Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 888

Chapter 888

Chapter 888 The situation is not good

Gryzlov made it clear that he did not support it, and now Zhirinov is also against it, let alone the Moscow faction.

It means that among the four major factions in the Duma, three factions already want to "snipe" the Kremlin's nomination.

In addition, it is not easy for Wang Ye to let the entire faction vote for it. He wants to maintain a "neutral" stance on the surface.

The situation is not optimistic!

But there is still work to be done. Wang Ye must now try his best to ensure that when voting, almost half of the members can vote in favor.

It doesn't matter whether it passes or fails in the end, but even if it fails, it can't make the Kremlin lose face!

Of course, it would be the best if he could barely pass, and it was also the result Wang Ye wanted.

Wang Ye thought for a while, and tried to persuade him:

"Actually, I have had a lot of contact with Medjeeff recently. Didn't he serve as the deputy director of the National Economic Council?

At work, I think he is very serious and responsible, and has a lot of ideas.

You just said that he is younger and less qualified. Does that mean me? You know, I am so much younger than him, and my qualifications are much less senior than him, haha. "

Zhirinov quickly waved his hands and said:

"How can he be qualified to compete with you? If he really had the ability like you, he wouldn't be in the situation where so many members of the Dumali don't support him.

Misha, you should understand that the reason why so many MPs do not support the nomination of the Kremlin has nothing to do with Medjeev himself.

But everyone felt that the Kremlin did not act cautiously this time, nor did he respect the elders in those factions who supported him enough!

Oh, with the support of everyone, he was re-elected and won the general election.

As a result, when appointing and dismissing important positions, they didn't ask for everyone's opinions at all, and directly nominated their direct descendants, especially if the candidate was not so qualified.

Then everyone will inevitably have opinions. "

Of course Wang Ye understood what he said.

After a pause, Wang Ye said sincerely: "To tell you the truth, I recommended Medeff to the Kremlin!"

Zhirinov was on the spot!

He looked at Wang Ye in disbelief, and blurted out: "Impossible!"

Wang Ye smiled, "Why is it impossible?

Actually, the Kremlin side has hesitated for a long time for this Z reasonable candidate. They have considered many people, including my uncle Hovchenko!

Finally, I was asked if I wanted to do it.

Oh, and Rosiana also recommended herself, of course, these candidates were rejected one by one.

Among them, Uncle Hovchenko and I are not interested in this position, Rosiana is not qualified, and other candidates also have various problems.

After a comprehensive evaluation, I think Medjeff is the most suitable candidate. "

Zhirinov opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Wang Ye with a wave of his hand.

Wang Ye continued:

"Let's calm down and analyze objectively why Medjeev is the most suitable candidate under the current circumstances.

First, he is actually not young, he is about to be forty years old, which is the golden age of a man, young and vigorous, experienced, energetic and passionate.

Second, when it comes to qualifications, if you think about it carefully, Medjeev's qualifications are not bad.

He has grass-roots work experience and theoretical research. He has worked in the office of the Kremlin, served as an economic adviser to the Kremlin, and served as the general manager of Gazprom.

Oh, and still work with me on the National Economic Council.

No one can fault such a rich work experience!

The most important point is that he is from the Kremlin and Petersburg faction..."

After listening to the end, Zhirinov actually understood why Wang Ye recommended Medeff for this position.

From the perspective of Wang Ye, it is best not to be the so-called veteran politicians with high prestige and strong background for the new Z reason.

Because that is no different from when Kasyanov was in office!

Like Medjeff, the nomination has been questioned, and even relying on Wang Ye's help to pass it in the Duma is the best choice.

Then, after Medeff took office, he was of course grateful to Wang Ye, and he did not dare to be too forceful in his actions.

If the Duma and the government disagree on certain matters, he will probably try to make concessions...

To be honest, Zhirinov and Medjev have no personal grievances.

The reason why he opposed it at the beginning was that he was not opposed to Medev, but the Kremlin!

But since Wang Ye wants to push this person to the top position, what else can he say, just cooperate...

After all, the faction he controls was established with the money of his uncle, and he is only the leader of the party in name.

Moreover, Zhirinov has always admired Wang Ye, and he thinks that this young man will... oh, it should be said that he has a great future!

The most rare thing is that Wang Ye, who occupies a high position at a young age, is still very low-key in his work and conduct, has a good sense of proportion, and has always respected himself.

Of course Zhirinov was willing to help him when something happened.

asked in a low voice: "What do you mean, Misha... what do you need me to do?"

Wang Ye smiled slightly, without going around in circles, and said directly: "I need at least 60 votes from your faction!"

Zhirinov and his faction have a total of 80 seats in the Duma, as long as they can cast 60 votes in favor.

Plus about 100 votes in favor of the Wangye faction.

That's 160 votes. As long as we get another 65 votes, Medjeff's nomination can be passed in the Duma.

Obviously, although Gryzlov said he would object, he could not represent everyone in the first faction.

After all, Kremlin's influence in the first faction is also great.

No matter how you say it, you can get sixty-five votes.

If the final result comes out, out of the 155 votes of the first faction, the Kremlin can't even get 65 votes, then Wang Ye will have to re-examine the actual strength and influence of the Kremlin...

Hearing Wang Ye's request, Zhirinov heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"Sixty votes enough? That's no problem!

Although our faction is small, it is relatively united. In addition, you also said that your uncle was supposed to take this position, but he refused.

If you hadn't told me about this, I really wouldn't have known about it.

Mr. Hovchenko didn't mention it either. He's been busy running around doing charity work recently, haha.

That means that the Kremlin has expressed goodwill to our faction, and now our faction will naturally have to respond in kind.

Misha, don't worry, the sixty tickets are on me! "

Zhirinov patted his chest and made a promise.

