Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 885

Chapter 885

The matter of Kasyanov, in the next few days, not only did not calm down, but became a turmoil.

In an exclusive interview with reporters, Kasyanov said something that caused a lot of controversy.

He said: "Russia is on the wrong path!"

As for why he said that, he also has an explanation.

Although the economy seems to be doing well during my tenure, the country's finances have become healthier, the international debt problem has been resolved, and everything seems to be turning around.

But in fact, I think the real situation is not as optimistic as everyone sees.

According to the data, it can be analyzed that the dependence of national fiscal revenue on the energy industry has become greater!

The taxation of the energy industry alone accounted for nearly 40% of the country's overall fiscal revenue last year!

That's a horrible ratio.

Because this also means that once international energy prices drop, our national fiscal revenue will drop sharply, which will also bring a series of problems.

And the new national pillar industries have not been effectively established..."

If it's just economics, it won't cause too much controversy. After all, this is something everyone has seen.

But the problem is that he talked about the issue of the national system, which is very controversial.

Kasyanov put it this way, The reason why our country has become like this is because there is no real separation of powers, no independent judicial system, no freedom of the media, and no protection of private property!

Before, Duma was just a decoration, and it didn't play its due role.

Of course, in the recent period, Duma has started to get better and is slowly doing what it should do.

At this point, I think Deputy Speaker Mikhail played a big role.

Among the high-level Russian political circles, Mikhail is also the real politician I admire the most, not one of them!

Since he became the deputy speaker, he has been promoting some policies that are really beneficial to the country and the people, and he has also begun to slowly cultivate some pillar industries outside the energy industry. It is a pity that I am no longer in the government position, otherwise, I will be with him There's a good fit with the

After the broadcast of this exclusive interview, it caused a lot of repercussions in Moscow political circles.

Some people say that Kasyanov is talking nonsense, because he was removed from his post to vent his personal anger.

And some people agree with what he said very much, thinking that he is a sober politician, and the reason why he was dismissed is just because he disagreed with the Kremlin's political views and was suppressed and retaliated...

Wang Ye watched this interview immediately.

After reading it, he was also speechless.

How should I put it, he can understand Kasyanov's mood.

Originally, I have worked as the general manager for four years, and my grades are quite excellent, which can be called conscientious.

However, he was immediately dismissed by the Kremlin with a single official document. It was inevitable that he was a little psychologically unbalanced, and it was understandable to complain.

But the problem is, you can't say these words on TV!

If you do this, won't everyone know that the conflict between you and Ke Gong is irreconcilable.

Ke Gong was also disgraced by him, very embarrassed.

Especially, if you want to "spray" Ke Gong, then do it, and Wang Ye won't say anything.

Don't take me with you...

also said that he is the only "politician" he admires...

This hat is too big, Wang Ye is a bit afraid to take it!

However, the program has already been broadcast, and the impact has already been caused, and Wang Ye has no better way.

He could only wait and see what happened. Anyway, even if Kasyanov didn't boast about himself, many people would already be dissatisfied with him.

have already sat in this position, it can only be said that not being envied by others is a mediocrity!

I have already formed my own faction, and I don't need to look at anyone's face to survive.

Those people who are jealous or even hate themselves are those people from the faction of the opposite relationship. Even if they don't make trouble for themselves, they will "fuck" them if they have the opportunity.

And those factions or forces that cooperate with me, or attach to me, will of course not be affected by this interview.

"Nova, please invite Deputy Speaker Zhirinov to my office...Forget it, I'd better go there by myself."

Wang Ye changed his mind halfway through speaking.

In terms of real power, influence, and even status, Wang Ye had no problem asking Zhirinov to come to his office.

But he changed his mind and planned to go to Zhirinov's office by himself.

Although this is just a small detail, Wang Ye thinks it is still necessary.

Because Zhirinov can be said to be his "old leader", he took care of himself a lot at the beginning. Although his status is now lower than his own, he still has to show due respect to him instead of treating him as an ordinary leader. Subordinates treat it that way.

Sure enough, when Wang Ye came to Zhirinov's office, Zhirinov was very happy.

The old man greeted him with a smile on his face, and said cheerfully, "Misha, why are you here? Why don't you just call me if you need anything?"

Wang Ye also responded with a smile: "It's nothing urgent. I remembered that I haven't come to your office for a while, so I came to take a look."

After both of them sat down, they chatted for a while, and the topic unknowingly brought up the "Kasyanov Incident" which has been hotter in the past two days.

After all, they are both politicians, and they both know Kasyanov, and this matter is also the focus of the past few days, so it is impossible not to discuss it.

Zhirinov sighed, and said in a sympathetic tone: "Hey, I understand Kasyanov. After all, I...forget it, it's all in the past, so I won't talk about it. But Kasyanov is It's really a pity that such a capable person was suppressed because of his different political views."

His words also reveal a little information, that is, when he voluntarily resigned and handed over the faction leader to Wang Ye, it may not be simple behind it!

Otherwise, he would not choose to come back, join hands with Khovchenko to create a new faction, and return to the Duma.

However, there are some things that he can't explain in detail in front of Wang Ye.

After all, when he resigned at the time, the biggest beneficiary was Wang Ye...

Wang Ye smiled, and said noncommittally: "It's really a pity. Kasyanov's economics is still good, and the government's fiscal revenue has also increased visibly in the past two years. Now that he has retired, it is said that he does not plan to hold the post anymore. It's really a pity for a public office.

Zhirinov patted the tea table, shook his head and said:

"Who says no!

Obviously there are not many good economic players in Moscow, except for Misha, I think it is Kasyanov.

Especially in dealing with international debt, he is definitely an expert.

