Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 855

Chapter 855

Chapter 855 The winner is king

In the early communication with Moscow, Yanukovych has been notified.

That is, Mikhail is responsible for all support work related to his campaign!

That is to say, his biggest "backer" in the future will be the too young Mikhail in front of him...

In front of his backer, he didn't want to show timidity, let alone make Mikhail look down on him.

Therefore, even if there is not enough chance of winning, he still bite the bullet and promised: "With Yulia and financial support, the two of us should be able to overwhelm the other side next year. After all, the relationship between me and Yulia The approval ratings add up to more than 50 percent.

According to the latest polls, Yanukovych's support rate is 32%, Priority Section is 30%, Yulia is 20%, and there are some messy candidates with support rates less than double digits. Let's not talk about it.

32% plus 20%, is indeed more than 50%.

Wang Ye shook his head and said: "It's not enough! What I want is that you can lead the election by a large margin and defeat your opponent without any suspense!"

Only Wang Ye knows that if he only takes a small lead, even if he wins the election, there will still be endless troubles!

Because the opponent will really do whatever it takes, and the relevant experience is extremely rich...

Only by leading by a large margin, gaining such an advantage that no one has anything to say, and the opponent is directly desperate can guarantee that there will be no trouble in the future.

Yanukovych seemed to have a toothache and took a breath, he looked at Wang Ye a little at a loss.

I thought this young man was too loud!

Could it be that Mikhail has been too smooth since entering politics, so he is proud and arrogant, and feels that everything is under control?

However, he couldn't say these words directly, so he had to say euphemistically: "Of course, if you can gain a greater advantage, that is the best result. It's just that the opponent is chasing fiercely and investing a lot. In addition, he It is quite famous among the people

Wang Ye smiled and said indifferently:

"I also know what advantages he has, so naturally I won't underestimate this opponent.

However, it is a big question whether his advantages can last until the official campaign begins!

Electing for the election, then not only focus on the election, but put the competition first!

Since you want to win in the competition, you must not only give full play to your own advantages and attack the opponent's disadvantages, but also have the ability to turn the opponent's advantages into disadvantages! "

Yulia sat on the side without saying a word, just glanced at Wang Ye from time to time.

Her eyes are a bit complicated, and the things in her mind are even more chaotic.

Hearing Wang Ye's eloquent talk, her eyes became a little blurred.

I have to admit that although Mikhail is only a young man in his early twenties, his personal charm is really hard for people... especially women, to be able to resist!

Especially when he uses a confident tone and says something that others can't think of, and you have to believe that he can do it all, it's just so charming...

Yanukovych was shocked, and he vaguely understood what Wang Ye meant by these words.

However, why can you really do this...

After hesitating for a moment, he asked cautiously, "Isn't the method too...too drastic? The international public opinion will react badly!"

After hearing what Yanukovych said, Yulia realized what kind of means Mikhail was going to take.

His eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at Wang Ye in astonishment.

"Hehe, history is written by the winners! The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. As long as you win, then everything you say is right. But if you lose, is there anyone willing to listen to what you have to say? ? Wang Ye said indifferently.

Yanukovych and Yulia next to him were greatly shocked.

They realized that even though they already had a high opinion of Mikhail, the reality is that they still underestimated him!

Underestimated Wang Ye's ruthlessness and unscrupulousness when he was doing big things!

Yanukovych was a little overwhelmed. He reached out to pick up the coffee cup to hide his panic.

But the trembling hand still "betrayed" him.

"I... I don't have anyone on my staff who is qualified for this kind of work."

After a while, Yanukovych said nonchalantly.

I have always been engaged in clerical work. Even if I compete with others, the most intense method is just a few words on the interview program to make my opponent eccentric.

Now that he is suddenly asked to use those "terrible" methods, he certainly has no confidence.

Wang Ye smiled, "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will order someone to do it, you and Yulia only need to participate in the election normally."

Yanukovych let out a breath, and nodded emphatically.

He knew in his heart that choosing to cooperate with Mikhail might not be a good thing for him.

Because this is definitely a road of no return. Once you step on it, there is only one way to go to the end, and there is no turning back at all.

Many things will be controlled by Mikhail, and I have no right to refuse!

But in the face of the huge temptation of winning the election, he didn't have the courage to refuse...

At this moment, his situation is very similar to Yulia's last night.

Both of them were faced with the huge temptation thrown by Mikhail. Even though they knew that they would have to pay a huge price, neither of them had the courage to refuse.

It's just that the prices paid by the two are different, but the nature is the same!

After negotiating with Yanukovych, Wang Ye did not arrange any work at night.

Because he still needs to have another in-depth communication with Yulia.

Here in the future, Yulia is the one who really represents him, and Yanukovych is just a partner.

So Wang Ye must firmly control Yulia in order to ensure that his interests here will not be damaged.

After some intense and sufficient "communication", Wang Ye got up, put on his pajamas, and lit a cigarette.

Yulia also got up and lit a cigarette with him.

After hesitating again and again, she still couldn't help asking: "That...are you really going to kill him?"

Although the words were endless, Wang Ye understood who the "he" she was asking was referring to, and also understood what Yulia meant.

smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "You may have misunderstood, I won't really let someone kill him, that would be too obvious."

Yulia breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it turned out that it was not what she imagined.

But before she could say anything, Wang Ye went on to say: "But I will ruin his reputation and make everyone betray him!"

After taking a puff of cigarette, she was held back before she could spit it out. Yulia coughed for a long time before recovering, her fair face flushed from holding back.

Emotional self still thinks Mikhail is too "kind"!