Wang Ye heaved a sigh of relief. Once Zhirinov was settled, the problem would not be a big one.

I still have a certain degree of control over the faction, and it should be easy to get a hundred or so votes in favor.

For the Kremlin's nomination for Z reason this time, the Duma specially held a plenary meeting.

The General Assembly has only one agenda, and that is to vote!

Several deputy speakers, including Gryzlov, Wang Ye, Zhirinov, and Kolov, sat on the rostrum, and below them were the seats of members of the fan-shaped branch.

In the open space between the rostrum and the congressman's seats, there is a speech platform. Medjeev is wearing a neat suit and is standing by the speech platform, waiting for a while to make a speech.

Although he is already trying to control his emotions and make himself look relaxed and smiling, it can still be seen from some subtle movements that he is still a little nervous.

Yes, Medjeve must also know that the result of this vote may not be very favorable to him.

Even Gobrev told him in a solemn tone yesterday that he should be mentally prepared to lose the vote.

But the Kremlin will not back down!

Even if the vote fails this time, a second nomination will still be made until the vote is passed!

That's what I said, but if it's because of his nomination, both the Kremlin and the Duma will just stand up, how much pressure Medev will have...

Before he took office, he and the Duma were at loggerheads.

After that, even if the Duma made concessions and took office, wouldn't the Duma see himself as particularly unhappy.

Can't do Ke Gong, and can't do your "little" Z reason? !

If the Duma makes things difficult for itself and the government department, then life will obviously be difficult for him...

While waiting for the start, Medeff occasionally turned his head to look at the rostrum, just meeting Wang Ye's eyes.

He quickly squeezed out a smile and smiled at Wang Ye.

Now is a critical moment, I must try my best to win the favor of every congressman, maybe when voting, the result is determined by a certain vote!

Moreover, the deputy speaker Mikhail's influence in the Duma is huge, and he was also his "direct boss" when he was in the National Economic Council, so he must show respect.

Actually, Medeff did not know that the reason why he was able to get this opportunity was, to some extent, recommended by Wang Ye.

Of course, Wang Ye's recommendation was just an introduction, and the Ke Gong finally pushed him out, not just because of Wang Ye's recommendation...

Wang Ye smiled and nodded to Medeff, making an encouraging gesture.

Beside Gryzlov was expressionless and did not look sideways, while Zhirinov looked more relaxed, looking around, and saying hello to a certain congressman from time to time.

As for Kolov from the Moscow faction, he has a dignified expression and a preoccupied look.

It seems that today's vote will not be too smooth...

The conference started, first of all it was time for Medjeev to speak, which was equivalent to giving him a chance to canvass votes.

Since you want to serve as the prime minister of the government, you should at least let the congressmen know your work ideas after being elected.

Of course, this position can't talk about the ruling policy, because that's something the Kremlin needs to consider...

Medjef took a sip of water first to moisten his throat, and held the podium with one hand, keeping the joystick straight.

He said with a smile on his face:

"Dear speakers and parliamentarians, I am Dmitry Medeff.

It is a great pleasure to stand here today and introduce myself..."

The conference hall was very quiet, and everyone was listening to Medjeev's speech attentively.

Although some councilors have made up their minds to vote against it, they still need to be polite.

The ten-minute presentation time passed quickly, and Wang Ye felt that it was okay. Although there was nothing too dazzling, he was mature and prudent.

In particular, Medjev emphasized in his speech that if he can take up the post of Z Manager, he will coordinate with the Duma in his work in the future, solicit more opinions from the Duma, and strive to let the Duma play its role. Play a bigger role!

This is showing favor to Duma...

Because according to the terms of reference, the government should first seek the opinion of the Kremlin.

It is not necessary to have too much intersection with Duma.

Of course, now that the Duma is becoming more and more powerful, whether it is the Kremlin or the government, it is still necessary to consider the Duma's reaction before making a decision...

After Medjeev's speech, the conference hall was silent.

Although the time is only a few seconds, Medjef feels very long, as if a century has passed!

Everyone, what do you mean by this...

According to the usual practice, shouldn't there be warm applause at this time...

Just as he was standing there in embarrassment, at a loss, he heard someone on the rostrum start applauding.

Wang Ye took the lead in breaking the silence in the conference hall, applauding slowly but resolutely.

Then Zhirinov next to him.

Although Gryzlov was a bit reluctant, he applauded when he saw Wang Ye. If he didn't applaud, wouldn't it be a shame for Wang Ye? Forget it...

So he applauded too.

Only Kolov sat there with a blank expression and remained indifferent. Obviously, this guy has made up his mind, and no one will give it to anyone!

Several speakers on the stage applauded, and the applause from below finally rang out.

Medjef finally breathed a sigh of relief, there is still help!

If all the councilors don't applaud, then there's no need to go through the next voting procedure, just run away in desperation

Now it seems that some members of the parliament still support me. At least the deputy speaker Mikhail has a good attitude. With his support, I feel more or less confident!

With Gryzlov's announcement, the voting officially begins!

At this moment, there was a lot of noise in the large conference hall, and all the congressmen were whispering, but this did not affect everyone's voting.

There are voting buttons on the table of each congressman, press the green one, it means yes, press the red one, it means against.

Of course, you don't have to press it, that means abstention!

I have to say that this Duma is much better than the last one.

At least every time a general meeting is held, all members can basically be present at the meeting. Occasionally, some members will report to the speaker in advance when they are on business trips.

For this voting meeting, all 450 members of parliament are in place.

As the congressmen pressed their buttons, several staff members began to sing their votes.

"for, for, against, for, against, against, against..."

Medjeeff's heart is raised again, the situation is not good!

It seems that there are too many negative votes...

(end of this chapter)