Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 889

Chapter 889

Chapter 889 Dismissal

On the rostrum, several speakers and deputy speakers also had different expressions.

The most relaxed one should be Zhirinov.

When Wang Ye looked at him, Zhirinov nodded, indicating that the work on his side has been completed and there must be no problem.

Gryzlov and Kolov had serious expressions on their faces. They were both frowning and resting their cheeks, not knowing what they were thinking.

Wang Ye glanced around, then turned his head to look at the vote count.

This meeting has already counted about two hundred votes, and the number of votes in favor and against is very close, 102:97!

It's really hard to say whether it will pass or not.

But if the number of votes continues to be so anxious, whether it is passed or not, Wang Ye's goal will be achieved.

Big deal, the next time he votes, wouldn't it be appropriate for him to ask the members of the faction to vote for more votes...

Everything is under his control!

It can be said that the result of the vote this time is also implicitly telling the Kremlin that the current Duma cannot be ignored!

Medjeff should be the most nervous person in the audience. He listened to the negative votes reported by the staff, and his forehead was already sweating.

He took out a tissue from the inner pocket of his suit and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

To be nominated, to be honest, he was surprised.

After all, he is a politician. Of course, he also wants to climb to the top position. Z's position is the best opportunity!

As long as he can be elected smoothly, he will be one of the few people in the political arena from now on.

No matter whether it is within the faction or in the high-level political circle, no one can ignore his existence anymore!

More importantly, Medjeve also clearly felt that since the Kremlin side gave him this opportunity, it proved that they were very optimistic about themselves.

Maybe, in a few years...

Of course, it's useless to think too much now, I'd better settle the matter at hand first

As votes are recorded one by one, the votes for and against votes are also climbing alternately.




Medjeeff's face also changed from sunny to dark, and occasionally a smile appeared on his face, and the smile froze on his face as several consecutive negative votes appeared.

In the large conference hall, many councilors also discussed.

"Hehe, looking at it like this, the vote probably won't pass."

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place! What qualifications does this kid have to take up the position in the general, isn't it just because he is the junior of that school, so he was forced to push him up, and in the end, he was slapped in the face."

"Shh... Keep your voice down, just say these words in private, we don't vote for it, just because we think he is not suitable for this position, and there is no other reason."

"The situation doesn't seem right. The Kremlin dared to nominate Dmitry Medjeev. Isn't that enough to make the nomination pass? How could this happen..."

Some were watching the joke, and some were puzzled. The atmosphere in Duma is relatively relaxed.

Some MPs have no scruples when discussing the Kremlin, they can say whatever they want, and they don't worry about being retaliated at all.

Anyway, everyone is voted by the voters!

If there is no greater pursuit, then it is indeed possible not to give anyone face!

What speaker, what Kremlin, I just object, what can you do with me...

In fact, most of the time, the Kremlin really has no good way to deal with the opposition MPs.

You can't tear your face openly. In that case, what will the international public opinion think?

Accompanied by everyone's discussion, the counting of votes has come to an end.


There are only the last seven votes left, but the number of negative votes counted is three more than the yes votes!

Medjeff would be sweating profusely, but he didn't bother to wipe his sweat anymore, and listened to the counting staff with his ears up.

The remaining seven votes, as long as there are two more negative votes, then this vote will be a failure...

On the rostrum, Wang Ye frowned.

Because the voting situation also exceeded his expectations.

Yesterday, Gobrev talked to him and told Wang Ye implicitly that the first faction would have about 80 votes in favor.

Adding Zhirinov's 60 votes and his own faction's 100 votes, this is 240 votes!

Even if the first faction and Zhirinov have some variables, and there are less than a dozen votes, there should be 230 votes in favor, which guarantees that Medev will "pass".

But now, it seems that the variables are a bit big...

The question is which faction does this variable come from?

This is what Wang Ye wants to know the most!

Perhaps Medjeeff will still be able to get close to 230 votes in favor in the end, but those votes that are less than planned are always a hidden danger.

Because this means that some congressmen have different ideas. They agreed to Gobrev, Zhirinov, and perhaps Wang Ye, saying they would vote for it, but they actually voted against it!

These people, to put it seriously, are traitors to the faction and inner ghosts!

If it is from the Wangye faction, it must be found out to prevent future troubles.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye felt a headache again. The affairs within the faction were also very troublesome to manage.

This is different from the management company. The company is very simple. Whether it is an executive or an ordinary employee, it is an employment relationship.

As long as you, the boss, see who is unhappy, you can just fire him.

But the factions are completely different, especially those who have already served as members of the Duma. They are all key members of the faction, and they are also very influential in certain regions or industries.

And this is all voted by the voters!

Even if Wang Ye is the leader of the faction, or the first deputy speaker, as long as the other party has not committed any unforgivable crimes, he has nothing to do with the other party for the time being.

Of course, as long as you know who has a different heart, you can slowly marginalize him.

For example, such a person is not allowed to join some core committees, and he is not allowed to participate in affairs within the faction, and he is left out in the cold.

Wait until the general election, do not give any resource support, and even let more powerful members go to his original "site" to grab votes...

Now the strength of the faction has increased greatly, and there are 150 seats in the Duma, but it is obvious that there are many problems in the faction.

The newly joined council members and the old members are faintly divided into two hills, competing with each other.

All of these require Wang Ye, the leader of the party, to balance them.

This time, the counted votes are already 225:224, and only the last vote is left!

If the last vote is affirmative, then Medjeff barely passes the test. Although it is not very good-looking, it can be regarded as a pass anyway.

But if the last vote is a negative vote, it would be embarrassing...

This vote was extremely important to Medjef. He stared nervously at the teller's lips, for fear that she would spit out the word "Nette", which means objection.

