Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 887

Chapter 887

Wang Ye came here today to teach Rosiana a lesson.

Let her understand how to truly control a faction and how to be a real "superior"!

These things, in terms of Rosiana's ingenuity, she can comprehend them with a little help.

Of course, if you want to use it proficiently, you need more practice.

Fortunately, Rosiana basically trusts Wang Ye unconditionally, and she never doubts what Wang Ye said to herself.

After a long talk, Rosiana already had a plan in mind.

In the next period of time, what she has to do is no longer to blindly expand the size of the faction, but to unify the thinking internally.

It is necessary to impose certain restrictions on Du Jin and the others, and they cannot be allowed to continue talking nonsense outside...

Because Wang Ye had told Rosiana bluntly just now that the Kremlin was also very concerned about the Du Jin interview.

What does it mean?

Obviously, it's not appreciation, but dissatisfaction!

Wang Ye came here to tell her what he said today, which in itself represented Wang Ye's attitude.

Wang Ye was also dissatisfied with Du Jin.

Because of Du Jin's words, it's fine to talk about them within the faction, but if you talk about them on national TV, it's over the line!

To put it bluntly, it is such a major event related to national strategy that it is not Du Jin's turn to point fingers!

Of course, Du Jin has the right to express his thoughts.

But the premise is that it cannot affect the image of the country and does not affect diplomatic relations. Now it is obviously having a bad effect.

That's why Ke Gong secretly expressed dissatisfaction.

This is Rosiana. If it was someone else, it might not be as simple as expressing dissatisfaction...

After talking about business, it's time for private time.

The two haven't seen each other for several days, and the movement was a bit loud, so that Tesova, who was working outside, heard it...

She quickly got up and closed the door of the outer office, and specially told a small assistant to guard the door and not let anyone in.

If someone comes looking for Rosiana, it should be said that they are dealing with important business and are temporarily unavailable!

On November 1st, the Kremlin officially announced that it had nominated Dmitry Medev as the new Prime Minister of the government!

After the nomination is announced, according to the procedure, it is to enter the Duma Assembly for a plenary vote.

As long as the number of votes exceeds 50%, it will be considered passed, and Medjeff will become the new Z Manager.

This candidate has caused an uproar in the Moscow political arena, not to mention other factions, even in the first faction where Medev belongs, many people expressed their incomprehension.

Because this Medjef's qualifications are too low!

Before the nomination, he was only the general manager of Gazprom.

Oh, there is also the title of deputy director of the National Economic Council.

But it's a bit far from Z theory...

Even Gryzlov expressed his dissatisfaction to Wang Ye.

In Wang Ye's office, Gryzlov was a little excited, waving his arms and complaining:

"I really don't know what the Kremlin and the others think!

Why did you let a young man like Medeff take up such an important position? There are so many candidates with older qualifications and more political experience in the faction who are still waiting for their opportunities.

Misha, to tell you the truth, since the nomination was announced, quite a few people in the faction have come to complain to me!

Hey, many senior members of the faction have made it clear that they will not support Medjeve when voting.

By the way, Misha, will you vote for Medjeff? "

The last sentence should be the real purpose of his coming to find Wang Ye!

Wang Ye smiled, and said calmly: "I personally have no objection to this nomination... But, I don't care how other members of my faction choose. After all, Medeff has nothing to do with our faction. .

Gryzlov may not know that the nomination of Dmitry Medev was originally proposed by Wang Ye...

After several days of deliberation, the Kremlin did not have a more suitable candidate than Medjeev, so he came up with this nomination.

There is no problem with Medeff's ability. More importantly, he is from the Petersburg faction, and he is someone's younger brother!

In terms of loyalty, it must not be comparable to Kasyanov.

After pushing Medjeev to this position, the Kremlin will no longer have to worry about the government's lack of cooperation.

After presenting this nomination, the Kremlin must have considered it comprehensively and thought it over carefully. They also understand that this nomination may be opposed by the Duma, or even voted down!