For a politician, losing his reputation and betraying his relatives is even more unacceptable than losing his life!

"This...isn't this too cruel for the priority department?" She said hesitantly, a little bit impatient.

Wang Ye grinned, with a half-smile expression on his face, "Schopenhauer said that as long as conditions permit and the time is right, everyone wants to do evil! If you were given a choice, would you be willing to be a villain, or would you like to be a villain?" Be the one that others do evil to?"

Yulia replied without hesitation: "Of course I chose to be a villain!"

"It's a very wise choice. You have to remember one thing, when you and your opponent have to decide the outcome, then you have to do your best to drive him into hell, and never stand up again! This is actually for him A kind of respect..."

Wang Ye's voice floated in the empty room.

The two-day visit is coming to an end soon.

Wang Ye and his party boarded the official plane again, intending to continue their itinerary and fly to the next country.

At the airport, more people came to see them off this time than those who came to pick them up two days ago.

Including Gu Qima himself, also came to the airport to send off Wang Ye and his party.

The other foreign ministers, Yanukovych, Yulia, Yuli, and others are basically high-level mobilization.

"Director Mikhail, thank you for the friendship and business investment you have brought to our country, and I hope you will come to Kiefu often in the future." Guqima said with a smile on his face.

During this visit, the delegation did sign a lot of commercial orders with local companies here.

The largest contract is naturally the one signed by Gazprom, Yukos Group and Yulia's natural gas company, with a total contract amount of more than 20 billion dollars!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the largest commercial contract in Ermao in the past ten years!

Moreover, this contract was signed during Guccima's tenure, which is equivalent to putting a layer of "gold" on his face...

By relying on him to control the two major energy giants, Yukos Group and Gazprom, Wang Ye can be said to be invincible!

The contract brought this time is simply "one fish, three meals".

bought Yulia and gained her loyalty.

also "delivered" campaign funds for Yanukovych, and tied Yanukovych to his chariot.

In addition, he also supported Gucci, which also paved the way for Wang Ye's next series of actions.

After all, the power here is still in the hands of Gu Qima. If he doesn't close his eyes, then Wang Ye will be a bit difficult to deal with, or he won't be able to achieve the ideal effect he wants.

It's all right now, maybe Gu Qima won't personally help Wang Ye, but he will definitely not stop some of Wang Ye's little moves.

Anyway, it doesn't harm his interests, so why offend this newly promoted dignitary

Even, when the winner is about to be decided, Guccima may even be a favor!

Oh, in this transaction, Yukos and Gazprom did not suffer, because both companies themselves have plans to expand the Western European market.

If you want to transport energy to western Europe more conveniently and at a lower cost, then the pipeline is the best choice, so this pipeline must pass through the territory of Ukraine...

The silver-white special plane soared into the sky, and the faces of the people seeing off on the airport apron were all different.

Perhaps only Guccima is in the most relaxed mood. Anyway, he can retire in a dignified and prosperous manner. Even if there is a flood in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

Yanukovych and Yulia felt a little nervous.

They just vaguely knew that Wang Ye had deployed some backhands here, and they would launch them soon.

But they don't know what kind of backhand they are, and what kind of rebound will be caused by their opponents...

The priority department's face was cloudy and uncertain. He knew that Director Mikhail was standing "opposite" him.

However, during these two days of visits, even when facing reporters, Mikhail did not talk about the campaign here, let alone express any attitude, as if everything here had nothing to do with him.

But the more this happened, the first branch felt uneasy, because he couldn't see what Mikhail had done!

Naturally, there is no way to take any countermeasures, so we can only take one step at a time.

But he is not too worried, because he is not without support behind him!

Wang Ye spent nearly half a month on this trip, visiting several surrounding countries.

For different "neighbors", he takes different measures.

A worthy and trustworthy partner, his attitude is like a spring breeze, bringing friendship and cooperation to the other party, whether the contract is large or small, even if there is really no field worth cooperating with, he will promise to give the other party some labor visas It is convenient for them to go to Russia to work and earn money!

Don't forget that with the implementation of his big infrastructure plan, there will be a large labor gap in Russia.

This kind of hard and tiring work, Lao Maozi locals are naturally unwilling to do it.

Then the surrounding "poor neighbors" can fill in the labor gap. Although it is a bit hard and tiring, they can really make money!

For these ordinary people in "Stanland", the income of a few hundred dollars a month is definitely a high income. They can support their family and their quality of life is quite good!

As for those "neighbors" who have different intentions, Wang Ye has another face.

In one of the countries, he said such a sentence.

"A small country does not live in a lowly position, a weak man does not fear the strong, a disrespectful yet insults his neighbors, a greedy and clumsy friend will die!"

He said this sentence in Chinese, and then explained it in Russian.

Although he said this sentence with a smile on his face, the meaning inside made the listeners shudder...

Wang Ye knew very well that some "neighbors" had watched the "big cat" become a "sick cat" in the past few years, and began to have different intentions, even ready to move.

He's here now to bang them.

There is no extravagant hope that a few words will completely shock the other party, or make them change their minds.

But at least it will make some people think twice before doing something, which will delay the speed of doing things, which bought precious time for Da Mao!

Just give Wang Ye a few more years to maintain a peaceful and relaxed environment under his vigorous promotion.

Then the situation in the entire region will undergo a huge change!

When the time comes, maybe these neighbors will have new ideas and choices.

After walking around, Wang Ye returned to Moscow in mid-June.

Just as his special plane landed at the airport, Keefe was already in chaos...

(end of this chapter)