Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 886

Chapter 886

Chapter 886 a lesson

On TV, Dugin even called for Russia to follow its own path, which is different from Europe, the United States, and Asia, but to establish a new power center and civilization center that includes both characteristics!

This looked at Wang Ye and shook his head.

He is not saying that he does not agree with Dugin's point of view. With Russia's historical background and land area, it is indeed qualified to become the so-called "one pole".

But the problem is, the time is not right!

Da Mao in 2004 was still at the weakest stage after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union.

It is not said that the people in the country are not living well, but it is not too bad.

Outside, there are still a lot of debts that have not been paid off. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is internal and external difficulties.

At the same time, some countries are still watching Da Mao very vigilantly, for fear that it will return to the former Soviet Union!

You propose to become a new pole at this time, isn't that asking for trouble...

Sure enough, Du Jin's interview caused a great sensation, not only within Maozi, but also in Europe and the United States.

Media organizations such as The New York Times, BBC, CNN, etc. immediately carried out special reports, arguing that Dugin's remarks represented certain "dangerous" ideas in Russia.

Even some mainstream media in Damao criticized Du Jin's remarks one after another.

In order to respond to foreign media's doubts, the Kremlin spokesperson had to come forward to express his position, saying that these remarks only represent Dugin's personal views, and the Kremlin side does not agree with it, let alone refer to Dugin's theories to formulate national policies.

Whether Du Jin's exclusive interview has any sequelae or not, the Emperor-Russian faction can be regarded as Fame to World War I this time, and mainstream media at home and abroad have noticed this new faction.

Especially in Russia, attracting many fanatics to join their faction.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Wang Ye, but Gebrev called and asked him what he thought of Du Jin's remarks.

Obviously, the Kremlin is also worried that this is Wang Ye's backing.

If that's the case, things will be a big deal...

It doesn't matter if Rosiana and Dugin's new factions have more radical ideas, because this faction has not even entered the Duma, and it has no influence on the upper-level political arena at all.

But if Wang Ye is a "hidden" Emperor Russia faction, then with his influence and current status, coupled with the folk support of the Emperor Russia faction.

Then this force is a bit scary!

After all, Rosiana is Wang Ye's fiance, and the relationship is always closer than "foster father and daughter".

It is normal for the Kremlin to have such worries.

Of course, Wang Ye said that he did not agree with Du Jin's views at all. In his view, Russia does not need to seek the status of "world pole", but should focus on the development of the national economy. Improving the living standards of the people is an urgent task!

Especially, Du Jin's views are too extreme. In the current trend of global integration, it seems a bit out of place, and it is easy to be rejected by the international community.

It is not conducive to the country's development of foreign relations...

After listening to Wang Ye's words, the Kremlin side felt relieved, because from the beginning to the end, Wang Ye had such a political philosophy.

Focus on internal development, ease external relations, and deal with neighboring countries in a friendly manner.

This is also the current ruling philosophy of the Kremlin.

Although Wang Ye's answer satisfied the Kremlin side, Gobrev still implicitly said that Wang Ye should go and talk to Rosiana.

It is right to start a new faction, and it is also right to promote the concept of the faction. Even saying that the concept is radical is tolerable.

But if it attracts global attention, or even hostility, then it is not allowed...

Wang Ye was very helpless, there was no other way, who made Rosiana his wife.

She must have helped clean up the mess she made.

Coincidentally, he hasn't seen Rosiana for several days, because both of them are busy, and Rosiana doesn't work in the Duma, but rents a small building alone as their faction's Moscow headquarters.

Wang Ye intends to take this opportunity to go over and have a look, and chat with Rosiana by the way.

Rosiana's faction headquarters is located on Tverskaya Street, which is also a very famous street in Moscow, formerly known as "Gorky Street".

This street is also located near Red Square, with a total length of less than two kilometers. The Moscow City Government is located on this street.

It is said that the rent here is very high, ranking among the top few in the world.

In addition, Rosiana also had a certain intention in choosing this place, because this street had already appeared in the twelfth century, and later became a settlement for nobles.

And several large triumphal arches were built along the street to celebrate the coronation of successive tsars...

This is in line with the positioning of their faction.

Wang Ye's convoy drove directly to the faction headquarters and stopped.

This is a small red building, which looks unremarkable from the outside, that is, six or seven floors high.

There are two security guards standing at the door, looking at the uniforms on their bodies, they are still Wagner's...

Wang Ye's team is the only one in Moscow, all black Range Rover, with flashing lights on the roof, it looks like a big man traveling.

The two security personnel naturally knew the "Big Boss" team, so when Wang Ye opened the door and jumped out of the car, the two immediately raised their heads and saluted with a "snap".

Wang Ye smiled and waved at them, telling Sergesha and others to wait for him outside, and then walked into the small red building alone.

He also called Rosiana when he came here.

So as soon as I entered the lobby on the first floor, I saw my "former assistant" Tesova rushing up to her.

"Speaker, the boss is waiting for you in the office, come with me."

Tesova greeted Wang Ye with a smile.

Wang Ye nodded, followed Tesova into the elevator.

The two of them came to the top floor, which was the seventh floor. This entire floor was Rosiana's office area.

Maybe I learned from Wang Ye. Rosiana also set up an assistant office, meeting room, meeting room, pantry, etc. in the office area, which is quite grand!

When she opened the door and entered Rosiana's office, she was looking at a document. When she heard footsteps, she looked up and saw Wang Ye. A smile appeared on Rosiana's face.

She stood up, walked around the executive desk, and came to Wang Ye, and the two hugged each other.

Tesova naturally walked out tactfully, and closed the office door.

After making out, Rosiana still put her arms around Wang Ye's neck, and said happily, "How about the headquarters of our faction?"