But they will also go to work and lobby various factions. If you fail to pass the nomination once, then you can do it twice, and if you fail twice, you can do it three times!

Until you can pass...

Anyway, the initiative is in the hands of Kegong!

Of course, if the nominations are continuously rejected by the Duma, the Kremlin will lose face.

So they still hope to be able to pass in one pass.

Hearing Wang Ye's statement, Gryzlov narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to figure out what Wang Ye was thinking.

Gryzlov is very dissatisfied with the nomination of the Kremlin this time.

After Kasyanov suddenly "dismissed get out of class", the Z position became vacant, and Gryzlov had an idea.

He wanted to push an old buddy of his own, who is currently serving as the deputy director of Z. No matter in terms of qualifications, prestige, or work ability, after Kasyanov goes down, he is the best replacement candidate!

Gryzlov also communicated this idea with the Kremlin. The Kremlin was noncommittal at the time, only saying that it was still under consideration.

He thought he was sure of it, because no matter how he looked at it, the candidate he recommended had no competitors!

But who knows, after the new nomination came out, it turned out to be what Medjeff was!

He was very angry, because he had already boasted to the old man, saying that he would definitely be able to keep his position.

Secondly, what Kegong did is to belittle the many veteran core figures in the faction.

You must know that the Hilavik Group is not monolithic, but has many hills.

There are Petersburg factions, KGB-born factions, police systems, legal systems, and so on.

Although everyone came together for a common goal, who can have no selfishness.

So the struggle for power within the faction is also very fierce.

The previous term, that is, Kasyanov, was also selected by the Kremlin to balance the relationship between the faction and inside and outside.

Now that Kasyanov is stepping down, since he is going to be selected within the faction, he has to talk about it.

Everyone knows the relationship between Medjeev and the Kremlin. Some people may not have paid attention to Medjeev before, but after the nomination came out, his background must have been investigated clearly.

After figuring out Medjeev's background, everyone also understands why the Kremlin nominated him to take over the post of Z Director.

But if you do this, it will be too ugly to eat!

Bowed his head and pondered for a while, Gryzlov raised his head, as if he had made up his mind.

He looked at Wang Ye and said, "I will clearly express my opposition to this nomination!"

Wang Ye was a little surprised. He knew that many people would object to Medjeev's nomination, but Gryzlov should not be among them!

No matter how you say it, Gryzlov, the leader of the first faction, has always stood with the Kremlin on the surface and remained consistent.

If even he clearly opposed it, then this time the matter would become a big deal!

Wang Ye grinned and said with a wry smile: "Are you really going to do this? Even if I object, maybe nothing will happen, but if you object, then things will be different."

Gryzlov is the speaker of the Duma!

Even though his actual influence and power in the Duma are not as good as Wang Ye, the first deputy speaker, he is still the "No. 1" figure in the Duma in name!

If he expresses his clear opposition to the nomination of the Kremlin, it basically means that the Duma is on the opposite side of the Kremlin.

Next, if a settlement cannot be reached, then we will have to compete and compete...

Of course, the Kremlin also knows that Gryzlov cannot represent the Duma!

It would not be because of Gryzlov's objection that Wang Ye had a "difference" or something.

However, Wang Ye did not want to make the relationship between the Duma and the Kremlin so rigid. Many of his plans needed the support of the Kremlin to proceed.

If the two sides really compete, it will also delay my work.

Gryzlov smiled and explained:

"Don't worry, I know what you are worried about.

When I was actually voting, I wouldn't really vote against it, it should be an abstention.

But when communicating within the faction, I will take a clear objection, let alone help lobby members within the faction.

If they feel that everything is under control, then let them communicate with the MPs themselves.

If the final vote results and this nomination is passed, that is their ability. "

Hearing what he said, Wang Ye heaved a sigh of relief, there is still room for maneuver.

