitely the top super soul beast."

The Blue-browed Law King looked at Ye Wuque in the huge light curtain, with a hint of curiosity about the golden dragon that had passed away in the battle before.

"Big Thousand Worlds, there are no surprises. Even the soul beast list cannot include all the soul beasts. Such examples are not uncommon. For example, Sikong Zhitian and Hongxie, his two life soul beasts are also not on the soul beast list. ."

"Ye Wuque can have such achievements and strength at such an age. If there is no adventure, it is impossible."

Ji Yanran's words made the Qingmei Karmapa nod slowly.

Those who can be called Tianjiao will have no shortage of talent, understanding, and opportunity.

In front of the Wanxiu Tianfeng, Ye Wuque was alone, looking at all the temple disciples in the distance. Although he did not speak, he glanced away, and no one dared to look at him!

Lan Mingri and Huang Ke were trembling all over at this moment, and they couldn't wait for a crack in the ground, they immediately got in!

If Zuo Xingfeng's appearance still gave them a glimmer of hope, they are now completely desperate! genuine first release 2g

Lan Mingri's heart was full of resentment and despair. He couldn't figure out why Ye Wuque's strength had soared to such a situation in just half a month!

The current self does not even have the qualifications to be Ye Wuque's opponent!

At this moment, all the temple disciples who were still hesitating to continue targeting Ye Wuque finally made a choice at this moment!

It can be said that Ye Wuque's act of hitting Zuo Xingfeng with one punch became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

"Senior Brother Ye Tianzong Shenwu, I don't know Mount Tai, and I'm confused by Bai Xingye's temple value. I can't decide on other people's decisions. But Chen Tianyao apologizes to Junior Brother Ye and I withdraw from this rewarding contest."

It was Chen Tianyao who broke the silence, he first bowed to Ye Wuque slightly, before leaving.

But when he left, Chen Tianyao looked at all the temple disciples and said, "Everyone, don't look forward to it. We are now in the exam!"

As soon as this remark came out, it resounded in the hearts of all the temple disciples immediately like a twilight drum and morning bell!


Now it is not a simple pursuit of a reward order, but the evaluation of Xingyan Temple's Xiaobi, who was dazzled by the 700,000 Temple value, making it irrelevant to the priority, really confused!

Right now, after Chen Tianyao, dozens of temple disciples made a slight salute to Ye Wuque, each of them disappeared into streamers, and left.

Someone took the lead, and coupled with the choices in their hearts, the temple disciples gathered here soon began to leave, and they reached one third in an instant.

At this moment, there was a stream of light from far to near, very fast!

After the streamer stopped, a figure appeared, and it was Bai Xingye!

Bai Xingye's eyes surged, staring at everything in front of him, saw thousands of temple disciples, and also saw an independent and empty Ye Wuque, and immediately he sneered!

In his eyes, Ye Wuque was clearly blocked by thousands of temple disciples!

Originally, the location where Bai Xingye was randomly teleported by the teleportation array was extremely far away from Wanxiu Tianfeng. He thought he could not keep up with the scene of Ye Wuque being killed. Now it seems that it is just in time!

Seeing Bai Xingye's appearance, Ye Wuque's pair of bright eyes filled with coldness!

"Hahahaha! Ye Wuque, I finally caught up with this scene, no one can offend Mount Xumi, your fate is destined to be miserable! Hasn't Zuo Xingfeng come yet? Haha, you don't need to trouble him if you want to come. Now, I want to see how you can escape in front of thousands of temple disciples and how you can continue to be arrogant!"

Bai Xingye resounded with deep sarcasm and sneer, but immediately he felt something was wrong!

Because at this moment, the thousands of temple disciples looked at him in unison, with a hint of pity in their eyes, as if seeing him as an idiot in Bai Xingye!

The atmosphere between heaven and earth seems to be very strange!

This suddenly caused Bai Xingye's heart to sink, and there was a faint premonition of unknown.

But immediately he thought of Zuo Xingfeng again, and his heart was Dading again.

"As long as Zuo Xingfeng is there, then Ye Wuque is destined to be suppressed. According to Zuo Xingfeng's character, since he has agreed, he will definitely come. Maybe he is still on his way at this moment..."

Bai Xingye's eyes surged, his thoughts tumbling, but then his eyes swept to Lan Mingri and Huang Ke hidden among the temple disciples.

Frowning, Bai Xingye was about to berate the two of them for rolling over, but suddenly found that Lan Mingri and Huang Ke were trembling, especially that Huang Ke, the whole face was already pale, cold sweat flowed, his eyes always Staring at Ye Wuque, he was full of fear and despair! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


Helpless, I originally wanted to keep the third watch, after all, after the outbreak, it can't be too withering, but there will be entertainment tonight, only two changes, please forgive me...