Since the government doesn't use him, why don't you turn around and bring him to the Duma side, so you don't have to be angry when you come here. "

It can be heard that Zhirinov's words are full of emotions.

He doesn't care now, he doesn't need to look at anyone's face.

As the leader of the new faction, there are not many entanglements and conflicts with other major forces. As long as you don't want to fight for power, then of course you can do what you want!

Although he doesn't have much power in his hands, and his influence in the Duma is average, but now he can definitely be called high-spirited, and his life is much happier than before.

Others have nothing to do with him, unless his faction is driven out of the Duma during the next Duma general election.

There is nothing else to do

Wang Ye can't follow Zhirinov's words, otherwise, the old man will probably be even more unscrupulous, and he will start criticizing the Kremlin...

He seemed to ask casually: "Then are you familiar with Kasyanov?"

"Of course, I went to the government to do business a few days ago, and I had dinner with Kasyanov. We discussed how the Integrity Committee supervises the work process of government departments. He also praised our establishment of the Integrity Committee, thinking that this is our The Duma should do the work," Zhirinov responded.

Now that you are familiar with it, things will be easy to handle.

Wang Ye smiled and said, "Actually, I think there is a job that is very suitable for Kasyanov, but I don't know if he is interested."

"What job?" Zhirinov blurted out and asked.

"National Economic Commission! Isn't he good at economic work? So which institution is the most economically focused and powerful in China now? It's not a government department, but the National Economic Commission." Wang Ye solved the mystery with a smile.

Zhirinov thought for a while, yes!

The government, although it controls everything, seems to have a lot of power, but if it is subdivided into the economic field, the newly established National Economic Commission will definitely rank above the government.

Because this institution is able to gather important officials from the Duma, the Kremlin, and the government, and at the same time has the power to formulate corresponding regulations, coordinate resources from all parties, appoint relevant officials, allocate special funds, and lead specific projects!

If you really want to engage in economics, then this place will definitely make you feel like a duck to water!

Looking at Wang Ye suspiciously, Zhirinov rolled his eyes and said slyly: "You can't be... trying to get Kasyanov's idea! That's a former president, so it's impossible for you to give it to you. As an assistant or something, unless you agree to give him the position of director of the committee, that's a little bit possible."

Wang Ye shook his head with a wry smile, spread his hands and said helplessly:

"How could I ask him to be my assistant.

However, the position of director cannot be given to him. After all, without me sitting in the position of director, the work of the committee cannot be advanced.

However, he can be given the position of deputy director, and he is the executive deputy director. When I am away, he can directly exercise the power of the director! "

In order to win over Kasyanov, Wang Ye was quite willing.

National Economic Commission, the position of executive deputy director!

To be honest, in terms of rank, it is lower than Kasyanov's previous general position, but not too much lower.

Especially when exercising the authority of the director, that is not bad.

You must know that the position of the head of the government has "breadth" but no "depth" of power.

That is to say, everything can be controlled, but nothing can be the final decision.

To obey the orders of the Kremlin, but also to accept the supervision of the Duma, sometimes caught in the middle, like a doormat.

But as for the National Economic Council, as long as several directors sit down to discuss things, basically no one can stop them!

Maybe Kasyanov will be more comfortable in the economic committee than in the government.

Zhirinov stared at Wang Ye for a long time, as if he wanted to judge whether he was serious or joking.

Wang Ye has a calm face, that's what he thinks and says, and he's not talking nonsense.

As long as Kasyanov is willing to come over, he dares to appoint Kasyanov as the executive deputy director of the National Economic Council and delegate power to him!

After a long time, Zhirinov breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Since you dare to use him, then I am willing to help you talk about it, but I can't say whether he will agree or not."

Wang Ye smiled heartily: "Haha, if you come forward to lobby, it should be a sure thing. To be honest, apart from this position, Kasyanov will not be able to find a better opportunity for quite a long time!"

In fact, if Kasyanov misses this opportunity, he will "disappear" from the political arena in the future.

Because he won't be given another chance to play "Return of the King"!

Wang Ye is also very emotional. These days, there are not many people who really do things in the political arena, but there are quite a few people who do things!

Kasyanov over there had just finished doing something, and looking back, someone was doing it again.

This time, Wang Ye can't sit idly by, because the person who caused the trouble was Du Jin, the "military adviser" Rosiana just recruited!

After receiving the financial support from the Rosiana family, the Imperial Russian faction has been very active for a while.

Rosiana's new faction was also formed very smoothly. The faction establishment meeting was held in Moscow. Although Wang Ye did not attend, he also paid attention.

It is said that more than a thousand people came, and they were all relatively prominent people from various states, such as grassroots officials, state congressmen, and celebrities in various industries.

Rosiana also officially announced the establishment of the new faction. She herself serves as the party leader, and Stukov and Du Jin have both served as permanent members of the faction to assist Rosiana in managing the faction affairs.

Among them, Stekov is still relatively low-key, just burying his head in his work and rarely speaking to the outside world.

But Du Jin has become the "foreign spokesperson" of the faction. Recently, he has frequently accepted interviews from various TV stations, taking the opportunity to promote the political ideas of the new faction and win over voters in advance.

I have to say that his eloquence is still very good, and he really has something in his stomach.

Slim body, thin face, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, coupled with messy hair and a big beard, looks like a philosopher, thinker or something...

In an exclusive interview with the first TV station, Du Jin threw out a new concept.

"New Eurasianism"!

This concept puts forward the viewpoint of "diversified world", and believes that the center of the world is not in the developed countries of Europe and America.

But in Eurasia, especially Russia across Eurasia, which is the true center of the world.

That is to say, Russia must seek to become a new pole of the world!