But he was afraid of what would happen, the teller had no expression on his face, and announced loudly: "Niete"!

There was a sound of sighing at the scene, Medeff's face was a little pale, and he stood there in a daze, his figure looked a little thinner.

At this moment, Wang Ye's expression relaxed.

Anyway, the result has come out, so it's not too bad, it's a tie!

It seems that the second vote is inevitable, so I will do my own work and let the members of the faction vote for another ten or so votes in the next round, so as to ensure that in the second vote, Medjef will pass alright.

There was a smile on Gryzlov's face. He coughed, slammed the gavel, and announced loudly: "Voting is over, the Kremlin's nomination for Z reason has not been passed! The meeting is adjourned!"

The congressmen got up and walked out of the large conference hall, discussing as they walked.

This is not common today!

Under normal circumstances, the face of the Kremlin should be given, especially when it comes to such important personnel arrangements, the Duma just went through the process.

In the last Duma, in the past few years, many times the personnel arrangements or policies and regulations proposed by the Kremlin were voted on, and all of them were passed by overwhelming votes!

None of them were rejected.

But this year's Duma, today is the first time that the Kremlin has something to vote in the Duma, and the result was directly rejected...

Many congressmen have realized that perhaps starting today, the Duma is no longer the Duma it used to be, and the Kremlin is no longer what it used to be!

Medjeev stood alone at the podium, a little at a loss, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the rostrum.

Meet Wang Ye again.

Wang Ye smiled and nodded to him, then got up and left the rostrum, and walked out through the side door.

Zhirinov did not go back to his office, but came to Wang Ye's office with Wang Ye.

He has a lot to say.

Entering the office, Zhirinov couldn't wait to say: "What happened today is really strange! There should be no problem with the votes of our faction, so what is the problem? Could it be..."

Wang Ye shook his head, "It's hard to say, it may be from the first faction, or it may be from my faction here. You also know that before the Duma changed, many new members came to our faction, and my control over the faction is not yet that strong. powerful."

Zhirinov nodded, and asked again: "Then what should we do next? The Kremlin will definitely not back down after suffering such a big loss. It is estimated that a second vote will be held soon."

Wang Ye smiled, and said calmly: "Be more stable next time, your faction has ten more votes in favor, and our faction... twenty more votes! The first faction doesn't count on them, It is estimated that the internal strife is quite serious, and it is not easy for Gobrev to get 60 or so votes."

Indeed, needless to say, the Moscow faction must all oppose it. Although their faction doesn't have many seats now, they are very united!

After all, it is an old faction, and the members are all in the same line. This year's seats have been greatly reduced, and those who are eliminated are relatively marginal members of the faction.

In a disguised form, it is equivalent to helping their faction to "purify", and those who can stay in the Duma as councilors are definitely the real core and backbone of the Moscow faction!

So they are very close together...

In addition to the Moscow faction, the first faction may have the biggest opinion on the nomination of the Kremlin...

The reasons have already been mentioned, so I won't repeat them.

Zhirinov thought for a while, then nodded and agreed, "No problem, anyway, no one in our faction is interested in this position at all, so it should give me this face, ten votes is not a problem."

Of course, Wang Ye didn't mean to let Zhirinov and the others vote only ten votes for the next vote, but to add another ten votes on the basis of this time, which would be seventy votes!

This is still a bit difficult, after all, Zhirinov and his faction have a total of 80 seats.

Wang Ye's side is not very easy to be honest. There are a total of 150 seats, and it is not easy to vote for 120 votes.

Because Wang Ye's control over the faction is not too high, the faction is still in the integration stage.

While Wang Ye was discussing with Zhirinov, the phone rang, and he took it over to see that it was Gebrev calling.

Zhirinov tactfully got up and said goodbye.

After Zhirinov walked out of the office, Wang Ye answered the phone. He knew what Gobrev wanted to say when he called.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Gobrev's voice came over.

"Misha, how could this happen!

Which link went wrong, and the most depressing thing is that it just missed one vote.

Hey, just one vote! "

Wang Ye said lightly: "The first faction got too few votes in favor! Zhirinov and I have tried our best to help you get 160 votes, but the first faction got 65 votes in a row. None got it."

Gobrev paused for a moment, although he was very dissatisfied and angry with today's voting results.

But he knew very well in his heart that Wang Ye could not be blamed for this matter!

Even if there was a problem with Wang Ye's ticket, he couldn't speak to Wang Ye in a questioning tone.

After all, the current Wang Ye is no longer the immature young man who followed his uncle Khovchenko three years ago...

He hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "If our side immediately proposes a second round of voting, are you... sure?"

Wang Ye smiled, and said simply: "If you can ensure that the number of votes in favor of the first faction will not decrease, and get at least sixty-five votes, there should be no problem."

Goblev heaved a sigh of relief, and his tone became lighter.

"That's good, that's good!

Sixty-five votes is definitely no problem, I will go to work right away and do a second vote as soon as possible.

This kind of matter cannot be delayed, the longer it is delayed, the greater the impact on the Kremlin! "

Also, the Kremlin's nomination for Z reason was rejected by the Duma. This is definitely big news!

Moreover, for the Kremlin, it will have a negative impact. If you want to reduce the impact, there is only one way.

That is, a second vote as soon as possible, and guaranteed to pass...

Hung up the phone, Wang Ye lit a cigarette, stood by the window and looked at the Moskva River not far away, a little lost in thought.

Ordinarily, if he tried his best to protect Medeff, he only needed one vote to get it done.

Now, after a lot of tossing, Medjeev is still the Z manager. What is he trying to do.

In fact, Wang Ye's idea is very simple, he wants to give Medeff a blow

(end of this chapter)