Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 890

Chapter 890

The Kegong side is more urgent than Wang Ye imagined.

Not long after Gobrev hung up the phone, and Wang Ye had just finished smoking a cigarette, he received a call from his adoptive father, inviting him to have dinner together.

On the phone, I specifically mentioned that Medjeeff will also be present.

Wang Ye knew exactly what this dinner was for.

It's time for a showdown!

Of course, it is the Kremlin who needs to make concessions, not the Duma, let alone Wangye!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ye smiled slightly, put the matter aside temporarily, and began to deal with other official duties.

It's a pity that he is destined to not be clean today. Before he was busy for long, Gryzlov knocked on the door and came in.

It seems that Gryzlov is in a good mood, smiling.

As soon as he sat down, he said with a smile: "Today's vote is really exciting, 225:225! I have been in the Duma for so many years, and to be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a close vote."

Wang Ye said helplessly: "This is not worth celebrating. After all, Z's nomination is the power of the Kremlin. It is a bit unreasonable for us to stop it from passing."

Gryzlov patted the sofa cushion and said angrily:


Our Duma is not a so-called voting machine. According to the power granted to us by the Constitution, the Duma has the right to veto any unreasonable and non-compliant decisions and policies of the Kremlin and the government.

This time, the purpose is to let the Kremlin understand that Moscow cannot be covered by him alone! "

This topic is a bit sensitive, Wang Ye can't answer his words, so he can only change the subject:

"I estimate that the Kremlin will soon conduct a second nomination. Before the next vote, we should do a little work, let's pass it.

Otherwise, if we stay in this stalemate, everyone will look bad.

Anyway, the attitude of our Duma has been revealed, and the Kremlin should have realized it too. "

This is true, Gryzlov also agrees, he nodded and responded:

"Well, I understand that too.

Including those congressmen who voted against it, they also knew in their hearts that this nomination would eventually pass.

But this first vote also made the Kremlin understand that when similar situations arise in the future, we must take our attitude into consideration and not act recklessly. "

Originally, their first faction belonged to the Kremlin's "hardcore allies" and stood on the same front.

This time it was just internal strife, protesting that the Kremlin handed over such an important position to Medev, a "hairless boy".

Wang Ye smiled, and asked again: "How many votes did your first faction vote for this time? It seems that there is not even half of it."

Gryzlov smiled triumphantly, lowered his voice and said:

"It's true that there are not half of them. According to my estimate, it is seventy votes. The opinions within the faction are not small.

However, some councilors are neutral. They don't care much about this rational nomination. I did my best to get them to vote against it!

The next time I vote, I will let these independent members vote for it. There are about a dozen votes. It should be guaranteed that the vote will pass. "

Obviously, these ten or so votes should be Gryzlov's real "hardcore", which belongs to his own strength.

It seems that he is indeed a bit aggrieved as the party leader and speaker.

There are more than 150 seats in the faction, and only those ten or so votes can really be controlled by him.

Others belong to various hilltops, and everyone has their own ideas.

When the interests are the same, then unite and make a concerted effort to externalize.

But if there is a conflict of interest, then I will fight first within myself.

In addition, only about 70 votes are really in the hands of the Kremlin...

Compared to the previous Duma, whether it is Gryzlov, the first faction, or the Kremlin, their influence in the Duma has been greatly weakened!

The Kremlin should have concentrated its main forces and resources on the general election. After all, the position of the adoptive father was the most important.

So strategically gave up part of the forces on the Duma side.

The "territory" they gave up was basically eaten by Wang Ye!

One ebb and flow has formed the current situation in the Duma. The most influential faction is not the first faction, but the second faction.

The most influential person is not the speaker and the leader of the first faction, but the deputy speaker and the leader of the second faction...

Of course, all of this cannot be summed up by coincidence, but Wang Ye obtained it little by little after a long period of careful operation!