Wang Ye nodded and said with a smile: "It's good, this location is very expensive, and the rent is not cheap."

Rosiana smiled like a child who stole candy, and whispered in Wang Ye's ear, "No rent, I extorted it from grandpa. This building was originally our family's property. Now it's transferred to Under my name, um, it can be regarded as one of my dowry, it is cheaper for you."

If it weren't for the hands around Rosiana's waist, Wang Ye would have wanted to rub his nose.

This "cheapness", he doesn't really want to take advantage of it...

No matter how high the property prices on this street are, it is nothing to Wang Ye now.

If you leak a little between your fingers, you can buy several small buildings like this!

But now it is like I owe a favor to that old fox Constantine again.

And this small building is still under the name of Rosiana.

It is estimated that when Rosiana asked Constantine for this building, Constantine was secretly happy...

The two sat down on the sofa, and Rosiana was also clinging to Wang Ye's side, holding his arm and not letting go.

Patting the back of Rosiana's hand, Wang Ye asked with concern: "How is your work recently? Is it going well?"

Rosiana nodded vigorously, and said with a smile: "It went well. After all, I am very familiar with faction affairs. The two years of training with you are not in vain. Besides, don't underestimate our new faction. , it can be said that there are a lot of talents in it, and there are many intellectuals!"

It seems that she should have found her own career, and the smile on her face is from the heart.

Wang Ye nodded silently, and said euphemistically: "You are a new faction. Although propaganda is very important, you must also pay attention to methods and methods. Don't end up being isolated by the existing major factions. That would be bad. They will be suppressed invisible in every way.

Rosiana frowned, and heard the meaning of Wang Ye's words.

"Did the interview with Du Jin two days ago cause some bad voices?" She asked.

Wang Ye responded frankly: "It is indeed related to this. The things he preached are too radical and do not conform to the current national conditions."

Rosiana seemed a little excited. She stood up and walked around the office twice, her pace a little fast.

Then stopped, faced Wang Ye, and said angrily: "Do you also think we are making trouble? Or, because of your relationship with me, it has affected your reputation as the Great Speaker?"

Wang Ye always had a smile on his face, and he was not angry at Rosiana's questioning.

He said peacefully: "I don't comment on the ideas of your faction. As long as you don't do illegal things, then I will support you. But you have to know, I am reminding you now, and I want to help you. Rather than harming you."

Looking at Wang Ye's firm eyes, Rosiana turned her head away, feeling a little guilty.

She said nonchalantly: "But... our faction is already relatively radical, and this is also our characteristic."

That's right, if the Emperor's Russian faction is not more radical, then it won't carry the word Emperor!

Wang Ye waved and motioned for Rosiana to sit down.

After she sat down, Wang Ye turned his head and stared into her eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"You must always remember that you are the leader of the faction!

This faction must develop in an orderly manner and be firmly controlled by you.

Instead of being fooled by others and getting dizzy, in the end, others gained fame and fans, but you took the blame for others!

Although it is said that there is no doubt about employing people, but the premise is that these people must really be used by you.

is to let them help you realize your ideals under your command and control.

Of course, by the way, they can also realize their ideals.

In this process, if their ideals and beliefs are not consistent with yours, or even conflict.

That's easy, ask them to leave! "

Wang Ye's words obviously had a big impact on Rosiana.

This is the "superior person"'s way of employing people, and it is also something she has not been exposed to before.

Rosiana hesitated for a moment, and asked: "However, Mr. Du Jin is much more famous than me at this stage, and he is also more appealing than me. It was unanimously approved. If I objected, wouldn't it be... there would be chaos within the faction."

Wang Ye smiled slightly and said seriously: "Then let me ask you, why didn't they set up a faction before, why did they invite you, the so-called Grand Duke Romanov, to come forward? Since Du Jin is more famous than you, why shouldn't he be The party leader?"

Rosiana was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, she replied with uncertainty: "Is it because of... my Grand Duke title? Or... I need to contribute?"

Wang Ye laughed, reached out and tapped her forehead:

"It seems that I have learned something in the past two years, my brain hasn't become stupid.

You are right!

Without you, the orthodox name of the Romanov family, this faction would not have such a big appeal now!

Without the hundreds of millions of dollars that your family gave you, where did the faction get the money to build the headquarters and do propaganda.

Of course, there is one more point that you did not mention, and this point is even more critical.

That is, you also have political resources beyond their reach! "

Rosiana seemed to understand something, her lips parted slightly, and said in amazement: "You mean..."

Wang Ye nodded and said: "Yes, because you have me behind you! And...that one."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, and he said nothing.

Speaking of this step, if Rosiana doesn't understand, then she is too stupid.

She has suddenly realized, yes, she is the real core of the faction!

Without oneself, there is no basis for the existence of this faction, and there is no future for the faction!

As the only orthodox Romanov family, with the title of grand duke on his head, his appeal among the people cannot be underestimated.

And all the operating funds of the faction are paid by themselves. Du Jin and Stekov are poor haha, and the salary they earn is probably enough to support themselves, so before they join, they have no ambitions Ambitious, but unable to put it into action.

Why didn't so many TV stations ask Du Jin for an exclusive interview in the past? Now it's not because his faction pays a lot of "sponsorship fees" for major media!

Not to mention, my fianc and adoptive father, two real "big Buddhas" are standing behind me!

I'm afraid this is the political resource that Stukov and Dugin dream of...

Because of my own relationship, neither the Kremlin nor the Duma will really suppress this new faction. At most, they will give a few warnings when they don't see it.

But if I didn't stand here myself, this new faction might be suppressed or even disbanded at any time!

(end of this chapter)