But Gryzlov is unwilling to lobby for the Kremlin, and has to express his opposition within the faction. It is estimated that the first faction will not have many support votes by then.

If this is the case, I have to spend some time thinking about it...

There is no doubt that Medjeff is the candidate recommended by Wang Ye.

However, there is no friendship between the two of them, so Wang Ye is not too concerned about whether Medeff can succeed in his position.

He just felt that according to "history", Medjeev should also "take the lead"!

I was just pushing the boat along the way, just making a suggestion, and it was Ke Gong who made the decision in the end, and it had nothing to do with me.

But if Dmitry Medjeev loses miserably in the Duma vote, that would not be Wang Ye's original intention.

Originally, he thought that although there was a lot of opposition, with the influence and control of the Kremlin, if he did the work in private before the Duma vote, the result should still be passed.

Even if the number of votes is not very high...

It is also possible that the approval rate in the first ballot was not more than half, and it was not passed.

But there will be a second vote later, as long as the Kremlin's attitude is firm, some MPs may change their minds and vote for it.

After all, everyone was just out of temper for a while, and it was impossible to really turn against Ke Gong because of this incident.

But he never imagined that now even Gryzlov expresses his clear opposition!

If this is voted directly at the meeting, the result can be imagined, it is probably ugly...

This situation must be avoided!

When Gryzlov left his office, Wang Ye got up and went out after a few minutes, and went to Zhirinov's office.

There are four major factions in the Duma. The first faction of Gryzlov has 155 seats, the faction of Wang Ye has 150 seats, and the third largest faction is Zhirinov and others, with 80 factions.

The fourth is the turn of the Moscow faction, with only 60 seats, and the remaining small factions are ignored.

According to the rules, Medjeev's nomination only needs to get more than half of the Duma, that is, 225 votes in favor, and then it can be passed.

Wang Ye originally thought that even if only half of the people in the first faction voted for it, if there were another hundred or ten MPs from his own faction who voted for it, that would be almost half.

As for the Zhirinov and Moscow factions, no need to think about it, they must all vote against or abstain from voting...

In this way, the voting result will be in line with Wang Ye's vision. It will be stuck at about half, and it may be barely passed, or it may not pass by a few votes.

This result may not be ideal for Medjeeff, and his face is somewhat unsightly.

But this is the best result for Wang Ye!

Because in this way he has a lot of room to operate...

Now, according to what Gryzlov said, there is probably not even half of the people in the first faction supporting it. It's not easy for me to go down and lobby the members of the faction. Let everyone support Medeff.

That would be counterproductive, as if Medjeff was the candidate he pushed.

Other MPs and factions who oppose this nomination will look at themselves with strange eyes, and even transfer their anger to themselves!

So he can't get off in person, let alone let most of the members of his faction support Medjeve, he must grasp the balance...

After arriving at Zhirinov's office, Wang Ye closed the door and said with a smile: "Old leader, are you free? There is something I want to discuss with you."

Although Zhirinov is busy with work, but Wang Ye is here, so he must be free.

Drawing Wang Ye to the sofa and sitting down, before he could ask what's the matter with Wang Ye, Wang Ye spoke first.

He said seriously: "About the Kremlin's nomination this time, I want to know what your faction really thinks. Do you support it or oppose it?"

Zhirinov froze for a moment, and said without hesitation: "That must be objected! Why does this Medeff hold such an important position? He is not qualified!"

Obviously, Zhirinov is also the kind of person who can't rub the sand in his eyes. He is outspoken and says what he thinks.

Especially in front of Wang Ye, there is no need to hide his true thoughts.

Wang Ye smiled wryly and shook his head. He really didn't know what kind of work the Kremlin did in his "previous life" to push Medeff to the top.

Why are we facing so much difficulty now!

But it's no wonder, because in the "previous life", the first faction had far more seats in the Duma than it does now, and the Kremlin's control is stronger.

Who made the emergence of "Mikhail" such a big variable...