Wang Ye calculated silently in his mind, the first faction had 70 votes, and Zhirinov's side had 60 votes, which is 130 votes.

It is impossible for the Moscow faction to vote for it, and the remaining small factions basically voted with themselves, that is, they all voted for it.

Then, your own faction actually cast ninety votes!

The error should not be large, between one or two votes.

That is to say, there are more than a dozen congressmen in the faction who did not abide by their own decision and voted against it!

It seems that there are quite a few "inner ghosts"...

After talking with Gryzlov, Wang Ye has a bottom line in his heart.

After sending Gryzlov off, he was busy for a while. After dinner, he took a short rest before getting up and going downstairs, and went straight to the Kremlin in a motorcade.

It's only less than two o'clock, so of course Wang Ye didn't go for dinner.

Don't forget, in the Kremlin, he is also a man with two offices now!

The two small buildings next to each other are the "Office Building of the National Economic Commission" and the "Office Building of the Council of Foreign Relations".

Wang Ye walked straight into the building of the Economic Committee, and the staff he met along the way stopped to say hello to him.

When he came to the large office on the top floor, there was a pile of documents waiting for his processing on the desk, but these were not important matters. The really important work would be sent directly to his Duma office.

Here, Wang Ye has not been equipped with a secretary or assistant, because he has been busy during this time and has not taken care of it.

Including the office here, if there is no urgent matter, he will come here once a week to deal with the backlog of work.

Sitting on a thick leather chair, he flipped through the documents, which were basically the recent work reports of the committee members and the like.

Just busy for a while, the door was knocked, and Wang Ye replied "Come in" without raising his head.

It was none other than Medjef who came in!

It will be seen from Medjeeff's face that the frustrated expression of losing the vote in the morning can no longer be seen, but his face is obviously not very good-looking.

Take two quick steps and came to Wang Ye's desk. Medev squeezed out a smile and said, "Director Mikhail, I'm here to ask you to resign, and you know..."

Wang Ye understands clearly. Originally, if Medeff was elected as the Z of the government, he would definitely not only serve as the deputy director here.

Although the vote in the morning did not pass, Medev should have also received the promise from the Kremlin, so Wang Ye came here to resign as soon as he came here.

According to this procedure, it should be placed before voting in the morning.

But the incident happened suddenly, and Medjeff was notified only temporarily. He was nominated as Z manager, so he was not mentally prepared at all.

In addition, Wang Ye has not come to the Economic Committee in the past two days, so this process has been delayed until now.

Wang Ye smiled and stretched out his hand asking him to sit down and talk.

Then he said, "Congratulations first."

It's okay if he didn't say that. Hearing what he said, Medeff couldn't bear it any longer, and said with a wry smile: Director, don't be joking. I just made a fool of myself in the Duma this morning. You were there too. ?

Also, although Medjeff knew that in the end, there was a high probability that he would still pass the vote and get that position.

But the problem is, in the morning vote, it is said that it has set a historical record, the first time Duma ever appeared 225:225

Unfortunately, this record is not a glorious thing.

Even if I become the Z manager in the future, when I face Duma, I still can't hold my head up, and I can't be tough.

Wang Ye gently comforted: "This is just a small setback. If you want to get to a more important position, you must be able to withstand one or another setback and failure. If you don't even have the ability to bear this, then you It's hard to go further."

The tone of speech is obviously superior to subordinate.

But Medjev didn't think there was anything wrong at all. He quickly sat up straight and said seriously: "Director, you are right, I will write it down."

Wang Ye waved his hand and said casually: "Actually, it's just one vote short. It can only be said that you are a bit unlucky, but it doesn't matter. I have communicated with the Kremlin. The second nomination will be held soon. This time there should be no problem."

Medev was overjoyed, he leaned forward unconsciously, and asked cautiously, "Is there any problem with Duma?"

"Well, after the meeting, I have communicated with Speaker Gryzlov and Deputy Speaker Zhirinov, and they said that they will fully support you in the next vote. Of course, what is the attitude of Deputy Speaker Kolov? I don't know, but it doesn't matter, haha..." Wang Ye smiled heartily.

"Huh? Then... thank you so much! I..." Medjeve, who was always calm, was a little incoherent with excitement.

No way, these few days he has experienced from the peak to the bottom, soaring to the sky again...

Great joy, great sorrow and great joy, who can bear this.

Originally, Medeff had no idea about this Z position. He didn't think it would be his turn. Obviously, he didn't have enough qualifications.

Unexpectedly, the Kremlin communicated with him urgently, and announced the nomination before he could react in a daze.

This kind of good thing that a big pie fell from the sky and hit him on the head, of course, made Medjeff ecstatic.

Those who are in politics, who doesn't want to climb up!

I am not yet forty years old, if I can take the position of Manager Z, then my future is boundless!

Even Deputy Speaker Mikhail, who is currently the most eye-catching in the political arena, is nothing more than that...

Unfortunately, the results of the Duma vote gave him a blow. It wasn't a basin of cold water poured on him, but a basin of ice water poured on his face!

Directly let Medjef fall to the bottom!

After coming out of the Duma Building, Medev hid in his office, ashamed to see anyone.

In the middle, Gobrev made a phone call with him and comforted him, saying that the Kremlin would not give up on him and that he was preparing for the second nomination so that he could be mentally prepared.

This made Medjeeff feel better, because he hadn't been given up yet.

It was only when he heard that Wang Ye had come to the office that he forced himself to resign.

Who knows, after chatting with Wang Ye for a few words, he heard Wang Ye say that the next vote will be no problem, and he will be guaranteed to pass. How can this not make him overjoyed!

Wang Ye smiled gently, expressing his understanding of Medgeev's feelings, and got up and patted him on the shoulder.

He said solemnly: "Soon, you will be the Z manager of the government. I hope that once you are in this position, you will still not forget your original intention and continue to devote yourself to your work. Let us join hands to make Russia even greater!"

Medev was so excited that he stood up abruptly and said loudly: "Chairman Mikhail, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

Wang Ye smiled and stretched out his hand. Medeff held Wang Ye's right hand with both hands.

Ordinarily, this scene should have happened in the foster father's office.

But under Wang Ye's careful arrangement, it was Wang Ye's credit that Medjeff was able to hold this position!

Medev should have expressed his loyalty to the Kremlin, but now, the person he is most grateful to has become Wang Ye...

Of course, this time, Wang Ye also did a lot of work and hard work behind the scenes, which really helped Medeff a lot.

But the problem is, without the failure of the first vote, it would be impossible for Medjeve to realize the important role played by Wang Ye.

He will only thank his "old senior" for his support and trust in him, and he will also be shocked by Yu Kremlin's control over the Duma. Get passed.

Then he will definitely follow Kegong away from now on...

But now, through a failed vote, he has clearly realized a few points.

It turns out that high-level politics are so complicated!

It turns out that the Kremlin can no longer control the Duma!

It turns out that Deputy Speaker Mikhail is the most useful one in the Duma!

And, it turned out that I was able to be elected to the position of Z director, and it was the deputy speaker Mikhail who silently supported me behind the scenes...

Since he entered politics, especially since he came to Moscow from Petersburg, he has gone very smoothly and has not experienced any setbacks or failures.

In the past, I used to hold relatively low-level positions. It was only last year that I suddenly emerged, and I still held positions in companies such as Gazprom.

So he doesn't know much about strife, calculations, fights and other things in the political arena, and he hasn't experienced it himself.

I only had a personal experience today!

Fortunately, the result was good. Speaker Mikhail supported me and was willing to lend a helping hand to help me overcome this difficulty.

How could he not be grateful!

He has deeply remembered this favor, and he will repay it when he has the opportunity in the future...